Unusual illness and unusual causes of disease

Re: Unusual illness and unusual causes of disease

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 26 ноя 2012, 01:40

Malaria returned to Greece in the crisis after 40 years of absence- VIDEO

Saturday, 24 November 2012 13:18

On Friday in the Eurosurveillance magazine appeared an article of a group of scientists from the Greek Centre for disease Control and Prevention, that in Greece were appeared the cases of malaria, due to migration and the poor state of the Greek health care system. As reported, despite the fact, that malaria in Greece was destroyed in 1974, since 2010 in Greece again surfaced of malaria mosquitoes and found of 40 cases of malaria in the regions of Laconia and Attica, and in 2012 were registered in Greece already 75 cases of malaria, of which only 16 cases from local sources, and the remaining cases were caused by arrival of migrant workers, mostly from Pakistan. The Greek branch of the organization "Doctors without Borders" urged the Greek authorities to strengthen the health system in the country and send a new means to the destruction of populations of mosquitoes to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, THE VIDEO: http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/2 ... reece.html
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Unusual illness and unusual causes of disease

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 01 дек 2012, 22:05

Medicines in combination with grapefruit and other citrus fruits can become a poison- VIDEO

Monday, 26 November 2012 23:36

In the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) published an article of scientists from the Lawson Health Research Institute, led by David Bailey, that the combination of some common medicines with grapefruit and other citrus fruits can be a poison. Researchers from the Institute for the Study of the Lawson Health in London, Canada reported, that in grapefruit and other citrus fruits is located a substance, which is a catalysts of drugs, in several times by increasing the effect of their actions, making it a dangerous, because this substance react with protein CYP3A4. According to David Bailey, all incompatible with citrus drugs have three things in common: they are taken orally, they are released into the bloodstream, in medicines is located CYP3A4.Scientists argue, that this substance remain in the body for several hours after eating of grapefruit and other citrus fruits, so in the treatment is safest to avoid a grapefruit and other citrus fruits from your diet, THE VIDEO: http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/2 ... fruit.html
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Unusual illness and unusual causes of disease

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 01 дек 2012, 22:06

Men with belly fat have more risk for osteoporosis- VIDEO

Wednesday, 28 November 2012 11:35

At the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America was announced a report of Miriam Bredella, assistant professor of radiology at Harvard Medical School in Boston and the employee of Massachusetts General Hospital, that the so-called "beer belly" of men may be a risk factor for the development of diseases of the skeletal system of man, in particular - osteoporosis. According to Miriam Bredella, the study examined of the state of 35 men with overweight, with an average age of 34 years and a body mass index of 36.5, all 35 men passed through a CT scan of the abdomen and thighs, and was used a special program to assess the strength of bone tissue (finite element analysis) and determine the risk of fracture. As a result, it was found, that men with a "beer belly", so with a high volume of internal fat - were almost two times less bone strength, than those men, who had a more slender figure and the age of the men was not the deciding factor, so it was shown, that the amount of fat in the body determines the strength of bone, THE VIDEO: http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/2 ... rosis.html
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Unusual illness and unusual causes of disease

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 01 дек 2012, 22:07

Obese children are more susceptible for food advertising- VIDEO

Friday, 30 November 2012 10:10

In the Journal of Pediatrics published an article of a group of scientists from the University of Missouri-Kansas City and the University of Kansas Medical Center, USA, under the guidance of Dr. Amanda Bruce, that children with obesity are more susceptible to advertising of food. As reported by Dr. Amanda Bruce, the study had studied the state of blood flow, as a measure of brain activity, the 10 children with normal weight and 10 overweight children, whose age ranged from 10 to 14 years, with the help of magnetic resonance scan of the brain. For all children were shown a 60 famous logos of food logos and 60 non-food logos and with images, using magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, scientists found, that increased activity in brain reward centers were observed in children with excess weight, when they looked at the food logos, and children with normal weight had normal activity in brain regions, associated with self-control, when they looked at the well-known brands of food. According to a press release from the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, USA, the rate of childhood obesity in the U.S. over the past 30 years has nearly tripled, mainly by increasing the amount of food advertising, THE VIDEO: http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/2 ... ldren.html
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Unusual illness and unusual causes of disease

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 10 дек 2012, 01:04

Tap water can cause a food allergies- VIDEO

Monday, 03 December 2012 10:46

In the Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology magazine appeared an article of Elina Jerschow, allergist, Doctor of Medicine, which states, that the chemicals that are used for the chlorination of tap water in the U.S. may be responsible for emergence of numerous cases of food allergies in the United States. According to Elina Jerschow, an increased incidence of food allergies in the United States are due to high doses of dichlorophenol, a chemical, that is used in pesticides and in the chlorination of water, because according to a press release by the American College of Allergies, Asthma and Immunology, about 15 million people in the U.S. suffer from food allergies and that number continues to grow. In the study, which was conducted in 2005-2006, the researchers measured the levels of dichlorophenol in urine of 2548 people in the U.S. and identified 411 people with food allergies and 1016 people with allergic reactions to various stimuli of the environment. According to American scientists, dichlorophenol in high concentrations weakens the immune system, making it prone to allergies, THE VIDEO: http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/2 ... rgies.html
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Unusual illness and unusual causes of disease

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 10 дек 2012, 01:05

British scientists have found an alcoholism gene- VIDEO

Tuesday, 04 December 2012 10:18

BBC reported, that scientists at King's College in London during the decryption process of DNA identified a specific gene, that is responsible for the formation of addiction to alcohol. It is reported, that scientists from King's College London found, that this gene increases the levels of dopamine in the brain during using of alcohol, as dopamine- is a hormone, that causes a feeling of pleasure and increased concentrations of dopamine, as a result of alcohol consumption,- increase the propensity of person to drink. Scientists hope to develop on this basis a method, which enables to identify a potential drunks, THE VIDEO: http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/2 ... -gene.html
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Unusual illness and unusual causes of disease

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 28 мар 2014, 17:13

Cat in first time infected people with tuberculosis in the UK

As reported by the UK Health Protection Agency in the UK first recorded case of human infection with tuberculosis from domestic cat, although it was previously thought that the animals can not spread TB to humans. From the report of the UK Health Protection Agency shows, that samples from cats and her owners were the same, indicating that the source of infection was a cat, VIDEO:http://youtu.be/lArUKPLBx5I
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Unusual illness and unusual causes of disease

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 29 дек 2014, 22:45

"Sleepy intoxication" - a new disease of the century - VIDEO
A huge list of urban ills added another. Recently described his staff Medshkoly Stanford University, called disease of the century "sleepy intoxication."

Doctors believe: in the majority the disease is accompanied by mental disorders. One of the signs of the disease - a state of complete disorientation during aroUSAl, which makes it impossible to understand where the person is and what happens to him. In such a prostration, say doctors, patients may make inappropriate actions.

According to doctors, "somnologicheskie disorders occur when disturbed sleep architecture. For sleep quality is very important that there was one phase at a time. If a person abruptly wake, he can be aggressive or not at all remember what happened to him. This behavior indicates that the normal order of broken sleep. "

Scientists believe that a modern disease has arisen because of life in metropolitan areas. "In 84% of cases - they say - sleepy intoxication observed with other sleep disorders, sleep apnea, mental disorders, or with taking psychotropic drugs." Suffer from the disease 20% people who sleep 6 hours a night, and about 15 who sleep at least 9 hours. During the manifestation of a disease state, they do not give a report what is happening, thereby causing themselves and others great harm.
http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/5 ... ntury.html
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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