Alexander Vorontsov: Why Ukraine - a country of eternal slaves?

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Alexander Vorontsov: Why Ukraine - a country of eternal slaves?

Сообщение DARPA » 20 фев 2015, 14:25

While the uneducated masses will stuff propaganda as TNT, the country will explode

I was asked about my old article "Peculiarities of national slavery." Leave a reply, but realized that the topic more volume and the answer was incomplete. Therefore, I decided once again focused on the subject of slavery, slavery, the country's leader, whose country does not have to explain why the turning points in the history of repeatedly increases the role of the individual.

I wrote in the article about Ukraine: "That is, in general, we are, as before, roll into the abyss, but choose a different path. Pokamenistee, poternistee, in short - is worse." If my thoughts are misunderstood, I'll try to explain.

The reader in the comments on the article "Right or wrong it - this is my homeland?" writes: "... I'm sure, like many Ukrainians, an increase of the number of the people in the Maidan was not just slaves and protested" against all that is bad for all the good. "But the advantage of this smaller in size, but well-trained part. But Now, it turns out, fascism. It turns out it was better to sit in holes, and not your article in the 2010m, the read and inspired them to go to the crowd in another movie? "

It's not in the protests, and that there is no potential for protest in the country, because the complaint must be conscious and not "for all the good against the bad things."

We are for all the good against all garbage,
Meadows nekoshenym went to the foot.
To eboshila everywhere, the truth, and is no lie,
We are for all the good we did not naebёsh!
(C) Cords

I do not inspire people to protest after 2004-2005, because with my own eyes I saw the underside of the protest, worked with Lutsenko, creating his "People's self-defense" with the then young and then still idealists, then worked with the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc. And I saw as it were the wrong side of all these "leaders" and their environment.

And therefore created the "Slaughter political department," where, as before, began to write only the truth, firmly criticizing any authority. Only this time it was my own website and I did not get lordly shouts from above. And I did not have to defend as before, and their views, and their journalists, preventing them fired. Indeed, for this reason I had to leave the chief editor of the previous posts.

But back to the politics of the country and the role of people and personalities.

As long as people will lohtoratom until uneducated masses will stuff propaganda as TNT, the country will explode - fascism, anarchism, Makhno, Koliivshchina ... Ukrainians - in the mass - stupid, uneducated rednecks, herd, which, as experience shows, has learned to manage gang of thieves, crooks and murderers. A full reset with the collapse of the country into small principalities, as in Yugoslavia, or pull apart piece by piece, as once Poland, or the introduction of harsh dictatorship - Spain, Chile, Paraguay, etc.

I am writing hard things, not because I hate Ukrainians or Ukraine, or like, say, Russia, Putin and other crazy things that are stupid animals who considers himself a people, be sure to put the root cause of their troubles. Of course, it is so easy to find the image of the enemy and he is accused of his stupidity, laziness, thieving and other sins. Especially, if the propaganda being peddled to you this way. Why work, why think strain your brain? Chose thieves and murderers themselves in power, but that they steal and kill again, do not blame those who made them power, and external factors. Putin, for example. Go just yet shaman spells, some formula PTN FSO, which are designed to save and consolidate, protect and bring Happiness. That is, Ukraine has turned into some great White Brotherhood and is about to meet some great church before doomsday ...

And what kind of doomsday is near, in my opinion, today many believe already. But at this turning point in history it is likely emergence of someone who can turn this change into a turn. People loves to expect the arrival of the Messiah, is not it?

Remember, under any circumstances, appeared in France, Napoleon, who still have not asked to be lieutenant serving in the Russian army and whose request was denied? An officer from a poor family with many children, who showed himself a magnificent-command and the commander. Which laid the prototype of a united Europe for three centuries before the appointed time.

Or another example - Otto von Bismarck. It was he who contributed to the unification of Germany. While there, Prussia, Austria and West Germany belonged to Italy and Austria. Several bloody wars contributed to the unification of Germany, however, Prussia forever lost its status as the state. However, it was Bismarck created the German Empire, which for many years dictated policies in Europe.

I can cite examples - Gandhi in India, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping in China, Peter I of Russia, Stalin in the Soviet Union, Fidel Castro in Cuba, Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States, Charles de Gaulle in France ...

Examples are many.

Problem of the role of the individual in history has occupied many thinkers, scientists philosophy. Among them, Hegel, Plekhanov, Leo Tolstoy, Marx and many others. Ambiguity in the solution of this problem is related to the ambiguous approach to the heart of the historical process. And the influence of personality on the course of history in many ways and depends on how numerous mass that follows her. As well as the organizational structure - the party or class, a secret society or a clan.

In Ukraine, the coup constantly called revolution. Generally, the Ukrainians are susceptible to a "revolutionary": that student protestors, who took to the street, make a "revolution on granite", the "orange revolution" is changing one president to another, the "revolution of dignity", all the dignity which is measured in US dollars, in the fight against the oligarchs is building for the presidency oligarch ... And the results of the "revolution" is not present, the country does not change. It is clear that the less educated citizens, of which in 23 years "samostіynostі" became much more, do not understand the meaning of the definition of "revolution." And instead of being at least look into Wikipedia, search in Google, knocked one of the monuments of the Revolution theorists Ulyanov-Lenin. Rather than read his work, browse toeriyu and implement a real revolution in practice.

All of these students dropout, nedobiznesmenam, office plankton and, especially, primeval Galician Selyuk unaware that the revolution - a radical change in the socio-political structure of the state. Here was the French monarchy - become a republic. Capitalism was in Russia - has become socialism and the Soviet Union. And in Ukraine, was a presidential-parliamentary republic, then became a parliamentary-presidential, and then again a presidential-parliamentary, then again ... and so six times to change the constitution of the country - without any revolutions. Kake is popularly called? Flea markets?

No today in Ukraine or a party that, as once predecessors anarchists in Russia, the party of "populists" sent their best representatives of the people - to enlighten the dark and downtrodden, no Social-Democratic Party, the Social-Revolutionaries, in other words, the Socialist-Revolutionaries, which made the October Revolution, and that before 15 years of agitation and propaganda carried out their ideas in towns and villages, the factories, the soldiers and sailors, among the workers and peasants. Why are there - NO harmonious and clear theory that raspishet as same as the same way lead to the prosperity of the country, what ideas, what ideology should seize the masses, that it leads to happiness all at once!

That is why there is a country called Ukraine future. Nationalism as the ideological basis of state-building, went bankrupt not only in Nazi Germany, but also in the recently defunct Yugoslavia, leading to massive loss of life, genocide, war, and general deterioration of life not only in these countries, but also in neighboring countries. And because Ukraine has not yet been approached in its historical development, as if to say openly, in its historical regression to the point of no return, a tipping point, when the state disappears and chaos erupts and blood, that society still does not require the emergence of a leader who would be able to stop the disintegration of the country. So far, all Ukrainian leaders only accelerate this decay.

In Ukraine since the collapse of the USSR did not work social elevators, so the leadership of the country could not appear intelligent, honest, educated - instead, the country began to steer those who in the past, when the Soviet Union were the leaders, but, so to speak, "second-tier". Kravchuk, Kuchma, Yushchenko, Yanukovych Lazarenko, Tymoshenko, Azarov, Frost, etc. etc.

But there was some tremendous upheaval, such as in the former Yugoslavia, where the leaders of their countries to show lawyers Slobodan Milosevic, Alija Izetbegovic, a psychiatrist Radovan Karadzic, unemployed Mate Boban and others. That is, many politicians in the disintegrating Yugoslavia came to its leading position thanks to a watershed event in the history of their countries.

Despite the fact that today in Ukraine there are events that are similar to the events in the former Yugoslavia, has not yet been able to get somewhere more prominent potential candidates for dictators. But not because today the degree of visual political change in Ukraine is not so high, no. Just originally in Ukrainian politics has no self, there is only serfs and slaves, who got himself his own slaves and slaves. And the new, so to speak, young and previously unknown Semenchenko, Parasiuk, Yaroshi and other GAVRILYUK were, are and will remain slaves and cattle because of their lack of education, addiction to petty fraud and kowtowing to the powerful.

Some parodies of Ostap Bender shtetl spill.

"Pathetic miserable personality," as told to them associate O.Bender S.Panikovsky.

But held policy of Ukraine is not better: they are all under someone dancing or, in the language Ukrainian politnomenklatury, "Six." Virtually no independent units - something stands Viktor Medvedchuk, though, it is clear that he is still under the influence of Russian President Vladimir Putin, perhaps it is Viktor Balogh, Transcarpathian mafia, which could be a such Ratko Mladic.

In some ways there is a chance Yulia Tymoshenko, who has all the signs of budding dictator, but no longer has a chance to become ...

Or Igor Kolomoisky, which has the potential to become a dictator, but does not have the support of the organization and the masses, without which he can claim the feudal middling within Dnepropetrovsk khanate.

Then let's look at Europe. Remember, he came to power in the stronghold of democracy - France - General Charles de Gaulle. And after much back in 1957-58 in the same France and the current Ukraine was like: France was at war with its former colony - Algeria, the economy was in decline, political and economic crisis, the lack of a unifying national idea. The "Fourth Republic" in France with the Communists and the extreme right in power - the government of the National Front, which included socialists and radicals - with the help of soldiers, weapons and money supported the struggle raged throughout Algeria and along the borders. It cost France dearly, because there had to keep the armed forces of the total number of 500 thousand people - it's expensive in every sense. Activate the "extreme right" military groups, to exert strong pressure on the Algerian military leadership.

And May 10, 1958 four Algerian general appeal to the then French President René Coty ultimatum essentially requirement to prevent rejection of Algeria. May 13 armed groups "ultra" seize the building of the colonial administration in Algeria, generals telegraphed to Paris demanding converted to Charles de Gaulle, "break the silence" - as de Gaulle then voluntarily went into political exile - and make an appeal to the citizens of the country with to create a "public trust in government."

And then President René Coty, referring to the National Assembly, the Prime Minister calls the election of de Gaulle and the transfer of the emergency powers to form a government and the revision of the Constitution.

Which was done.

In general, you just need to carefully study the history, including the history of other countries, because everything is already somewhere once was. And do not beat your head against the wall - always somewhere nearby there is a door. By the way, for all life on de Gaulle was committed 32 shooting. Ready whether someone in Ukraine of old and new politicians repeat the path of de Gaulle? In particular, there is ready to sacrifice his life for the welfare of the country? And not just donate it to the front, and in every sense?

Unfortunately, often when a country - any country - formed a tight Gordian knot of many contradictions, untie it no one can - it can only be cut. The price of the victims, the blood and suffering of many - but in the name in order not to suffer others, including future generations.

Dictator of Yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito for many years kept the country with an iron fist - and what happened to Yugoslavia, where Marshal Tito died? What horrible crime, how many millions of victims of the bloody, ruined cities and countries? ...

Today in Ukraine anyone who could even with a hundred faithful, uncompromising, unscrupulous men just shoot all the bastards in power - from Poroshenko Yatsenyuk Turchynov, expropriate their villas, bills, apartments and give them to the poor and hungry, strictly prevent any anti-people laws punishable in the death of all the thieves, the more thieves from the state treasury, the one who is going to live in poverty, and all the wealth of the country is really to put on its prosperity, in short, who as anyone would be, and all this will lead all Ukrainians - only he will be able to become the leader of the country.

And save the country from the final collapse.

But this way - a utopia, a tale of the future "Napoleon", maybe a lot somewhere near the top of the foot called the authorities, but the unknown - because we have the era of mass media, making shit from a bullet - and many other obstacles do not allow this "Napoleon" manifest.

Perhaps a bloody civil war, which for a year goes to Ukraine will be delayed and will allow to express themselves to future Chapaev, Trotsky, Frunze or some corporal Schicklgruber - I do not know. In fact, many "red commanders' type Kotovskogo out of the bandits. But nothing of Nestor Makhno, I generally keep quiet. Are there any Nestor composed of warring gangs, who dubbed the "volunteer units"?
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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