In the State Duma are thinking hard to undo the Russian "food sanctions"

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In the State Duma are thinking hard to undo the Russian "food sanctions"

Сообщение DARPA » 26 фев 2015, 19:24

In the State Duma are thinking hard to undo the Russian "food sanctions" imposed after the presidential decree "On the application of certain special economic measures to ensure the security of the Russian Federation." Deputies from the "Fair Russia" said that such a decision without the participation of Parliament is contrary to the Russian Constitution, and proposed to limit the right to impose sanctions Putin.

Five deputies from the "Fair Russia" - Dmitry Gudkov, Valery Zubov, Sergei Petrov, Sergey Doronin and Mikhail Serdyuk - introduced a bill, the proposed ban government and the president to make independent decisions to impose economic sanctions. The document is available on the official website of the State Duma.

The bill, as indicated by the deputies, aims to change the procedures for the application of economic sanctions. The authors propose amendments to the federal law "On the Special Economic Measures" and Article 8 of the Federal Law "On Security", which require such sanctions adoption of a special federal law.

The explanatory memorandum states that, according to Article 34 of the Russian Constitution, everyone has the right to freely use his abilities and property for entrepreneurial activity, and a ban on the import of "benign, safe products for the health of citizens" led to the limitation of this constitutional right. Deputies reported that human rights and freedoms may be restricted only after the adoption of the federal law, whereas in the present case it was not adopted.

Parliamentarians list backfire "grocery sanctions", pointing out that due to the inability to use the products of Western suspended the Murmansk fish processing plant, as well as noting that the embargo has led to increased food prices up to 40%, food inflation was 15.4%. In addition, it is reported that the embargo was ineffective, a number of products continues to be exported to Russia through neighboring countries.

In the event that the proposed law antisanktsii, because of which the more expensive products will be abolished as contrary to law, by-law, said one of the initiators of the bill Dmitry Gudkov. Deputy, as quoted by RBC, recalled that cancellation antisanktsy - one of the slogans of anti-crisis march "Spring", and expressed the hope that the marchers would support this initiative. Gudkov said that previously active public response helped change earlier decisions. "If we do not make the cancellation antisanktsy maybe keep them from extension - sanctions have been imposed for a year," - said the deputy.

Recall, August 7, Russia banned the import of a number of key food groups, including fish, of Norway, EU, US, Australia and Canada - in retaliation against countries that previously had supported sanctions against some of the economy and the citizens of Russia. The list of prohibited to import products changed on August 20: it had been made an exception. For example, in Russia again allowed to import live fish for artificial breeding, but the commodity live fish stayed in the black list.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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