Doctors banned from training, but she went to a rocking chair

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Doctors banned from training, but she went to a rocking chair

Сообщение DARPA » 09 май 2015, 15:46

My compatriot Alisa Pogorelov shared their difficult history. Doctors said "a package of food maximum lift, more than any sport, forget!" They did not care that it is better after a course of recovery is not very becoming. Yes, and we will speak frankly, I was 23 and I got used to the sport and activity, two months trekking around the apartment just beginning to grow conventional dryablet and cellulite. Imagine my horror?)


With 6 years of choreography involved, but before entering the ballet never came. At age 14, started kickboxing and 18 bandages, gloves, caps were my best friends. In February 2014 he came into the hall. It was a necessary step for the years I spent in the sport, earned three protrusions, so that even after two months of treatment and going to the orthopedic corset could not sit, quickly and freely. Option was one - to pump back muscles to spread the load, and it does not fall on sluggish throughout the spine. You could say that I have found my best trainer by its very same disease ...


The first half of the year turned out to be a huge difficulty at all to do anything! With the end of autumn 2014 it was decided to completely crazy action - we coach Nikita Nyuhalovym began preparations for the spring season fitness bikini. This is for me, a man who all his life on the cross placed to perform basic exercises such as squats with a barbell deadlift, and even the classic swing the press!

My training program consists of isolation exercises. And by the way, even to squat with a barbell I come! My record was 60 kg (funny course for a healthy person it will be))), but I can not. Guided by the basic principle: do no harm, do everything very carefully.


the first three shots are made before the start of training in the hall

This is another story. This amount of food in the exact proportions and straight bounds shove myself I can tell you, well, it is very difficult. Power is forced to for itself. Macaroni I hate after this period! He coached privately evenly through the day. In 2-2.5 hours. Such a thing as "I'm tired" was already in the spring of relatives. Since February began drying and is hated cardio boring diet + + + no mood to probable failure of the shaking on the stage. Two weeks before the competition, I spent every day in the hall that still did not change the idea that I myself unfinished.


with coach

All this has led me on April 4 in Magnitogorsk in the championship field. The ideal form, of course, I did not reach that is not possible for one season. My result was a 14th place among the 26 girls in the category of more than 169cm. His opponents will not comment, but a place in the top ten several of them apparently "fell from the sky." Yes, and very clearly there is much room to grow. The plans to enter the competition on May 10 in Orenburg and 16 May in Bratislava. In late May, as will be the final project "Action" organized by Nikita and the other coaches of the club "Sugar".

The preparation for the next season is not yet resolved. Honestly, if you are preparing seriously, it's just a hell! Yes, and insanely expensive hell. My main goal is achieved - I'm in the desired form. Like myself, more than ever, and my back is no longer signs of pain and injury. Thank you, I can say only himself and Nikita.


Without it anywhere simply because that even possible observing PP impossible to dial the desired number of microelements protein, vitamins. I is a protein (a portion of the morning and after training portion), glutamine to sustain immunity (overnight 1lozhka), creatine, bcaa (for quick restoration of muscles before and after each training session and during non-training), vitamins, casein (portion on night). I do not advise you to write a program to sportpitu - everything is always chosen strictly individual but still constantly adjusted number of coaches!

Tips for beginners with such a diagnosis

Do not self-medicate! Take the best course for doctors, find yourself a good coach (not necessarily only with the knowledge of physiology, but the man "for the soul"), it is important. In another way, you just no longer desire to do anything after a few workouts.


My example - not a reason to rush to drag iron and squat! Even if we have a very similar story, it about what does not speak! Care and health - above all else. All only under the supervision of experts, no exploits.

Those who are planning to swear on the topic that I'm on this day I write such posts, again urge no negatives! And welcome to check out the stunning post here. In general, I highly recommend it to all ... Happy Holidays to you, dear! And have a nice day.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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