Cant sprat do not float to the east

Модератор: zlata

Cant sprat do not float to the east

Сообщение DARPA » 30 май 2015, 17:32

In me I fight two feelings: a sense of deep satisfaction commotion in the Baltic States, which gave Rosselkhoznadzor ban on the import of canned fish, and a sense of deprivation from extinction sprats on my holiday table. The second feeling, of course, inherited from Soviet life and has nothing to do today - passion sprats, ceases to be a deficiency, is long gone.

It is understood that noted by the watchful eye of Russian inspectors increased concentration of benzopyrene in the Latvian and Estonian plant - just an excuse to finish the remnants of the fishing industry of the Baltic tigers. About canned forgotten when last summer announced a counter embargo.

These thoughts come to mind, not only me. "To ban the import of fishery products, but someone has overlooked and forgot to include in the sanctions list canned" - revealed our secret intentions Chairman of the Estonian Fisheries Union Valdur Noormyagi. According to him, the Russian Veterinary Service carried out checks to the good never adjusted.

If you believe the Baltic sources, canned fish and fish products in the finished structure of Latvian exports was about 32 percent. Frankly, I doubt it - perhaps we are talking about exports to the east. But that's a lot, of course. "If the ban and canned fish, it will be a blow for Latvia. Speaking about the proportions, it will decrease somewhere else for 20 percent of the volume that existed prior to the embargo of exports from Latvia to Russia "- a depressing Riga Mayor Nil Ushakov.

Moreover, the Russian-made sprats not make up the shortfall. That's because the sprat, which is the raw material for these canned goods, is found mainly off the coast of Finland and Sweden, and our area of ​​catch - the southern part of the Baltic Sea. His fish is unlikely to be enough to fully compensate for the loss.

However, I still think we announced the sanctions, as well as our response, a chance for the domestic industry. Frankly, it would be desirable as far as possible to push back the day when our imports flood the shelves again.

I myself do not remember when I bought sprats. Zhirnovat dish. But as a man of exceptional objectivity, I would like to get an answer to a single question: whether the population of Russia will survive the disappearance of sprat from your diet, or our school is a vengeful government? Who knows, maybe we are waiting for sprat riots overlapping streets.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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