The collapse of capitalism in Russia (moron not to read!)

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The collapse of capitalism in Russia (moron not to read!)

Сообщение DARPA » 06 июл 2015, 22:23

Start here. Today, the state is not the owner of the printing press. In fact, the printing press owned banks. Banks generate money every day, every second. Emission accomplished by lending rate, which increases the money supply automatically, regardless of whether working factory Goznak, or all the workers dispersed to a forced vacation, under the pretext of combating inflation. I explain very primitive, so clear was the essence. Who wants to dive into the subject of ears and drown in it - to study the question, "What is the money multiplier and how it works." US Federal Reserve - is the highest stage of capital controls over the state (society) when private banks gained control of emissions directly. It is worth considering that the Fed octopus - the structure of the network, and its influence spread far beyond America. But this is so, by the way.

Accordingly, if we introduce demerredzhevye money, but give up the right to produce emissions "effective manager" who will transfer the right to issue money is inherited, and the share premium, equal to the size of demurrage will receive at the disposal of these same managers. Win any of this society? Unlikely. Who has the money (the right to issue them) - in order and authority. Therefore, a key condition is that money becomes chtovladeltsem society as a whole. Yes, money = power, but the concentration of power in connection with the impossibility of saving money disappears. Power becomes distribution. What is it, can not understand even many quite intelligent people, with whom I discussed the topic of free money, but this thing is quite elementary. It is enough to look beyond the stereotypes driven into the head. Let me explain in simple exaggerated example.

Imagine a country Russia, in which the lives of 150 million people, and none of these people have no money from the word ALL. People are not fools Well, when it comes to their pocket. If demurrage eats money, it is advantageous to have no money at all, then it does not matter the money shrink by 2% per month or 10% per hour. Therefore, John, works as a cook in a restaurant earns 100 thousand per month, but his bank account is NEVER a penny. Just Bob lives in debt. He took a loan for an apartment - 10 million, and paying for it for 50 years. Die earlier? Do not worry, his children and grandchildren will have to pay until you pay off the debt. He took a loan car, cottage, even the children he treats his teeth in loan and credit merchandised in the grocery store. What's the problem? After the loan - for free. Technically, the system operates the same as today work bank credit card - every customer has a credit limit - and within this limit, he can spend even the money, which he does not. This is the flip side of demurrage. Free Money - the antithesis of money lending, which dominates the world today. They therefore called free, that are free from loan interest. Accordingly, Vasya strictly ensures that it always had to bank to his account never went into a plus. Otherwise, it will lose 2 pennies from each ruble per month.

He became a chef, began to earn 200 thousand per month and paid the apartment is not in 50 years, and for the 20. So he took a new loan and bought a plane. Bob opened his own restaurant - its revenues have increased to one million per month. Then he bought on credit a spaceship. The logic is simple: either you spend your money at least for something, or you lose them. Living on credit becomes profitable. Now, living in the credit slavery, people consume less than it might if the first accumulated - and then bought. However, to save prevents inflation, but a separate issue - inflation - not a natural phenomenon but a tool by which people driven into debt slavery. When all the money demerredzhevyh mirror opposite - consumes more precisely the one that lives in debt. Collect money at the task becomes unfeasible and pointless.

So in our hypothetical example, the entire population of the country has no money and has some debts. There is not one person who would be "plus" money. But the circulation of money there - money circulate properly. To whom do they belong? Well, it's easy! Money does not belong to someone specifically because they have no one focus. Money belong to society as a whole, and serve the interests of society - are the means of payment, without which the economy can not function. Money = power, but not a single person has no money, the money held by the Company as a whole. Accordingly, each person has a piece of the distributed power, but in this case not as the owner of the money, but as a member of society.

And here's another question: if all have, to whom should they? The owner of the money - the society, the totality of the citizens. Accordingly, members of the public have a society that is ourselves. And in fact they do not have the money, because the money is turned into an abstraction, they have their work to society. They consume the material and spiritual values, which have embodied labor and pay for it with their labor. Money act exclusively measure of labor, measured by the amount of money obligation person voluntarily undertaken to society.

It remains to deal with the last question - emission. We mentioned earlier that the issue became a state monopoly. What is the state? The state - a form of social organization. Point. Emission free money can not be made by anyone at its own discretion, even the chief administrator of the bank. Emission automatically. As soon as there is a demand for some goods at the time of acquisition of the subject in the subject A B emission occurs in the amount of the purchase price. By the Company receives, say, $ 100. And if the subject B gets nothing on the $ 100, they disappear. Even if it's something for them to buy, they are still disappearing in four years during a demurrage of 2% per month. That is, the money supply will be completely renewed every 50 months. If the economy grows, the money supply will grow, if it falls, the money supply will decline. The point is that the issue of money is not demanded by society, it will be impossible.

Yes, any demagogue can easily prove that the state - a form of ruling class exploiters over the exploited. I agree. If society is built on the parasite of some over others, and the form of its organization will be appropriate - will and interest, and the Federal Reserve, which is owned by persons unknown, it is a continuous violence, wars and crises. It - capitalism, baby, where the power belongs to capital, and the capital owned by the capitalists. Accordingly, specific and capitalists hold power, no matter how it was protected fig leaf of democracy.

But this is not the only form of existence of the state. In the Soviet Union there was a trial to eliminate the capitalists. Eliminate - is simple enough. The effect was magnificent. However, to create a state in which power belonged to the community distribution it failed. Power is concentrated in the hands of the party nomenklatura, the bureaucracy, and later was monetized. Complete failure? No, a good experience! Experience shows that in the case of eliminating the parasites, the company is developing unprecedented pace. But if the social structure zakostenevaet, no economic successes of the country will not save - it is doomed to die, which is what happened with the Soviet Union in 1991

So what comes first - the economic base and the superstructure (the system of social organization)? The question is meaningless. One is related to another just like a skeleton with muscles, and one without the other does not operate. So that the country can develop effectively, it must have adequate government. And for this we need to create a self-regulating and self-developing state structure. Govnokritiki like blunt like that: they say, capitalism - is shit, but better still does not exist, because the man - shit, and the human factor can izgovnyakat any, even the most beautiful idea. An example? Please Christianity for two thousand years, and where he advocated a universal brotherhood of man? It has degenerated into a dirty trick of the ROC and the Vatican - golimy business. Communism - also in itself a good idea, but here's an attempt embodiment, for example, Pol Pot ...

The logic is stupid. So in fact you can say that the cart - shit, but still better than nothing and never will. And if everyone lived by this principle, it never came to any engine, a jet aircraft or spacecraft. State - the same carts that shit, but you have to continuously repair and upgrade, and at some point without any pity to throw out the trash and replace the car. Stopping the development of means death. This is true for any biological organism, and the organism of the social.

So, demerredzhevaya financial system - this is one of the most effective mechanisms for the protection of the state from degradation, it is an instrument of social self-improvement society. I explain on fingers. The modern model of human society imposes a principle of relations: resources are limited, so get all the resources of the most competitive individuals. Nobody did not give all the oars for themselves, because you can expect only on themselves. What do you stronger - so viable. The power of money. The more money you have - that you are freer and stronger. And so it is within the dominant paradigm, where freedom is a lack of commitment, and strength - the ability to assign the results of labor less competitive members of society and consume material goods more than they do.

I propose to build a social system with different settings: resources are limited, so they must be used optimally. What does it mean one should not spend limited resources on competition with other individuals to take a little longer than the other person does not have to save power (reserve resources, remove them from circulation), denying access to other members of society. The competition is replaced by mutual assistance, and restriction of access to resources (sacred private property) is replaced by universal and equal access to them (socialization).

The ultimate example: there are 100 Internet users who have stored on your computer in one film. They can be 100 days in a row to watch the same film, and may share the (socialize) and access every day to watch the new film. Each gets exactly 100 times richer without having done anything.

With material goods the same principle: Imagine that you have a sport jet, which you saved their entire life. Once a week, you fly it. But you want to take a ride on a yacht, but it is privately owned by another person who operates it every month. What we have in the end: there is the plane on which production expended enormous resources, and which is operated by only 3% of its potential, and there is a yacht that is also very resource-intensive, but it is used by 0.5% potential. This is an extremely inefficient use of resources of the planet Earth. Yes, you may be pleased to know yourself elected, because you have something that can afford one, but you still deprived because he did not have what I would like - yachts and aircraft, which you own - has become boring.

What is the way out? You could go on a simple way - to socialize property through nationalization and provide all members of society and to take advantage of the yacht and sport aircraft. It was already scoop - Air Club and yacht clubs, which could deal with people with any income. But there is a problem with the management of socialized property. There is a huge problem, because it is not a person decides what he wants, and the state of his thinking, here's or sailboat or a parachute jump. Well, to hell with you, you can both try. Cho, skiing you want? Fuck you nah minutes! Alpine skiing - it's fun for the bourgeoisie. Not allowed!

No one except the man himself does not know what he wants, and no state, whatever resources it did not possess, is not able to give everyone what he wants. It would seem that under capitalism the question of self-regulation system is solved effectively: the owner of the aircraft leases it for a day, the money renting a boat, and the owner of the yacht, which earned her rent money, buy a tour to a ski resort.

Everything works fine, but only in one case - if people have money. But they are not! Phenomenally, but there is no money even for the banks - they always stand with outstretched hands, all hold each other and all have each other. Therefore, a person who buys a boat, thinking about one thing - as if he had the money for its maintenance. He is ready to give it out, he even spent a certain amount on advertising, but the owner of a sports aircraft that is eager to go sailing in the direction of the setting sun, had already spent all the money on advertising services to provide aircraft rental. Its potential customer - the owner of the yacht can not afford it, because he, too, no extra money. There are no extra money, no one, even if someone has savings, a man scared of their spending, because tomorrow he may lose a job or get to the hospital ...

Barter? Not an option. Because the owner of the yacht may not want to fly on a plane and want to go skiing and ski boat owner is not interested. About the will of the poor, we do not say - they are not up to yachts and skiing, they would with a mortgage to pay, but to buy food. The key question in all these cases - access to money. In a society dominated by lending money, there is no money for anybody. More precisely, they are at all, but everything is always in short supply - and the rich and the poor. Because money, like any resource under capitalism, excess concentrated in individuals. If a man owns a yacht - is excessive concentration of resources, because this yacht can freely enjoy another 100-150 people (by turns, of course). Same thing with the ski resorts and from aircraft and from all the rest.

Is it possible to increase the intake of a multiple of, not while increasing production? Free money - the first step in this direction. We transfer the situation in the environment dominated by free money, then there is no over-concentration of financial resources in someone else hands. Anyone at any time can hire and yacht and aircraft and on the best skiing resort. You do not need to take any loan or pay interest thereon or to save money. Just pick up and use the labor of others, promising in the future to pay for it by their labor. Yes, it was on the account of John Doe nil, was minus 100 thousand. But he had a great time, learning piloting jet with an experienced isntruktorom who owns it. The owner of the aircraft did not have a penny in the black, on the contrary, he owes the bank has 20 million per aircraft, but he was happy to go to the restaurant to try the delicious dishes that are prepared Vasya. Well, think of it, it should be three thousand rubles more. And, if he likes it, he will come many times, providing Vasya income. Vasya, sick aviation still will return him the money. And similarly will do all members of society - they will use those things and services, which want, even in debt. But the debt in a society free of dengue - not a burden, but the norm. No one seeks to have the money in the black, because that means their loss - partial or complete.

Does this mean that everyone will want to have caviar, wearing a mink coat and ride in a limousine, encrusted with diamonds? No, because I pay, it is still necessary, even in the future, even for jet you do not have time to pay off, and will have to repay your children. Therefore, each will choose either mink coat or a month of diving in the Red Sea. Personally, I, for one, never buy a car, but I can do it. Why is that? Yes, because it will never pay off: for I do not need, but for personal reasons I travel around the city by bike, because I enjoy it. I even went in the winter in a 30-degree frosts. And it's my pleasure. And what a pleasure I will be testing the car, standing in the garage? Not the slightest!

For my wife's car - it's not a source of pleasure, a means of transportation, because with two kids to get to by public transport cottages with two changes - a two-hour torture. And on your own car it takes 25 minutes. Therefore, the machine it will have, and a mink coat - no. Even if the banks will give interest-free loan on a fur coat, I did not take ever.

Therefore, people will not ever seize crazy that they do not need, because for any thing or service, they will have to give his work, spending time that could be spent on fun. This is not a utopian communism, where supposedly all for free. System gezelevskih money - is not when everything is free, and when everything is available to everyone.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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