What I do not like in Germany? Part 2

Модератор: zlata

What I do not like in Germany? Part 2

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 19 мар 2016, 13:19

I noticed that not all read the second part of my list of grievances. In Germany, a lot of good, but will continue the bad!

21. Smoking
The number of people smoking just incredible, so much for a long time do not smoke in Russia. There is smoke all - from young children to those who have one foot in the grave. Many smokers to smoke everywhere - at schools during the crowds change smoking virgins and young men are a solid wall, the walls and the window to see is unreal; smoking at public transport stops right in your face, do not attempt to move away and completely ignoring the pathetic posters that do not smoke at bus stops; smoke, even in the subway (yes, it's not Kupchino and not West Degunino and "blessed", Germany), waiting for the train; gobies can be found in the subway cars, and particularly zealous smokers put their cigarette in his mouth even when a train is approaching a stop. And what these calls for HLS, if every second on the street - a steam locomotive?

22. Universal sameness.

Calls for freedom of the individual was brought to the fact that this most notorious freedom of all began to understand the same, especially in clothes - all as one: girl, girls, lady necessarily in torn jeans, short socks (or not) in white sneakers, swamp-colored park , T-shirt and with her hair. Boys, men: same haircut (short on the sides, on top long), short tight jeans, sneakers, park. How do they complement each other in a crowd of distinguished - a mystery to me ... It's the same with apartments - all equally faceless.

23. pettiness and meanness.

And it's all over - in a store discount of 10 cents is considered a "super action"; 10% discount sellout; prices in stores a series of 6.79, resulting in the check always dumb any amount, for example 10.57. And no one in the head does not come round score in favor of the customer, as it has long done in the "Pyaterochka". Therefore, after the breaking of the check is not applicable to you counted your 3 cents, but how they will look at you like a wolf when you bring 0.99 for vanilla precisely the 1-, 2- and 5-cent coins, which received the past week! And the prices for apartments? Kaltmitee at 756.04! So round up already! This is an elementary mathematical operation! Of course, I understand that once, in ancient times, the amount was round, but after one year, it increased by 2% -3%, the amount became what it is. But the round is still possible!

24. Sunday longing.

On Sunday, the streets empty. Only tumbleweed field cuts through the deserted streets of the sleeping area and crow strode proudly, feeling themselves masters of life. Empty and at 8 am, and at 10, 12 and even 14 hours are not so many people. Yes, in the middle of a lot of tourists, if there is a holiday, especially beer, is full of people, but in residential areas - a dull gray melancholy, poignant soul. I want to shout "ay!" and ask the void where all ...

25. Especially reverent attitude towards the LGBT community.

I am of the opinion that the members of this community enough for human rights, and to invent all sorts of "buns" - is superfluous. And in Munich full of special offers! Here are some of them: Pink Christkindlmarkt; special gay-friendly quarter, where they have their own bars, cafes, restaurants, shops and hotels; geyskoy special days at Oktoberfest; but I was most struck a special ticket, which also gives you discounts at a "gay-friendly places" - QueerCityPass - "ist ein spezielles Ticket für die LGBT-Zielgruppe (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual und Transgender) und bunte München Besucher". Everything is clear and without translation. I am now scared wondering how these "liebe trance" will prove that they are the ones who put the ticket? They have spetsudostoverenie (I just do not know)? Where is rolling this world ...

26. Attempts to blame the Russian-speaking community of all mortal sins.

Recently, very often were heard accusations address the Russian-speaking community in the press that it is, to put it mildly, does not like immigrants, opposes their importation, and also serves as a guide Kremlin's ideas and, horror of horrors, looks only the first channel from which It draws its ideas. The head of this would-be journalists even can not come, that the Russian-speaking community is looking more and German news, reading the German press, as well as view news and from other countries, and also has its own point of view on what is happening, which has developed from their own observations and their own life experience. They simply can not assume that we know several foreign languages, because themselves are not able to master even the English.
Here are a couple of articles to confirm: Why "Russian Berlin" against refugees ?, "Man hat die reingelassen Und uns gibt man nichts.!".

27. The lack of cultural behavior in society.

I mean that if the Germans blow their noses, then a buzz, if sneezes and coughs, then all around! Well, there are the same rules of propriety! Constantly eating on public transport (and look to the train jerks and neighbor coffee will be on you ...) and very loud talking, devoting all around their problems.

28. infantilism.

Children's money, the so-called "Kindergeld" pay up to 27 years, a new girl (!) 35 ...
Bad not paying, but the fact that twenty-seven adult and independent person is still considered a child, although the child is more than a parent. Infantilism in consciousness and attitude to life - that's what I do not like.
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