The new Russian naval strategy

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The new Russian naval strategy

Сообщение! » 13 июн 2016, 13:08

«La Russie développe un concept de« puissance navale continentale »May the French Ministry of Defense magazine" Revue Defence Nationale "published interesting to article Captain de frigate (the captain of the 2nd rank) French Navy Pier Riallana (Pierre Rialland) (« Russia is developing the concept of " continental naval power "). A number of theses articles are of interest to the domestic reader in assessing the naval capabilities Russian professional community of Western naval experts. Our blog introduces the abbreviated statement of a material readers.

The article begins with an exposition of known attacks on the facilities of the "Islamic state" in Syria, the Russian Navy ships using cruise missiles "Caliber". The author believes that, thanks to this demonstration features of the Russian Navy joined the very small club of countries that have launched cruise missiles in combat on board the submarine. At the same time he makes a footnote that armed US Navy and British cruise missiles are on board the submarine, and in France, this opportunity will appear only in 2018, when the system enters the first submarine Suffren such as the Barracuda, armed cruise missile MdCN.


Rocket ship project 11661K "Dagestan" and small missile ships of the project 21631 "Great Ustyug" and "Uglich" during the launch of cruise missiles "Caliber-NK" on the positions of the "Islamic state" in Syria, 11/20/2015 (c) The Ministry of Defense of Russia

26 cruise missiles with a warhead weighing 400 kg each course can not change the situation in Syria. But with the help of the start Russia showed interested observers, it is Game Changer strategic level, a new balance of forces on the borders of Russia. Now the Russian Navy in using cruise missiles can hit targets in large parts of Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia.

Speaking about the development of the Black Sea Fleet, the author notes the beginning of 2010, when it began retrofitting an official slogan to revive the dying ship's structure in terms of the strategic influence of Russia on its borders began to challenge. All this happened after the war with Georgia and the NATO summit in Budapest, during which President Bush is actively joining the pedal unit of Georgia and Ukraine, and France and Germany that actively resisted. Plus, issues related to energy resources.

In 2014, the Black Sea Fleet re-appeared under the serious impact of joining the event ( "annexation" by the author) of the Crimea. Russian Navy will no longer be restricted in the old tonnage agreements with Ukraine regarding the use of the base in Sevastopol. By 2020, its composition should enter 30 new ships, including six Project 636 submarines and six frigates of Project 11356 This developed terrestrial infrastructure in the Crimea and Novorossiysk.

At the same time evolved official Russian rhetoric: Now condemnation is regularly the direction of NATO ships in the Black Sea, in particular the American destroyers with missile defense system.

Annexation of the Crimea has increased the number of Russian troops in this theater. It should also be noted that Russia's intention to revise the number of naval grouping preceded the beginning of the war in the east of Ukraine, and operations in support of Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria. Strengthening of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea is the result of the naval strategy developed six years ago, when Western pressure on Moscow has increased significantly. In a sense, the start of two of the KR "Caliber" with SSK "Rostov-on-Don" could be considered at the summit in Budapest in 2008.

Speaking of the diesel-electric submarines of Project 636, the author notes that they are modern, quiet and can perform all the tasks of the modern multi-purpose submarine. Her ability to attack ships also significant, although this factor is little mentioned in official statements made before 2014. It is designed to balance the constant possibility of NATO in the Black Sea, as well as the regular appearance of the theater of American destroyers with missile defense system. SSK "Harmony" project to replace them go.

Frigates Project 11356 ships are multipurpose, they are equipped with modern weapons that can withstand a variety of threats. Unlike the French FREMM class frigates, they have enhanced the PLO, and they are equipped with cruise missiles. Undoubtedly, these frigates are a significant step forward compared to the older ships of the first rank, the available on the Black Sea Fleet, built in 1980-ies.

It is obvious that the issue of strengthening and updating the Russian Black Sea Fleet will stay in the position of a strong, in relation to their opponents in the first place, Turkey. Turkish Navy "on paper" may challenge the Black Sea Fleet, with its 11 submarines, 13 frigates and 19 corvettes. Except for the fact that, in practice before the Turkish fleet cost targets for the presence in the Black, Aegean and Mediterranean Seas, which weakens his group in this theater. With regard to the fleets of other Black Sea countries - Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria and Georgia, their fleets have almost no value on the background of the Russian fleet. Thus, the presence of a possible strike by cruise missiles at land targets and the availability of new ships - frigates and diesel-electric submarines is a substantial improvement over previous generations with the ships available at the theater.

gauge 1
Reach cruise missiles "Caliber" at targets in Europe and Asia, provided that the missile range of 1,800 kilometers, and launches are conducted from the Black Sea and Caspian Sea (a) Pierre Rialland / Revue Defence Nationale

Starting in 2013 the possibility of cruise missiles "Caliber" became the subject of an unprecedented information policy of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. However, the author wonders about the real strategic value of new weapons. He refers to the study of French author A. Sheldon-Duplaix, who believes that the Russian Navy could deploy 200 "Caliber" rockets, which is a "pale shadow" of the US Navy, which could theoretically expose from 2648 to 5952 cruise missiles Tomahawk.

However, from the point of view of naval strategy quantitative approach can not be considered sufficient. Firstly because the cruise missile strikes ground targets and can not be considered purely naval weapon. Secondly, because of external factors (diplomatic, geographical) and various application concepts that could change the balance of forces. What is important for the owner of missiles - is the possibility of free maneuver between the naval theaters, in order to be able to hit targets, tactical or strategic, given the range of the missile, with a high "value added."

So, we tend to believe that Russia is different continental way of thinking, it is bounded by the Caspian Sea and Montreux Convention, and that it limits the Russian Navy, and leads to the strategic stalemate. On the contrary, Russia seems to be currently operates its own characteristics, in order to protect their ships medium displacement, equipped with the CD "Movement". Related Volga-Don, the Caspian and Black Seas give Russia for maneuver similar to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf together. Given the range of "Calibre" missiles, Russia is a policy of "gunboat" in a radius of 6000 km without having access to the warm seas. Within reach of the missiles are 30 countries, including the current Russian sphere of influence, the historical boundaries of the Russian Empire and the point of political power and the contradictions of today.

It is interesting to note that this situation is comparable to the US Navy, which have a dyad "NPS / KR Tomahawk» and access to deep seas. A small detail - to produce the same effect, the US Navy have to go far from their bases, have expensive systems [vooruzheniy- bmpd] and at the same time is in the ocean waters, which will soon have to challenge the growing Chinese Navy. And Russia can conduct operations on force projection and conventional "containment" of the two seas, with minimal risk and at low cost. And having access to the warm seas becoming less relevant.

The conclusions of the author writes. The naval strategy allows freedom of navigation lead to force the door of the enemy. Russia, which has no bases in the warm seas and you can not fight on equal terms, to pick a fight with the consequences [of this strategy - bmpd]. Russia turned everything upside down. Its geography land and two closed sea have been key to the development of new opportunities. Russia has ships equipped with the CD launcher, as well as ships average displacement, which allows to gain dominance in the Black and Caspian Seas. Russia has the means to strike at targets of the Kyrgyz Republic in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Relying on a network of canals and inland seas, the Russian Navy in fact developed a new doctrine, which can be described as a "maritime power with a continental character."
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