What foreigners think about Russian food

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What foreigners think about Russian food

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 15 июн 2016, 13:51

1. Pickles

Habitual us pickles, tomatoes often cause foreigners inexplicable delight. Representatives of different countries in one voice say, that anywhere they tried such tasty pickles, and one is often the case in Russia in general Italian joked that if it were not our traditional snacks, he would do business in another country.

However, experience has shown that foreign visitors pickles best served on a silver platter: kauchserfer from Denmark, saw on the balcony of my friend's grandmother's battery billets, long and with undisguised horror they saw, then asked: "And why are they so murky? And that there is a branch ??? "- continue on treats refused.

2. Dairy products

On this issue, the opinions of foreigners are fundamentally different. Europeans admire Russian milk, fermented baked milk and yogurt, noting that dairy products in Russia is very diverse and natural. But one American, accustomed to the ultra-pasteurized milk, which they bought in the United States in volume of 5-7 liters cans, constantly complained that "milk is very moist, smells strange, and stomach aches from it."

3. Buckwheat

Love to Russian buckwheat - in the form of porridge, and as a garnish - for foreign visitors do not cause anything other than surprise. Find this dish abroad practically impossible: for example, Ekaterinburg students who studied on exchange in Hong Kong, a month away from home began to literally bombard friends and relatives asking for a little bit of buckwheat. Here are a few comments of foreigners who visited Russia, about our favorite cereal: "You say you eat it with your childhood? As you just grow up ... it's only used for cattle "," I do not know, I've seen, it looks like dog food ... or can not swallow a spoon! "," I thought, this is only stuffed pillow ... "In short, try to feed iz guest abroad for breakfast delicious buckwheat - a risky business, and almost completely doomed to failure.

4. Aspic

To explain to a foreigner, had never been to Russia (or at least in Poland, there is also a dish in favor) that is brawn, not having at hand a good example, it is unrealistic. All conversations in this direction takes place on the same scheme: a million foreign visitors ask clarifying questions, make great eyes, then wearily waving his hand and saying something like, "No Russian ... very strange." When the jelly is still there on the table, the response to it is very ambiguous, ranging from "What is already time dessert?" To "Fu, oh, meat jelly!". However, most of those who still decided to try this "meat dessert" are ecstatic and then confidently called jelly one of the favorite Russian dishes.

5. Borsch

This soup, as you know, is one of the main stereotypes about Russia on a par with the notorious bear with vodka and balalaika (few people are interested in what is, strictly speaking, Ukrainian dish). However, not everyone has to like it: most of the foreigners by the word "soup" is meant a broth or soup, from the richness of Russian ing or rassolnik a million ingredients they come in bewilderment.

6. Salads

The big surprise for me was the fact that many foreigners are very suspicious of the Russian (or rather to say the Soviet) salads, "Olivier", "Mimosa" herring under a fur coat, and many others. When I tried to find out what was wrong, the answer was simple: they confuse the fact that they have too many components and all of them are too finely chopped. Scrupulous foreign visitors scared that they "do not understand that they eat": classic "Caesar" with large chunks of chicken on lettuce leaves inspires them much more confidence.

7. Kissel

This is familiar to us from childhood drink no one understands except the Finns: vo-pervyh, they are big fans of jelly in the usual form, vo-vtoryh, one of the most popular Finnish desserts - very thick cold compote of fruit, which is eaten with a spoon ( and this is the surprising Russian themselves). Other foreigners are unable to enjoy the jelly because they are too occupied by the question, it is a drink or dessert.

8. Okroshka

Okroshka - Queen oddities Russian cuisine. Firstly, in itself the taste of kvass genuinely surprised most of the foreigners; the most elegant description of kvass, which I've heard, sounded like this: "Well ... it's like a little spoiled beer. Sweet. And it is very tasteless. " When you try to explain to people that this is now a broken beer will flood at least suspicious salad "Olivier", most practically deprived of reason. Extreme, who decided to try this diabolical mixture, I met only once, and, judging by his face, he bitterly regretted his decision.

It is worth noting that, despite all the surprises of Russian cuisine, it does not lose its popularity: Russian restaurant to find no difficulty in most countries of the world.
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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