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Russian character

СообщениеДобавлено: 11 ноя 2014, 20:58
Last year I ordered the installation of a fence on his uchastke.Oplatil list price and at the appointed time came to me two good fellows. One Kohl unremarkable, but the second was just epic personality, appearance reminded, there is not even epic hero, although growth on two meters and silischa and pёrla from it, and Balda of Soviet cartoons, and the name suited him absolutely Grisha .
Well, we talked as usual, it turned out they live in the countryside and in the city commute to work, well, they told me a few tales of my life, I do it too, and then Nick says:
-Grish, Tell me about the wolf.
Grisha slowly off his gloves, lit a cigarette and says:
-And What's with the guys we rasskazyvat.Sidim, drink near the house, the noise suddenly screams, women vizzhat.Nu we went with the men in the village went posmotret.Okazalos wolf and has already killed a sobaku.Ya saw him .He stood up to me and jumped . Well, I'm his throat and grabbed.
Gregory looked at his hands, and they had like two shovels lopaty.Takimi hands by the throat and can easily bear skhvatit.Grisha continued:
-Well, I'm holding him, he turns to strangle the bitch is not obtained, the neck is strong, and I think how on that? Okay guys ran up and one most shuhernoy, a knife from the table prihvatil.Podskochil it to us and ruined the wolf, but not with one blow like in the movies, and cut specifically to death.
Gregory finished his cigarette, then added:
-Volk Bitch turned mad, then all of us to vaccination gonyali.Ya so all shots and not finish .It because I did not have time to bite.
I am shocked and simplicity beskhitrosnostyu his story asked:
-And You know that he is mad?
Well as any other wolf in the village in summer day will come? Only mad.
-So You to fuck him with his bare hands dug?
-So Same day, the children, the women around, if I would not have grabbed it and could bite and tear.
I remembered the story of the brave Jack London gold miners here just embarked on the path of rabid wolves, but there was a story, and here was a simple Russian guy and calmly told him barehanded defended his fellow villagers .and it was evident that he does not believe it is not the that feat, and even than osobennym.Nu wolf came, well, we killed him, well, went on the table, there basked vodka.
I then sat and dumal.A because of such as Gregory and is the Russian people. Quiet, rassuditelnyh.No if the time comes, and the enemy will stop and rabid wolves are not afraid.
Now I want a fence around the entire area to deliver, will be ordered in the same firm. Can again see Grisha, curious to know how he's doing.