On the true size of black holes

Модератор: zlata

On the true size of black holes

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 09 июн 2016, 13:04

Interesting and quite non-intuitive fact about black holes. Despite the fact that when you look outside the black hole has quite a finite volume, if we think of the black hole as a kind of a black sphere, limited event horizon, which has a certain range, and hence the final amount, which is under this event horizon, that when viewed from the inside - a black hole is infinite, that is, the amount of space being under the event horizon is infinite, or at least a very large, much larger than the size of our universe.

Today we do not know for sure what's going on under the surface (in the sense of the event horizon) black hole. We can only guess more or less reasonable to assume. Since direct observation of the entrails of the black hole to us today is not available (and it may well be that there will be available ever), it's true, what remains is to take the best existing to date theory and try to predict what's inside a black hole can in principle be .

The best theory, in which we more or less believe (because it is confirmed by direct observation) on a cosmic scale is Einstein's Theory of Relativity. As they say, it's not the best thing that the best, but as long as it's the best of what we have.

Black holes themselves, as extreme space-time artifacts is just the beginning were theoretically predicted in the theory of relativity, and only decades later, we began to observe them in reality.

Because, for the study (and in fact - a reasoned theorising) viscera black holes Einstein himself ordered to use mathematics Theory of Relativity, as long as this is the best that we can nateoretizirovat, believing that time other conclusions from this theory are confirmed by observations, even on so far unconfirmed It can also be something to rely.

According to the theory of relativity space is a smooth space-time, in some places twisted back and forth in the space presence of matter (energy-momentum tensor). Black holes do with the space-time, particularly perverse perturbations they do not just bend, and downright rip spacetime in tatters, from which to describe space-time near a black hole is more convenient to use not our usual Cartesian coordinates, which are studied in the fifth class, and so-called coordinates (or chart) Kruskal.

Chart Kruskal

Kruskal diagram is not so difficult, but it's still a decent mat is clearly seen in the English version of Wikipedia, on which immediately proceed to offer a simplified version, the so-called Penrose diagram, which is essentially the same thing (even visually noticeable similarity) only extra lines less and no formulas at all.

Penrose diagram

In order not to blow up a run untrained brain, the general public is usually demonstrated only the right half of the diagram, because people are beginning to be excited and adequately respond to the words "Parallel Universe", "Antigorizont", "white hole" and so on.

Penrose diagram for the poor

A simplified diagram of Penrose says that the space-time in the universe can and should be divided into two parts, one where we are, our universe, and the other, which is inside a black hole. There's not quite our universe more precisely, there is also a part of our universe, but in which the space-time does not behave the way we used to. These two parts are separated by the boundary event horizon, and it is shown that the boundary of this one-sided, inside pass can be (there is an arrow drawn), and the back is gone.

Why is this happening? Because, strictly speaking, the boundary of the event horizon does not share the same space-time into two parts - inside and out. It is a place of connection (scientists say "spot gluing") two very different metrics of two different space-times.

Fundamentally different.

If we take the formula Relativity, and begin to solve them in space-time, which is in our universe (outside the event horizon, that is in quadrant I, where the diamond with the word "universe"), we get the familiar three coordinates of space and one coordinate time. That somehow there is change in the process, bend and twist depending on the presence of the masses, but more or less in the usual framed.

And if we start to tackle the same formula, but is at the same time will be inside a black hole (inside the event horizon, in quadrant II of, in a triangle, in which one party - the saw is not biting), all decisions will clearly tell us - guys, you have the space and time are reversed!

It turns out that where we expect to meet our friends the spatial coordinates x, y and z suddenly starts to climb out the time coordinate t, and vice versa, in the part of the formula, where we are waiting for changes in the time axis suddenly appear x, y and z, or rather their derivatives, although by and large, in this case one and the same. That is, you can have the courage to say out loud: "The space was a time, and the time - space!"

NB! Please note, the author strongly recommends to declare this aloud! This is not quite right, or rather not at all true. Time becomes space is really just beginning to formula indicate that if it were happening something like that.

It turns out that the space acquires properties that we used to logically associated with the time, and the time, to some extent, is endowed with the properties of space.

For example, we all know that the three coordinates of space we like "free", we can move them in any direction, but the time coordinate clearly indicates in advance, and want it or not, and move through it, you can only go where the arrow that is, from the past to the future.

Inside a black hole space-time, is arranged so that it is impossible to move wherever you want. You can only move to the center, where is located the heart of the black hole singularity. Which in this presentation is drawn not accustomed us to a point and a line, and even specifically depicted bloodthirsty-dentate line to show the unwary traveler, come together in Turkey on vacation in a black hole - "there is an end, there will be eaten." The singularity of a black hole is inevitable (in this case, it is, by the way, absolutely no pun intended) is inevitably the future for us, because it is kind of like in the spatial future. It turns out that only the fate of any object that fell into a black hole - to be in the singularity. Wherever you move, which way did not try to fly, no difference, inside a black hole is physically no way leading anywhere, "the other side" still space you will make exactly the singularity and break it before he died on the atoms.

That is why from the black hole is impossible to get out. Not because she was "so much attracts", although it is, of course, too. And because in our usual life, that whatever you do, wherever you move, still in the past will not get, and the future can not be avoided, and the black hole - all roads lead only to a singularity, back to the past, in normal universe, there is no way.

At the same time, an inverse thing that I learned in the beginning itself. Theoretically there is no limit of time, the future extends to infinity. So inside of a black hole in space is no limit to the volume of the inside of a black hole - an infinitely huge. Well, that is so, the lifetime specifically our universe, not likely indefinitely, waiting for her heat death (or even a large gap), but if you ignore in the future, you can move indefinitely, even if the heat death of the universe time will not stop, just in space cease to be visible the processes by which one time will be indistinguishable from the other, but it has already begun sophistry, in any case, wait for it is still very, very, very, very long time.

A black hole is also not eternal, due to Hawking radiation, it should, like, slowly evaporate. But it's really, really not a quick process, the black hole mass of the sun will evaporate ~ 1066 years (do not forget that the age of the universe just only 1010 years old!), From what you can with a certain share of fantasy and simplification to say that the size of the black hole magnitude inside make up at least 1066 light years, what's inside it, if not infinitely large, then a minimum of 10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 times more than the observable universe.

Well, once again. Naturally, all this is just idle speculation and theorizing. What is really going on, we do not know the inside of a black hole. I would say more, we certainly know that there probably is not quite what we can today nateoretizirovat. We know that the Theory of Relativity is not complete, so precisely and clearly work in black holes, it is required to marry quantum mechanics, and that, for nearly a century, you can not make anyone. From what the reality is likely to be even more complex and zamorochennoy thing, what we're currently thinking and reasoning.
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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