Stole and nothing will happen for it

Модератор: zlata

Stole and nothing will happen for it

Сообщение! » 05 мар 2017, 21:58

Yesterday at me on cash department in shop have caught the thief. A regular guest worker from a nearby construction site bought a loaf for 20 rubles. And from the jacket the guards took out 4 sticks of smoked sausage and 4 decent pieces of cheese. I could see sandwiches with tea ...

Surprised, with what calm face he stood and with the guard waited for the police. It feels like it's not the first time. Or they take turns sending a messenger from the brigade for food. So at the construction site there will be no one to work)
I did not take photographs.

Punishment of a shoplifter is provided for under Part 1 of Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Theft". The minimum sanction is a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles, the maximum is imprisonment up to 2 years.
In addition, a criminal case is not instituted if the theft in the store does not exceed 1000 rubles. If less than 1000 rubles, it provides for administrative liability under Article 7.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation "Fine Theft", which entails the imposition of an administrative fine of up to five times the value of the stolen property, but not less than one thousand rubles or administrative arrest for up to fifteen days.
Interestingly, the damage will be determined on the waybill, which indicates the price for which the store purchased the goods, and not through which it sells.

So, the theft in the store to 1000 rubles. Belongs to the category of petty theft and is punished in accordance with the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. But this is true for those cases when the crime was over, and the thief managed to dispose of the stolen goods. What does it mean to dispose of? This is if you stole, for example, a chocolate bar and by the time of the capture had time to eat it. If this did not happen and the thief was simply detained at the exit from the store with all the stolen goods, the crime qualifies as an attempt on petty theft.
For the attempt at petty theft in the Administrative Code, punishment is not provided. Therefore, if the stolen goods were withdrawn at the exit from the store or at the cash register, you can get off with apologies. You are not required to pay damages or any penalties to the store, although its employees will certainly require it to "hush up" the case.
Here and so ...

Increasingly, security is simply beating up unfortunate thieves. Here's how in Smolensk "Pyaterochka"

Statistics are interesting, found only in 2014, in total, the Russians for the year stole goods by almost 1 billion rubles. The leader in shoplifting is Moscow.
These are losses only from those thefts that were reported to law enforcement agencies. In order for the loss to be written off from the store, you must first initiate a criminal case, then close it because it is impossible to identify the guilty person.
Dmitry Potapenko called the figure, which, in his opinion, is more in line with reality. According to the expert, the annual losses of stores are 1.7-2 trillion rubles, or about 1-1.5% of the proceeds.

At me when there were children's shops, too constantly stealed. It seems that they watched, and the anti-theft system ... but still managed to steal every month for a decent amount. Especially when a game salon was opened nearby, then a real trouble began, well, he only worked for a couple of months.

Most of the shops lost alcohol, coffee, expensive fish and meat products, as well as goods from the cash mix - chocolates, shaving machines, chewing gum and other trifles.

And the only reason is crisis, inflation, general deterioration in the living standards of the population and the absence of real criminal punishment for petty thefts in stores. The worse we live, the more we steal ...!
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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