Drug trafficking is an important part of global politics

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Drug trafficking is an important part of global politics

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 05 мар 2017, 22:00

Drug trafficking is an important component of global politics, playing a pivotal role in the proliferation of weapons, which is used to destabilize countries and overthrow undesirable governments in order to create favorable conditions for oil and gas corporations and transnational banks. Peter Dale Scott, a Canadian-born scholar, poet and former diplomat, is one of the world's largest researchers of internal government conspiracies (ie, non-negotiable government activities). For many decades, he reveals the shadow activities of the government, politicians and the oil industry.

Scott described this influential underworld in detail in his latest book, The American Covert State: Wall Street, Big Oil and an Attack on US Democracy. "He gathered strong evidence that this position was established thanks to such irresponsible agencies as the CIA and the NSA, as well as to private corporations such as Booz Allen Hamilton and SAIC, which receive about 70% of the intelligence budget. Behind these public and private institutions are influential Wall Street bankers and lawyers, as well as transnational oil corporations that are beyond the reach of US laws. "

Thus, Scott showed that these institutions operate on the other side of the law. In 2010, he gave an interview to James Corbett, in which he said that the global illegal drug trade is a paramount factor in the financing and activities of government agencies that do not meet the law. The relationship between drug dollars, the government and Wall Street is quite obvious. Peter Scott said: "It is clear that drug trafficking is an important factor in the world scheme, and some people put it on the third place, after oil and weapons. In fact, there is a certain interaction between them, because very often when selling weapons, planes take one-way weapons, and when they return, they take drugs. "

Scott also analyzed the statement made in 2009 by the head of the UN drug department and a report showing that the drug trade played a crucial role in saving several of the largest transnational banks during the 2008 financial crisis. "Antonio Maria Costa, the head of the UN department on drugs and crimes, said he saw evidence that the proceeds of organized crime were" the only liquid investment capital "available to some banks in the midst of the collapse of last year. He said that most of the 352 billion drug dollars have merged into a legal economic system. "

In the following years, there were even more scandals about the laundering of drug dollars. Particularly noteworthy is the exposure of the close relationship between HSBC Bank and the Mexican cartel Sinaloa, which laundered tens of billions of dollars through this English bank, bringing him considerable profits. "The Sinaloa Cartel, which is headquartered on the Mexican north Pacific coast, is constantly seeking new ways to launder fantastic profits. The US State Department reported that Mexican trade organizations earn $ 19 billion to $ 29 billion a year from the sale of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamines in the streets of American cities. The key to the success of the Sinaloa cartel was the establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation with the global banking system. "

Commenting on the historical development of relations between bankers and drug dealers, Scott said that the BCCI bank operating in Pakistan became the world's first large private bank that participated in the drug trade. In the 1980s, the CIA, together with terrorists, used this bank to overthrow the democratic government of Afghanistan. "Ten years after the opening, BCCI already had 400 branches in 78 countries, and its assets exceeded $ 20 billion. Thus, he climbed to the seventh place among the largest private banks in the world. " - Scott notes that the interaction of the CIA and BCCI, included drug trafficking as a means of supporting terrorists. "The CIA did not have a lot of resources in this part of the world ... the financial transactions related to the transportation of weapons were handled through the BCCI ... BCCI from the very beginning participated in financial transactions related to drug trafficking in Afghanistan."

Among the other little-known dark operations of the CIA in the drug business and geopolitics of recent decades are the Iran-Contra and the Fast and Furious Operation, as a result of which Mexican drug cartels received a mass of weapons from the United States. With the growth of the prison industrial complex and the epidemic of opiate abuse in the United States, our army provides not protection against drug trafficking, but an increase in the production of Afghan opium. Drug trafficking has a negative impact on the fall of democracy and the growth of conflicts around the world, but the central media do not pay any attention to it.
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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