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Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 07 мар 2017, 14:48

Footwear. Healthy legs are the basis of survival. In order not to rub your feet, you need to keep an eye on the shoes, especially in damp climates and in winter.
Boots or other leather shoes daily lubricate (to long served). The shoe cream can be replaced with unsalted fat, waterfowl (fish) fat, vegetable oil. Best of all is tar. For this it is necessary to find a birch. Put a piece of birch bark into the tin and heat it over the fire. A dark liquid will start to appear - this is the tar. Lubricate shoes, cleaned of dirt, always dry and preferably slightly heated in the sun or near the fire.
Shoes should be dried carefully, as when fast drying (close to the fire), it can deteriorate, as well as in the case when wet shoes remain in the cold.
Methods of drying. Filling shoes with heated pebbles, sand, paper, dry hay, moss, sawdust or ears of wild cereals - this contributes to drying and prevents deformation.
In extreme cases, you can wear raw boots (shoes) on dry socks and footcloths. It is better to wear larger shoes so that you can wear at least two socks. A warm double sock can be made if you put a dry grass, moss, cellophane bag or bird feathers between a pair of socks.
Socks. Woolen or cotton socks. Woolen socks better absorb sweat. It is necessary to take off your shoes regularly and change socks in a timely manner. If there is no substitute, wash them more often. To wash the socks dried faster, put them under the clothes on the body. If a fire burns, dry it around (only do not burn and do not drop it into the porridge). In winter, socks can be frozen, then knock them out - remove dirt, sweat, salt and moisture.
Daily care of the skin and toes. Nails on legs should be cut, so as not to interfere with walking! ;)
If it's warm - after a long, tiring walk, lower your legs for a few minutes in cold water.
One of the means of preventing fungal diseases is the daily wiping of the folds of the skin between the toes with a disinfectant solution: 0.5% potassium permanganate (manganese), 2-3% formalin; Soap paste, boric acid.
If there is nothing like that, pour the folds of the skin with the dry fungus, the tinder, the fluff of the spray (ivan-tea), the moss sphagnum. Moss sphagnum is widespread in swamps, it has a red or yellow shade. It is torn, cleaned of the coarse lower parts of the stem, pressed with hands and dried in air. Then rub to make as soft and tender as possible. This moss absorbs moisture well and contains substances that kill the microflora of festering wounds, scratches, cuts.
Wipes. An inflammatory process can begin. Put a gasket on the bubble to reduce pressure and friction. If you can not wear it, gently pierce the bladder with a sterile needle (sterilize with alcohol, you can burn on fire), grease with iodine, paste a sticking plaster. Good reduces inflammation mashed plantain leaf (clean).
Bleeding bleeding treated with boric acid, potassium permanganate, triple cologne (add a little boiled water). A calendula ointment is also suitable. Nettle is a hemostatic agent (grind, pribintovat).
Clothing. Must be clean, dry, sufficiently loose, comfortable. It is necessary to shake out clothes daily, to air it, to dry it in the sun or near a fire (protect from burning).
If possible, bathe in natural water with clean water or arrange washing with hot water, as well as washing clothes. About the bath I will not write - a separate topic!
Avoid moisturizing clothing. The most common cause is severe sweating. It is necessary to remove excess clothing, leaving a windbreaker, a storm.
Gastrointestinal diseases. The most common diseases are diarrhea, food poisoning and other intestinal disorders.
It is necessary: ​​do not drink raw water. Before drinking water, dilute the disinfecting tablet in it or boil it. If you can not boil water, throw in it crystals of potassium permanganate, pantocide, tablets or powder of activated carbon. Disinfect water of elder, bark of willow, leaves of lilac, cherry.
Do not eat with your hands. Protect food and water from flies and other insects. Keep the forest area clean.
Teeth. In the absence of toothpaste, it can be cleaned with crushed charcoal (from linden), mixed with dried and crushed mint leaves. You can use food salt with water.
The toothbrush is made from sprigs of spruce, pine or from fresh twigs of linden or aspen. On the one hand, split the twig into small pieces, chew it. She and clean. You can brush your teeth with your finger, at the same time massage your gums. After eating, rinse your mouth if there is drinking water.
Soap. If it does not exist, you can find substitutes in nature.
A dog's soap or soap is a low (30-50 cm) plant of the clove family, oblong leaves and white flowers collected on the top of the stem in bundles of five to seven pieces
If the root of the soap, dried and crushed, mixed with water, you get a foam (toxic, do not take inside).
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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