Genetic experiments

Genetic experiments

Сообщение! » 31 июл 2011, 13:23

British scientists secretly cross breed a human with animal - the prospect of such experiments
Thursday, 28 July 2011 15:39 ... nimal.html

Daily Mail reported, that scientists in the laboratories of the University of Newcastle, Kings College and the University of Warwick spent crossing of the genetic material of animals and humans, as a result of these biological experiments, scientists have created at least 155 embryos. All studies were conducted in an atmosphere of secrecy, which is why even a member of the British Parliament, Lord Elton was able to obtain information about these studies only after the official deputy's request.

It turned out, that these studies are legal in the UK after the entry into force in 2008, the Law on the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority. As stated by Professor Robin Lovell-Badge from the National Institute for Medical Research at the British Medical Research Council: "The purpose of these genetic experiments was to obtain more information about early human embryo development and to develop new treatments for serious diseases." British scientists at Newcastle University, Kings College and the University of Warwick with great difficulty managed to get permission to conduct such genetic experiments by the British administration of human fertilization and embryology. British scientists, as they reportedly had hoped for success of such a hybrid embryo stem cells, which then will be used for further studies in medicine, particularly for the treatment of diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

Despite the formal legality of such biological research activities of scientists from the University of Newcastle, Kings College and the University of Warwick, to cross the genetic material of animals and humans have already caused a storm of protest and indignation in the British society. According to Lord Elton, is opposed to the creation of mixed species, the UK authorities should prohibit any research, the crossing of the genetic material of animals and man, "for reasons of principle." A spokeswoman opposes abortion group Comment on Reproductive Ethics Josephine Kvintavall supported the demand of Lord Elton.

Note, that the discussion of the limits of the permissible in the conduct of genetic research has been going on for many years and the beginning of this discussion was laid long ago. In various parts of the world, archaeologists are still discovering rock painting of the Stone Age, which shows the unusual creatures - hybrids of humans and animals. In Australia and South Africa found a lot of these rock carvings. According to anthropologist of Cambridge University, in the Stone Age, such hybrids could really exist, because the same figures found in the most distant parts of the Earth. Therefore, anthropological evidence suggests the real future of such genetic experiments. But scientists from the University of Newcastle, Kings College and the University of Warwick, which spent crossing the genetic material of animals and humans were not the first. According to a bulletin, issued by Shanghai Institute of Cell Biology and the Academy of Sciences of China, a few years ago, geneticists from China have announced that they had to cross a man with a rabbit. As a result of this experiment was obtained 400 embryos, which are then destroyed, leaving the stem cells for further genetic experiments. Also, scientists from Australia have managed to create a embryo of human and pigs, consisting of 97% of human DNA and 3% from the DNA of pigs. This embryo is initially planned to implant in the uterus of the pig for further growth, but this line of research has been banned by the authorities.

Such research is increasingly a concern of the authorities and public organizations due to the fact, that the theoretical possibility of such horrifying genetic experiments, particularly if they hold to create biological weapons. Research to create a new kinds of living creatures, which can be used for military purposes were carried out in the 20th century in the USSR, Germany and the USA. As indicated by the results of one such research to cross human and ape: "Hybrid person from birth growing faster, than the average person and by three or four years gaining incredible powers, he is much less sensitive to pain, illegible in the food. The most important is its advantage over other creatures, including humans - it's easy to control and perfect obedience, so the possibility of using such a hybrid are endless - from working in mines up to military service. "

In the 21st century, these studies reached a new level, which could theoretically result in the creation of a real monster with absolutely incredible and previously unseen qualities. So, in 2001 the European Patent Office in Munich (EPA) has rejected the demand to ban the patent EP 322 240, which allowed scientists from Stanford University in the United States interbreed humans and animals. The investigations were described by the possibility of creating such hybrids of humans and animals: the experiments were performed by crossing human and mouse, as well as monkeys and humans. Was created a mouse with human ear on his back, and in the near future, these scientists expect to receive a monkey with a human brain, as well as mouse with human blood cells.

Interestingly, all the scientists who carried out similar experiments, appeals to the problem of finding new cures for diseases, but, as noted by a representative of pro-life group Comment on Reproductive Ethics Kvintavall Josephine: "If these scientists are proud of their genetic experiments, then why are carried out in a secret and we have to deal with the request of deputies to this became known? "

In general, progress in genetics now reached such a level, that a technological revolution can turn into a biological revolution, the continued focus in the development of civilization can be replaced by the creation of biorobots, genetically modified foods and animals, it will create new kinds of people, animals and plants that will change the world.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Genetic experiments

Сообщение! » 13 фев 2015, 14:35

On the Internet appeared an unusual and amazing video - Bull-bodybuilders bred in Belgium for meat, VIDEO: ... -meat.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Genetic experiments

Сообщение! » 18 фев 2015, 18:18

Through the DNA to determine the place of birth of a person learned in Russia - VIDEO

Scientists at the Research Institute (SRI) of medical genetics in Tomsk developed technology definition of ethno-territorial origin of the person on the model of his DNA, soobschaetcya online INO Tomsk.

"If we have a DNA sample, we can tell where the man, sometimes up to the district," - said the new technology, Deputy Director of Scientific Affairs Institute of Medical genetics Vadim Stepanov.

Above it, scientists have been working for the past 15 years. Physicians by examining the gene pool of different populations living in the territory of Russia, Belarus and UKraine, have found in them the characteristics, presence of which we can determine the origin of the human potential and, consequently, with a high probability of its deposit.

The operating time scientists have used in criminology. Thus, they were able to help the investigation to find the criminal who, since 2003, made a number of illegal actions. To do this, the detectives gave scientists samples of genetic material belonging sought.

"Using our knowledge of the gene pool, we found that this person has a descent in the male line from the territory of Buryatia, specifically - from Barguzinsky area. It is possible to sharply narrow down the suspects, and two weeks later the perpetrator arrested. He lived in Novosibirsk, but his father did Buryats of Barguzin district, mother - Russian, "- said Stepanov.

Experts hope that their technology will help not only the police but also in the identification of people in situations of disasters, military operations and terrorist attacks. "However, even a small amount of biological material - a few hairs, blood stain - you can define the ethno-territorial origin of any person", - concluded the deputy director. ... ussia.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

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