The address of this landmark in Hainan is listed on the video that describes the Old City in Haikou, Hainan Island, China - colonial-style houses in Hainan, this video can be viewed in our group VKontakte, on Facebook or on YOUTUBE at this link: In the capital of Hainan Province in Haikou, there is a whole region of old colonial-style houses, called the Old Town, where you can see the peculiarities of the colonial architecture of the 19th and 20th centuries. We have repeatedly reported the address on the map of the museums of Hainan Province, which you can find on our forum in the appropriate section, because only on our forum there were articles from our site about the island of Hainan from 2010 to 2018, in the modern version of the website, only articles 2018 year, to get to the city of Haikou from the city of Sanya it is possible for an hour and a half by high-speed train, the schedule and fares, as well as the addresses of the stations can be found on our forum about the island of Hainan, you can see fresh video or photos related to this news and previous news, and ask all the questions you are interested in  our group on Facebook: or to our   forum on Hainan Island: