Coronavirus 2019-nCoV pneumonia on February 4, 2020 in Sanya, Hainan and China: preventive measures, transmission of the virus in the toilet

The Hainan Provincial Health Committee, China, reported that on February 4, 2020, 80 confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV pneumonia coronavirus, 1 death and 4 cases of recovery were recorded in Hainan, China, (for statistics of detected cases, see the online map of the distribution of coronavirus 2019- nCoV pneumonia in Hainan, which is at the beginning of any article on our site).   


On February 4, 2020, 20486 confirmed cases of coronavirus 2019-nCoV pneumonia, 426 deaths and 660 cases of recovery were detected throughout China.


The new 2019-nCoV coronavirus pneumonia is mainly transmitted through respiratory droplets, and can also be transmitted by contact. Currently, medical facilities such as the Shenzhen Third People’s Hospital have found new-type positive coronavirus nucleic acid in the feces of patients with confirmed cases of new-type coronavirus-infected pneumonia, suggesting the presence of live virus in the feces.


However, the existence of “fecal-oral” transmission is still limited, and additional confirmation is needed.


There are many forms of fecal-oral transmission. For example, when wiping stools, patients may have bowel movements or clothing. For example, if they do not wash their hands and do not wash their clothes, others may become infected through the respiratory tract and conjunctiva after contact.


 Hainan Provincial CDC Reminds You:


Improve hand hygiene. Reduce contact with public goods and parts in public places, return from public places, before and after meals, wash your hands with a hand sanitizer or soapy water, or use a non-alcoholic hand sanitizer and avoid touching your hands when you're not sure if your hands, mouth, nose and eyes.


Strengthen home hygiene, clean the toilet and clean the toilet in a timely manner with a disinfectant.


When using a public toilet, choose a clean toilet seat. You can choose a squat toilet to reduce contact. If there is only a toilet seat, sanitize a tissue with a sanitary towel. Always wash your hands after using the toilet.


On the morning of February 4, Liu Qigui, secretary of the provincial party committee and the leader of the Hainan Provincial Committee for pneumonia caused by a new coronavirus infection, held the fourth meeting of the party committee of the provincial anti-epidemic committee.


In addition to hearing reports on the prevention and control of the epidemic in the province, the meeting also heard reports on the current situation with staff movements, situations on prevention and control of the public and risk assessments, as well as reports on the work on prevention and control in Haikou, Sanya and in the city of Qunhai. Liu Qigui noted that the organization of the conference reflected a phased characterization of the current situation to prevent and the control of the epidemic in Hainan, it is necessary to prevent the entry and exit of patients at the entry and exit points on the island of Hainan and strengthen the community, to do good work on disinfection and cleaning of public places, we must carefully monitor the market, in particular, we must strictly investigate and punish for illegal actions, such as the manufacture and sale of counterfeit and substandard medical supplies, as well as price increase.


Aeroflot Airlines became the only airline in Russia to maintain regular flights to China. The carrier’s planes will continue to fly to Beijing, Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Shanghai, despite the fact that the Federal Air Transport Agency has notified Russian airlines of the introduction of a temporary ban on some scheduled flights to China due to an outbreak of coronavirus. In addition, Aeroflot has allocated a special terminal for passengers arriving from China. Now all of them receives terminal F of Sheremetyevo Airport. In it, in connection with the danger of the spread of infection, enhanced sanitary measures were introduced. As Solidarity was informed in the Sheremetyevo Trade Union of Flight Crew (SPS), this news caused alarm among members of flight and cabin crews. They discuss the question: whether to fly to China at your own risk and to refuse.


Many commanders report that they will not leave the cockpit to avoid infection. The on-line information sheet for cabin crew (published on the ShPS website) says that “Aeroflot PJSC has no reason to refuse to transport passengers with high temperature from China”. In addition to it, it is explained: “When a passenger is identified with signs of a respiratory illness (with complaints of fever, difficulty breathing, coughing) it is necessary to be guided by clause 11.3.2 "Measures when a patient (corpse) is detected on board the aircraft with suspected infectious (parasitic) disease". - If you look at other countries, the air traffic closes completely, only planes are sent to transport their citizens.


You can watch hundreds of videos of excursions on the island of Hainan here:


Created: 04 February 2020
