Boao Lecheng Special Medical Zone on Hainan Island, China - Medical Equipment Exhibition

25 companies participated in the medical equipment exhibition at Boao Lecheng Special Medical Zone in Hainan Island, China, and more than 70 international medical equipment companies registered online.


In 2013, the State Council approved the establishment of the Hainan Boao International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone, granting the pilot zone nine preferential rules for the import and use of new drugs, medical equipment and equipment that were not registered or approved in the country, commonly known as the Nine National Rules ". In 2019, the "Implementation Plan to Support the Construction of Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pioneer Zone" was released.


Upon entering the pilot zone, imported medicines can be taken out of the pilot zone for use, research on the application of clinical data in the real world can be carried out in the pilot zone, and the creation of an international center for the verification and evaluation of imported medicines and medical devices in the pilot zone, etc. Thanks to the development opportunities, it will be more convenient for the Chinese to come for diagnostics and treatment, as well as use the world's most modern medicines and equipment to treat their diseases. The cost of treatment is also much lower than traveling abroad for surgery, which allows many patients who cannot afford the cost of treatment to be treated.


With the implementation of the free trade port policy, Lecheng is attracting more and more attention. On the same day, the Bo'ao International Hospital of Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine University was opened in Lecheng. In the future, the park will include other well-known medical institutions at home and abroad.


You can watch hundreds of videos of excursions on the island of Hainan here:


Created: 30 August 2020
