Alipay will introduce a new Rules for Earning Alipay Points on "Alipay Member Page" from February 21, 2022

Alipay recently released an announcement to adjust the Alipay points rules on the "Alipay Member Page" in the app. The rules will be changed from 00:00 on February 21, 2022, and their content will be as follows:


1. Points rules will be adjusted as follows:

When using Alipay to pay, the rules for earning points will be changed: “Starting from 0 yuan, you can get 2 points after the payment is completed, and you can get 1 point for every 20 yuan paid, and you can get a maximum of 20 points per day.

Compared with the previous rule of "starting with 0 yuan and completing the payment, you can get 1 point", users will get more points when they actually pay 0-20 yuan.


2. This adjustment only affects the scoring rules. Your current level, height value, and related rules have no effect on this. Your membership level is determined by Growth Points. You can use Alipay points to exchange different rights and interests on the Alipay membership page, the use of points will not reduce or affect your growth.


3. Account maintenance rules (including redemption and transfer of loans), financial management (including Yu'ebao, loans and asset management fund), login and points earning rules remain unchanged

Created: 17 February 2022
