WeChat has set rules for banning users: violators can be permanently banned

To ensure that WeChat users have a good communication environment, WeChat has released new rules for blocking users since March 12, 2022: if users violate these rules, they can be banned.


1. The first condition for a ban in Wechat: the user often sends links with content prohibited in China

In our daily life, when we come across beautiful videos and articles, we always like to share the content with our friends. The most commonly used sharing software is naturally WeChat. A regular link does not activate the system's security mechanism and can be sent as usual, but if you send a link with content prohibited in China, it may be detected by the system and if it is detected that there is content prohibited in China when clicking on this link, such a user may be banned. However, the conditions of the ban are not disclosed in detail - there are probably certain criteria when a user is not banned immediately, but depending on the degree of danger of this content and if some users are banned when forwarding the first message, then others may post several of their links before the ban, if they contain less dangerous content.


Because of this, our company created a special program for Wechat a year ago, where even before publication, all information in our Wechat information program is checked through special databases of Chinese censorship, therefore, in our WeChat groups in Russian and English, they are published through the Wechat program only information messages verified and allowed by Chinese censorship.


None of the other foreigners in other foreign Wechat groups have such a system anymore - in other Wechat groups, admins and members of such Wechat groups often post prohibited content, not realizing that their content is prohibited, because they are not the official developers of Wechat, like our company, and they cannot have access to such information databases of Chinese censorship.


2. The second condition for a WeChat ban: the user installs two WeChats on one phone

With the accelerated pace of people's lives, most people prefer to use two mobile phone cards, one for life and the other for work, but only one WeChat can be installed on each mobile phone, so there are third-party platforms "copying" WeChat, so that the mobile phone can easily install two WeChat.


In fact, most people don't know that WeChat discourages the use of multi-window software.

If a user installs two WeChat apps on the same mobile phone, as soon as WeChat finds out about it, the account may be banned.


However, here, too, the criteria for searching and identifying such violators are not disclosed in detail, it is indicated that installing two Wechat applications on one phone using special programs often violates the information security of users, and there have been cases of stealing money from accounts through these programs. Therefore, it is better to avoid installing two or more WeChat applications on the same mobile phone at all.


3.The third condition for a WeChat ban: using WeChat to send offensive content

After entering the information age, it has facilitated the exchange of information between people, especially through WeChat, a huge group of users can speak freely anytime and anywhere, but there are also some users who use WeChat to post vulgar content in WeChat groups and personal chats.


In response to this issue, the WeChat official also strictly banned it. If a user sends insults or vulgar content to other users, then such Wechat user will be banned.

Created: 16 March 2022
