The address of this landmark in Hainan is listed on the video that describes the Park Partisan Red Squad of Women in Qionghai, Hainan, China, this video can be viewed in our group VKontakte, on Facebook or on YOUTUBE at this link: Park Partisan red detachment of women is located on the east coast of Hainan Island near the city of Qionghai, this park is dedicated to the guerrilla fight of female partisan detachments with Japanese invaders during the Second World War, a tour of the park you can see on this tour on video. If you do not want to take a taxi, show this our video with the name of this sight, written in blue letters, the cashier at the ticket office at the bus station in Sanya and she will sell you tickets to the city of Qionghai in Hainan, the addresses of all the stations in Sanya and Haikou in Russian , Chinese and English, you can find on our forum. You can see fresh video or photos related to this news and previous news, and ask all the questions you are interested in  our group on Facebook: or to our   forum on Hainan Island: