General information about China

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General information about China

Сообщение! » 25 фев 2011, 00:27

China map.jpg
China map.jpg (30.87 KiB) Просмотров: 5201

The People's Republic of China (PRC), commonly known as China, is situated in Eastern Asia, bordering the East China Sea, Korea Bay, Yellow Sea, and South China Sea. It is the 4th largest country area wise.

Border Countries: Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Laos, Vietnam.

Area: 9,596,960 sq km

Population: 1.3 billion (worlds largest country population)

Capital: Beijing: Originally known as Tsi, the city was founded during the Tsou Dynasty (1046-77 B.C.) During the warring states (475-221 B.C.) it was the capital of the state of Gian. The city of Tsi gained strategical importance and was a trading centre for over 1000 years. During the 10th century A.D., under the name Giantzin, the Beijing became the leading city of the Liao dynasty. Between 1115 and 1911, the city was the capital of the dynasties of the Jin, Yian, Ming, and Tsing. The city became the cradle of civilization for China leaving behind many important historical sights including the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Temple of the Sky and the Ming Tombs. Since the 1980s, the booming urban development brought important changes to the citys appearance. Modern Beijing, with 14 inhabitants, has large boulevards and sky scrapers while maintaining the characteristics of an ancient capital. In 2008, Beijing will host the 29th Summer Olympic Games.

Special Administrative Regions:

Hong Kong: A British colony until 1997 at which time it was incorporated into the Chinese state retaining its economic status. It is situated in the south of the country, near the river Sam Chun and is built partly on mainland and partly on islands. It is densely populated with 6.7 million inhabitants in an area of 1045 sq km. It is an international economic and trading centre. There are many sights to visit including the peak of Victoria, the Big Buddha, the Zoo and Botanical gardens. Tours around the harbour are organized.

Macau: Originally it was the oldest European (Portuguese) colony in China since the 16th century. It is a small island-city in the south of China. It is situated 70 km northwest of Hong Kong. The government of Portugal gave over the sovereignty of Macau to the Peoples Republic of China in 1999 and it is now governed as a special administrative region. The inhabitants mainly speak the Cantonese dialect. Apart from the monuments of the colonial times Macau is well known for its casinos.

President (General Secretary of Communist Party of China): HU Jintao Vice-President: ZENG Qinghong (from 15.03.2003) Prime Minister: WEN Jiabao (16.03.2003) Vice-President of Government: HUANG Ju, WU Yi, ZENG Peiyan, HUI Liangyu (17.03.2003) Foreign Minister: LI Zhaoxing

Currency: YUAN (1 CNY= 0,10 ) GDP: 1,4$ trillion GDP per capita: $1.090 Inflation: 4,1 % Growth Rate: 9,5% Unemployment: ~10-15%

China VISA/Passport: A visa is required and a valid passport not expiring for the next 6 months

Official Language: Officially Chinese and/or Mandarin (based on a dialect of Beijing), Cantonese and other dialects.

Religion: Officially the majority of Chinese are atheists (59%), also Taoists and Buddhists (20%), Christians (3-4%), Muslims (1-2%)

Local Time: +6 hours

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Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: General information about China

Сообщение! » 30 апр 2011, 23:01

China's population reached 1.339 billion people on the basis of the latest census of China Thursday, 28 April 2011

Today was published information on the outcome of the latest census in China. According to published data, China's population had increased to 1.3392 billion in 2010, an increase of 5,9%, compared with census data of China in 2000, when China's population was a 1.2653 billion. According to the latest census, was increased and the number of Chinese people, living in cities, now it is 49.72% of all residents of the PRC and in 2000 the rate was 36.091%.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: General information about China

Сообщение! » 01 май 2011, 23:20

China has tightened the punishment for driving while intoxicated
Sunday, 01 May 2011

Today in China was announced, that from May 1, 2011 in Hainan and in other provinces of China, much tougher penalties for driving vehicle while intoxicated. On May 1 in China to people, detained for driving while intoxicated, will apply a penalty of imprisonment for up to 6 months, a large fine and prohibition of driving for a period up to 5 years. If guilty of drunk driving will be civil servants, then this person could face dismissal from public service (applies to police officers, and employees of all Government ministries and departments of China).!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: General information about China

Сообщение! » 08 май 2011, 16:47

In China against drunk drivers are allowed to use tear gas
Friday, 06 May 2011

A few days ago we reported on our website that from May 1 in China to people, detained for driving while intoxicated, will apply a penalty of imprisonment for up to 6 months, a large fine and prohibition of driving for a period up to 5 years. If guilty of drunk driving will be civil servants, then this person could face dismissal from public service (applies to police officers, and employees of all Government ministries and departments of China). However, such severe penalties already have meant, that in China recorded many cases where drunk drivers were aggressive with police and refused to pass a test on alcohol and attempting to escape. So today the traffic police to allow extensive use of tear gas against aggressive drivers, which refuse to pass an alcohol test and try to escape.

FOR PHOTOS CLICK HERE: ... cated.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: General information about China

Сообщение! » 09 май 2011, 15:14

Death Sentence for former mayor of Shenzhen, China delayed by two years
Monday, 09 May 2011  

Former mayor of Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, was sentenced to death, suspended for two years. Results of an investigation conducted by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection showed, that Xu Zongheng abusing an official position in the interests of others, received bribes on a large scale. Xu Zongheng was born in 1955 in Xiangtan, Hunan Province, was a member of the CPC since 1973, has a higher education, began work in 1972. He served as a member of the Bureau of the CPC Municipal Committee, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee, vice mayor of Shenzhen City, the mayor of Shenzhen City. Back in 2010 for a serious breach of discipline and law, former deputy secretary of CPC Committee of Shenzhen City, former Mayor of Shenzhen Xu Zongheng was expelled from the CCP and dismissed from the civil service. After that, People's Procuratorate filed Xu Zongheng charges, that in 2001-2009. while serving as head Division for the organizational work of Shenzhen CPC Committee, deputy secretary of the CPC Shenzhen Municipal Committee, vice-mayor and mayor of Shenzhen, he abused an official position on behalf of nine organizations and individuals, for which he received a bribe of $ 33.18 million yuan.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: General information about China

Сообщение! » 20 июн 2011, 00:26

After floods in China evacuated more than 2 million people
Sunday, 19 June 2011 12:25
About 2.6 million people were evacuated after floods in Zhejiang Province, China, more than a thousand businesses were forced to stop their work. From heavy rainfalls also affected about 171 000 hectares of agricultural land. About 170 people were killed or missing. Total damage from the floods in Zhejiang province is estimated at nearly five billion yuan. Floods in Zhejiang Province were the result of breaking the two dams, which were filled with water from heavy rainfall in the last few days. At this time, army eliminates the effects of flood consequences.

Zhejiang Province is located in east China, on the coast of East China Sea. The area of the province is about 100 thousand square kilometers. The provincial capital is a Hangzhou City, real estate in which, according to the results of 2010, took first place in China. The province is bordered to the south of Fujian province, west of the country - with the provinces of Jiangxi and Anhui in the north - with the province of Jiangsu, as well as with the city of Shanghai.

Flooding of this size was possible in Zhejiang province, because of the fact that the mountains, dissected by river valleys, occupy most of the territory. The climate of Zhejiang province is subtropical, with average January temperatures 5 ° C and 27 ° C in July. Average annual rainfall is about 1000 mm. Numerous rivers in the province are mountainous. Also, the area of Zhejiang Province is a zone of passage of typhoons. But in this month's heavy rainfall caused no typhoon, and a low pressure area that covered part of eastern and southern provinces of China, after in these provinces fell to a record rainfall for these places from the impact of which has happened a catastrophic flood.

Note, that the Zhejiang province is at a very important place in the economic system of China, as the Zhejiang province is China's third largest GDP and is one of the highest average income of urban and rural populations.

The main exported products of Zhejiang Province, are: agricultural products, garments, silk. Among the imported products are steel and nonferrous metals, oil, petrochemical products, industrial equipment, pulp. Also, Zhejiang province is famous cultural and historical center of China. Despite the fact that, in Zhejiang Province are also small deposits of ore, on the whole province is poor in minerals.

The main specialization of Zhejiang province is agriculture, which is famous in China for its high productivity. The province occupies a leading place in China for growing rice, cereals, green tea and catch fish. Province also exports to other provinces of China a vegetables, fruits, flowers and animal products, meat and milk. Besides, in Zhejiang province developed the silk and textile industries, production of building materials.

Many industrial enterprises of Zhejiang province are export-oriented, more than half of all exports in Zhejiang province is sent to Japan, USA and Europe. In the city of Yiwu is the world's largest wholesale market for haberdashery and household goods, which is visited by many foreign companies.

It should be noted, that trade and economic ties between Russia and Zhejiang province developed significantly better than the other provinces of eastern China. Russia's main exports in Zhejiang province are: steel, nonferrous metals, petroleum products. The Russian companies import mainly textile products.

Thus, as a consequence of the floods in Zhejiang province, but the expected increase in the prices of many food products in China, may be called as a likely reduction in demand for steel and nonferrous metals imported from Russia in Zhejiang.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: General information about China

Сообщение! » 14 фев 2012, 18:11

Valentine's Day in Sanya and Hainan Island, China
Tuesday, 14 February 2012 10:31 ... liday.html

In Sanya and other cities in Hainan Island, China among the local youth are popular the world-famous holiday- Valentine's Day. On Valentine's Day the lovers give each other romantic gifts- are very popular flowers and chocolate products. The shops, bars and restaurants of the cities of Hainan Island are using this day as an occasion for special offers. On February 14 many Chinese couples choose the city of Sanya for the wedding, in this day sold a record number of flowers.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: General information about China

Сообщение! » 27 янв 2015, 20:28

Tourists in China will be able to get back 11% of taxes on purchases

Ministry of Finance of China issued a ruling on the return of foreign nationals tax deductions on purchases, said on Monday the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR).

Now, foreign tourists will be able to get back 11% of taxes on the purchase amount.

According to a document published on the website of the Ministry, the decision was made in order to optimize the taxation system and the development of tourism.

Tax refund available to foreigners, to break into the Chinese territory of not more than 183 days. Contents can be within 90 days from the date of purchase. Innovation applies to all purchases in one store, the cost of which will exceed 500 billion yuan (about $ 81). If the value of goods purchased less than 10 thousand. Yuan (about $ 1,610), then get a tax refund tourist can cash or a bank account. With a total value of purchases in excess of 10 thousand. Yuan refund is made only through bank transfer.

Innovation concerns such purchases as clothing, shoes, cosmetics, watches, jewelry, electronics, stationery and sporting goods, medical instruments and furniture. In this case, the goods must be in original packaging. In shops that sell subject to the rules of tax refund items will be posted relevant ads in Chinese and English, according ATOR.

To issue refund for tax deductions, the tourist will have to provide identification and a check for the purchase on the road - at airports, seaports and land border crossings.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: General information about China

Сообщение! » 02 мар 2015, 19:27

China will present a plan to create a visa-free tourist zone with Russia and North Korea this year

China has embarked on a project of international tourist visa-free area in the north-eastern border zone with Russia and North Korea, "Interfax" Chairman of the Association of Applied Economics, Heilongjiang Province Zhang Chuntszyao.

"Currently in Jilin Province have already started research work in 2015 will develop a plan. In the future, the plan will be implemented right first, and then - multilaterally. According to the mayor g.Hunchun (Jilin Province) Jin Chunshanya, Russia and North Korea have been very active participate in the creation of this facility, "- said the agency head of the Association.

With a neighboring country China intends to raise the first "two-way" stage of the project, the economist did not specify.

As reported, the free zone visa, to be created in the Tumen River (Tumen) along which the border between China and North Korea, as well as between the DPRK and Russia. It is expected that the region will include plots of 10 square meters. km, allocated to each of the three countries. Tourist objects in her hand will build together, can be arranged free trade.

The initiative to create a tourist zone was launched in 2014 by the city of Hunchun and aroused the interest of the authorities of border territories of Russia and the DPRK.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

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