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Restaurants, bars, food festivals in Israel

СообщениеДобавлено: 19 дек 2014, 23:29
Traditional cuisine in Israel

Power in Israel is diverse: in local institutions were fed, healthier and portions offered here are very large (usually you can eat and a half servings).
Food in Israel

Traditional Jewish cuisine is based on the use of kosher food. For example, the Israelis can not eat pork and aquatic species that do not have fins and scales (crabs, clams, squid), and dairy products can not be eaten with meat.
In hotels, restaurants and supermarkets can be found everywhere kosher products, but as a country constantly tourists come to find something not kosher shop or restaurant in Israel - not a problem.
Constitute the foundation of Israeli cuisine vegetables, fruits, olive oil, herbs, fish, legumes.
Israelis favorite food is pita - flat bannock, which they impose various toppings in the form of vegetables, sauces, fish or meat. In addition, the Israelis are using it instead of bread.
Israeli cuisine in something similar to Arabic, so Israel can enjoy hummus - mashed chickpeas seasoned with spices and olive oil.
Where to eat in Israel?

At your service:
- Restaurants (where you can enjoy not only serves Israeli, but also other cuisines of the world);
- Networking coffee (Aroma, Ilan's Coffee House, Espresso Bar);
- Private and pastry shops with "local" fast food (here you can enjoy a shawarma, falafel and various salads).
Drinks in Israel

Popular drinks in Israel are: Tropit (fruit drink), Chocolate milk (chocolate milk), beer (Nesher, Goldstar, Maccabee), liquors (Arak), wine.
As recently in Israel widespread wine, then if you want you can visit the wineries, boutiques and wineries that not only taste, but also buy a few bottles of wine.
Gastronomic tour in Israel

Going to Israel as part of a gastronomic tour, you can visit the bazaar Old Jaffa and take part in the purchase of spices and seasonings, led by the chef of one of the best restaurants. Then you can watch the process of cooking dinner, and then eat it.
You may want to attend master classes. For example, in Tel Aviv at the restaurant "Honey Beach" on your eyes cook a whole lamb, using about 10 different spices. While he is ready, you, along with all those present at the master class prefer salads with nuts, pepper, herbs and other ingredients. And for dessert you can eat baklava.
Holidays in Israel will amaze you not only historical and cultural sites, but also beneficial climate, and received positive gastronomic delights here.

Source: http://www.votpusk.ru/story/article.asp ... z3MMEynuoS

Re: Restaurants, bars, food festivals in Israel

СообщениеДобавлено: 19 дек 2014, 23:31
Where to eat in Tel Aviv?

Question: "Where to eat in Tel Aviv?" Is relevant to travelers in this Israeli city. There are many establishments where you can eat, or eat dense: features of the city - like a cheap street cafes and upscale expensive restaurants. Local food establishments you will be able to try mincemeat, chops poultry meat, hummus, potato pancakes (bulbelatkes), balls of legumes (falafel).
Where to eat in Tel Aviv cheap?

Inexpensive meal can be in many bistros and cafes, as well as a fairly cheap cafes, for example, in Cofix - in this institution set a fixed price for all meals and drinks. Here you can eat sandwiches, pastries, desserts and coffee. If you decide to try the falafel, go to Falafel Dror, Falafel Ratson, Falafix (here is a dish worth 2 times cheaper than in other cafes).

You - a fan of Italian cuisine? It makes sense to visit Pasta Basta. In addition to Italian pasta, and offers to be treated with soups, salads, desserts at very affordable prices.
Where to eat in Tel Aviv delicious?

Manta Ray: This fish restaurant you can eat tuna fillet with mushroom sauce, shrimp with sauteed zucchini, sea meats, baked sea bream with rosemary. In addition, it offers - a great selection of wines and vegetarian menus.
Sab Kuch Milega: if you - a vegetarian, it is advisable to visit you in this Indian restaurant. Here you will be able to taste authentic dishes and snacks - chickpeas, beans, thick curry, vegetables, cakes ... dimensionless
The Dining Hall: in this institution serves Jewish, European and Mediterranean cuisine based on seafood, meat, fish. The highlight of the restaurant - serving dishes in the style of "sharing" (dishes are carried into the hall on the same plates and placed in the center of the table, at home).
Shila: specialty of the restaurant - Mediterranean cuisine, combined with the Catalan culinary tradition (here a large selection of tapas). It is worth noting that a tasty snack seafood, fish, meat and vegetables are cooked in the open kitchen.

Gastronomic tours of Tel Aviv

On the gastronomic walk in Tel Aviv you will be taken to the market Carmel, which sells a variety of products - fish, meat, fruits and vegetables, spices. Here you can get everything you need for cooking classes (you will accompany the chef). You will learn how to prepare a real Israeli dinner, and in the final part of the master class try the fruits of their labor.

On vacation in Tel Aviv, you can see temples, visit museums (Museum of the Bible, the Museum of the Jewish Diaspora, the Harry Oppenheimer Diamond Museum), relax on the popular beaches (Hilton, Nordau, Gordon, Frishman) serves Jewish cuisine.

Re: Restaurants, bars, food festivals in Israel

СообщениеДобавлено: 07 янв 2015, 18:56
Where to eat in Jerusalem?

Going on vacation in the capital of Israel? Surely you are interested in information about where to eat in Jerusalem. Capital offers a huge selection of cafes and restaurants with a variety of styles and prices: there are open places of different classes, where you can taste Jewish, French, Chinese, Italian dishes and other cuisines.

Local institutions advisable to order the "Jerusalem is hot" - a dish of chicken meat (liver, breast, heart, navel), seasoned with onions and various spices (a dish served on a plate or in pita bread).
Where to eat cheaply in Jerusalem?

Inexpensive meal can be a network cafes and fast food restaurants. So, you should look at Café Hillel, whose menu you will find Italian cuisine (large selection of pizza), as well as sandwiches, pastries and a variety of drinks. Another budget place where you will be able to bite burgers is Evo Meat Burger. If you do not mind a bite shawarma or falafel, you can do this by buying food at street stalls. Inexpensive food and offer a variety of fast-food establishments, for example, Burgers Bar and Holy Bagel.
Where to eat in Jerusalem delicious?

Azura: this restaurant specializes mainly in national and Iranian cuisine (food cooked in huge pots). It serves hummus, soup Kubbeh, goulash.
Adom: this restaurant is worth to pay a visit fans of European cuisine, where they will be treated with risotto with lamb carpaccio of fish and meat, steak, shrimp in a sauce of Dijon mustard and truffle mayala. A perfect complement to the delicious dishes by the European and Jewish wine.
Little Jerusalem: despite the fact that this restaurant does not prepare meat dishes, here you can enjoy fish dishes, cakes, pancakes, desserts (for younger guests order can be made from a special children's menu). It is worth noting that on Wednesday-Saturday at this institution organized and jazz concerts of traditional Jewish music.
Modern: the menu of this restaurant is presented Israeli and original cuisine. Every Thursday in the institution are organized musical concerts (blues, rhythm and blues), as well as tasting evening (guests are offered to taste the wines made in Israel).
Macheyuda: this restaurant lovers of Mediterranean cuisine. On the menu you will find assorted seafood, polenta with cheese and mushrooms, steak, French, Italian, Israeli wine, tequila, grappa, rum ...

Gastronomic tours of Jerusalem

As part of the gastronomic tour you will visit the spice shops where you can buy spices and herbs. In addition, you will be able to visit a cozy cafe where you can taste the white Yemeni coffee, hot liquid halva, a variety of sweets ...

In Jerusalem - one of the oldest cities in the world, you can visit the interesting excursions to see the famous shrine (Temple of the Holy Sepulchre, the Wailing Wall, the Al-Aqsa Mosque), try the national cuisine.

Re: Restaurants, bars, food festivals in Israel

СообщениеДобавлено: 03 мар 2015, 16:01
Wines of Israel

Historians rightly believe that the wine in the lands of Israel began at least five thousand years ago. Confirmation of this - numerous archeological findings suggesting that the inhabitants of the Promised Land has grown since ancient grape fruit and wine prepared from them. Modern winemaking traditions in the country has more than a century, but the fault of Israel has taken a worthy place in the local market and abroad.
Varieties and numbers

All the territory of modern Israel there are more than two hundred wineries, most of which - the small, family. In this case the lion's share of production volumes accounted for ten enterprises which poured wine for export. A chance to try the products of family wineries have those who go to a wine tour of Israel. During the trip, guests get acquainted with the technology of growing fruit and wine production in Israel, learn the secrets of cooking kosher products.
Among the most popular Israeli grapes both local and international. In the regions of Zichron Yaakov Shimshon grown Muscat and Riesling and Argaman. The remaining area of ​​cultivation of grape varieties prefer Sauvignon Blanc, Chenin Blanc, Riesling Argaman and Emerald.
Special rules for kosher wine

Israel - a country special. Professing Judaism should eat only those foods that are prepared according to the rules of kashrut. Kosher food and wine in Israel do not contradict the canons of orthodox Judaism, and, therefore, in their manufacture, observe the following traditions:

Vineyard giving fruit wine must be at least four years.
He should be given a rest every seven years.
Once the berries arrive at the winery, they can touch only those winemakers who observe the Sabbath and other procedures prescribed kosher.
Production of wines requires only kosher materials.

Kosher wines are important in the economy. Only this drink can afford an Orthodox Jew, but because production of kosher wineries is especially in demand in the country, and around the world.
Monasteries and wine

One of the most popular wine tours to Israel includes visits to several monasteries, which serves wine from old recipes. A special place between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv - Latrun Monastery. It was founded by the Congregation of the Trappist molchalnikov, and during Napoleon's company brought the first vines here. Since then, Israeli wines, many associated with wines Latrun.

Re: Restaurants, bars, food festivals in Israel

СообщениеДобавлено: 03 мар 2015, 16:04
Where to eat in Netanya?

"Where to eat in Netanya?" - A question which is raised by tourists coming to rest on the Israeli resort. To their services - a huge number of cafes, pubs, restaurants ...
Where to eat in Netanya cheap?

Democratic institutions should be sought in the area of ​​the central square and adjacent streets (prices and menu are reflected in Hebrew, English, and in some places and in Russian). Finding budget food establishments can look at one of the network cafe "Aroma" - and serves large portions of delicious salads. Inexpensive meals are served in the bistro Concha - you can not just try Mediterranean cuisine and all sorts of fish dishes, but also enjoy the picturesque views of the sea.
Where to eat in Netanya delicious?

"Jacko": in the menu of this institution presented fish and seafood dishes. Here it is advisable to try the shrimp with grilled fish, mullet, freshly baked focaccia.
Café London: in this European restaurant you will be treated with soups, fish and seafood, burgers, pasta, as well as to come here in the morning to enjoy a traditional Israeli breakfast.
Pomodoro: the interior of this restaurant is in Milan's style, and the menu contains Italian cuisine. Here you can eat fish and seafood, ravioli, pasta, cheeses. And for competitive price offer in the institution should look for a business lunch (12: 00-17: 00).
"Shvil A Zaav" ("The Golden Path") restaurant specializes in Russian and Jewish cuisine (at the request of visitors in the menu can make a difference). In addition to delicious food, in this place a cozy atmosphere, live music, performances by professional artists.
Casa Mia: This pizza restaurant pleases its visitors with its beautiful interior decoration (sofas, elegant cabinets). In addition, here you can eat al fresco - at a table located on the green lawn. In this place, you can enjoy Italian cuisine - different pasta, pizza, seafood, meat dishes with various sauces.

Gastronomic tours of Netanya

As part of the gastronomic tour offers to stay in the family of one of the locals, where you can taste local food and get to know a new culture. In addition, you can visit various authentic restaurants and personally cook ethnic dishes, visiting culinary master class.

In Netanya, no one have problems with power - here you can satisfy your hunger, as in the hotel restaurant and pizzeria, Israeli "Pitter", Japanese, Georgian, Indian and other restaurants.