Shops, markets, sales in the US

Shops, markets, sales in the US

Сообщение! » 04 фев 2015, 18:48

Sales in the US

American shopping differs frequent sales and a flexible system of discounts. Major sales in the US are confined to the holidays. Americans have traditionally used a variety of discounts and bonuses. They rarely make a purchase with payment of the full value of the goods. Secured Americans enjoy visiting shops with cheap goods. In this country it is customary to make good deals and save on shopping. Visiting shopping malls in the United States, you should pay attention to the sign that says «Final sale», «out of business sale» and others.
What actions carried shops

Most large-scale action with lower prices are on holidays. They start right after Thanksgiving and get to the peak Christmas. Falling prices also occurs in January, when prices in some stores accounted for 80%. Things to 30-40 $ on sale can be purchased for $ 5.

Discount season - is an excellent opportunity to make a lot of new purchases. At this time, a lot of people rush to the shopping centers of the country. They create long queues and bustle. Many sales outlets open on pavements, exposing their wares on the street. Such shares are designated «sidewalk sale».

Sales in the US arranged for a variety of reasons: national holidays, marketing plans and sales network. Some chain stores organize actions in connection with the release of a new model of the popular goods.
Major sales

Large sales provide consumers with an excellent opportunity advantageous to buy any goods: clothing, home textiles, decorative items, shoes and so on. Some actions are confined to the main holiday of the country, while others performed in connection with religious events. Many Americans prefer to make reservations online stores that also offer great discounts.

National Day, which opens a series of discounts - a Martin Luther King Day (third Monday in January). The largest US Megamall provide good discounts on most products. The next festival, which is accompanied by a favorable stock - Valentine's Day, February 14. By this date, timed sales, organized stores worldwide. Sales in the US are also in the President's Day, St. Patrick's Day, April Fool's Day and others. One of the major festivals of the Christians - Easter, also marked by global sale across the country.

Hot action in the United States - "The destruction of the collections" when at low prices sold off clothes and shoes from last season's collections.

It is interesting that in the US there is a concept refund - return unwanted goods. This service is for those who have succumbed to the hype and bought the thing that he does not need. Then after buying this product you can take back to the store without explanation.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Shops, markets, sales in the US

Сообщение! » 04 фев 2015, 18:50

Tax free in the US

In the US, there is no possibility of registration tax free to make a purchase. This is due to the fact that the country has no value added tax (VAT) and tax free is his return in full or in part when leaving the country. In the US, this tax is not in the country and put only the sales tax (Sailes Tax), which in most cases is not indicated on the price tags of goods.

For this reason, the buyer should be prepared for the possibility that the amount of the check will be more than 8 - 10%. Catching shopping, keep in mind that the size of the tax depends on the state, so the amount may be more or less. In some states, the sales tax is 0%, resulting in a shopping immediately becomes the most profitable.
What is the sales tax rate in the US

Sales tax depends on the state. In some cases, can be set to the same taxes, corresponding to different levels. In this case, in almost all cases the buyers should make full payment for the goods, it is written in the current legislation. Dreaming of a favorable and shopping in the US without solving additional questions, need to know where you can save.

So, in some states there is no sales tax? Alaska, Oregon, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire. In this case, some of the administrative regions of Alaska, Oregon, Montana may be present to establish taxes, what can be checked with the store employees.
How can I save money on shopping in the United States

Despite the fact that in the United States tax free offline, p can still be obtained. In most shopping malls shoppers who spent 100 - $ 150 can get a discount of 9.5 - 14%. Cash to cash at home or at the airport is not required due to the fact that the country is running a special service, which can be compared with tax free, and that's where you want to send a check. Officers transferred to a fixed amount on a specified bank account number or credit card. Keep in mind that the return of cash is not possible.

If you do not have time to send a check to the shopping, do not throw it, and save, because the term is not limited to cashing time interval. This scheme is the most elaborate, because everyone can return the sales tax and note the most convenient form of cooperation with the US service.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

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