Treatment in Mexico

Treatment in Mexico

Сообщение! » 18 апр 2015, 00:06

Treatment in Mexico

Not only Mayan ruins and endless blue of the Caribbean attract tourists to the distant shores of the Mexican. In between the beach and the pleasures of contemplation forever gray pyramids of the ancient people, and many travelers venture to treatment in Mexico, especially because some procedures doctors here work out better and much cheaper than counterparts in other countries.

For a trip to the Caribbean shores best to enlist the support of medical travel insurance that will help return the money spent for treatment in Mexico in the event of unforeseen circumstances requiring emergency care.

It should be remembered that in pharmacies in the country almost all drugs dispensed only by prescription, and therefore should take with them all the necessary preparations in case of emergency.

To avoid trouble with the law and health, it is important to avoid the illegal practice of medicine, and therefore the study recommendations and reviews of patients at the clinic site or page data of the Ministry of Health - an important stage in preparation for a trip to Mexico for treatment.
How to help here?

Residents of Mexico deduct the monthly contribution to the fund of health insurance and receive partial or full coverage of all the costs of treatment. The foreigner will have to pay for the services of physicians in full, except in the case of compensation for emergency assistance under the policy of the traveler.
Methods and achievements

A number of Mexican hospitals accredited by JCI international system and that they should choose when choosing a place for treatment. Doctors in the country have been particularly successful in ophthalmology and orthopedic surgery, total joint replacement and dentistry. Popular with foreigners and plastic surgery clinics in Mexico. The most frequently performed procedures - abdominoplasty, liposuction and facelift circular.
Issue price

The cost of all medical services in the country is significantly lower than in the US or Europe. Having a positive recommendation from the patients, a good doctor can boast that it has to be treated in Mexico come even Americans, and therefore the level of modern medicine in the country can be called high. If you compare the price, rhinoplasty surgery in the United States twice as expensive as in Mexico and LASIC-vision correction in Mexico is worth a little over $ 2,000 compared to $ 5,000 in the United States.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Вернуться в Recreation, sports and entertainment in Mexico: self guided tours, sports, sightseeing, international events in the country

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