Culture of Mexico

Culture of Mexico

Сообщение! » 20 мар 2015, 23:51

Culture of Mexico

Like most countries in Central and South America, Mexico experienced the all the charm of the old world colonial policy, and therefore in the veins of its modern inhabitants flows potent cocktail of blood Indians who once inhabited these lands, and the Spanish conquistadors, who came in the XVII century to win new territory.
No less a cocktail and culture of Mexico, formed over several centuries from the customs of the indigenous population and those introduced from Europe trends and currents. Present in the hot Mexican sun, generously poured tequila flavored with salt and the Caribbean, she turned bright, original and unique.
The legacy of the pre-Columbian era

Deep knowledge in the field of astronomy, architectural masterpieces and the amazing ability to process materials of different nature gave the descendants of Mexican Indians Mayan civilization. Many mysteries that are left of the tribes is not solved so far, and the ancient Mayan city of UNESCO included in the list of World Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Pyramids and temples erected by the Mayan Indians, striking magnificence, size and variety of forms. Tourists tend to visit the most famous ancient cities - Palenque, Uxmal, Chichen Itza and Tulum, to touch the amazing legacy left by the ancestors.
Part of the treasure of the Maya and Aztecs kept the National Museum of Anthropology in the capital Mexico City, the exposure of which can tell us about the culture of Mexico almost everything.
Nestrashnye dead

Great importance in the lives of Mexicans played holidays celebrated noisily, bright and colorful. One of the most unusual, but attractive in the culture of the Mexican Day of the Dead is considered. Central Americans believe that in early November, the souls of dead ancestors return to their homes, but because these days Mexicans decorate their homes in many different ways.
Katrina goddess of death appears as a nice painted skeleton, and the living participants celebration try to be like her. Holiday, despite its aesthetics, does not look sad, but rather serves as an excellent opportunity to meet the whole family for the richly decorated table. Mexicans are very philosophical death, try not to be sad, even at the funeral, but because in the culture of Mexico ceremonies connected with the death of a person, usually look quite colorful and positive.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Culture of Mexico

Сообщение! » 20 май 2015, 19:21

Traditions of Mexico

Mingling together, pre-Columbian Indians of Central America customs and culture of Spanish colonizers gave birth to a unique phenomenon, now called the traditions of Mexico. Take a look at the local attractions, participate in ceremonies and celebrations, inexhaustible energy recharge locals tend annually hundreds of thousands of travelers from all over the world.
To be born to die

Extremely religious Mexicans one of the most important holiday is Christmas. On this day in every city people rush to temples, arrange funeral procession with the Virgin Mary and Joseph, and biblical characters. In the evening the family gathers for a richly covered table, and its members give each other gifts.
But the most famous festival, which takes place only in Mexico, is the day of the Dead. Attitude to death for Mexicans is very light, they believe that the soul of the deceased falls to the gods, so do not worry about him. Every year on November 2 they visit the graves of relatives, decorate them and bring refreshments. The houses are covered with tables, and the streets are carnivals. Traditionally Mexican Day of the Dead flowers - orange marigolds and candles light the paths to the house to find the soul of the deceased to the road.
Piper calls the tune?

This question is on holidays in the Mexican city nobody asks. Mariachi bands appear at birthday, a wedding, a funeral or national holidays by default. Wandering once music bands today play more for the soul than to earn money, but if such a picturesque group will come to your table in the restaurant, drive them considered impolite. We need to listen to the end of a song to thank the musicians and a small tip.
Useful things

Urban design in the tradition of Mexico made with a rectangular building. In the central area of ​​the quadrilateral is the main temple and a small park, and all the streets of the village intersect at an angle of 90 degrees instead of the names are numbered.
Traffic on most of the streets in cities across the country - one-sided.
Hot and passionate nature of local men was the reason that women in the subway and trains marked with special cars.
Historically, that the cuisine here uses a lot of hot and spicy spices. The traditions of Mexico - a large amount of pepper, which can even sprinkle with cream and fruit, and therefore is strongly warn the waiter or salesperson about their food preferences.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

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