Italy news

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Italy news

Сообщение! » 20 май 2014, 15:58

In Italy hotels staff will speak in Russian

In the Year of Tourism cross Italy - Russia developed a set of recommendations for the program " Russian welcome here " to help the Italian hotels and restaurants , to the Russian-speaking guests feel more comfortable , the press office of the Italian Embassy in Moscow.
Italian hotels that will support this initiative, will be marked with " Russian welcome here " in databases Russian tour operators.
To get the sign " Russian welcome here " hotels need to do a web page , as well as internal markers and signs in Russian , Russian TV channels to connect , to have Russian-speaking employee at the front desk or translator, possibly one for several organizations.
Shopkeepers with Italian goods, working on system tax free, recommended the introduction of a service " personal assistant Shopping ."
In the near future association " Federalbergi " offer 27 thousand rentals conduct a free on-line check on compliance with the recommendations " Russian welcome here ."
The report notes that the project aims at improving the quality of service standards within the cultural context and preferences of Russians .!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Italy news

Сообщение! » 20 май 2014, 16:04

Germans - the main spenders in Italy

Additional revenue from tourists in Italy is 12.8 billion euros, which can be seen according to the Bank of Italy due to the difference in spending by foreign travelers in Italy and Italians vacationing abroad. First spent 32,989 billion euros , up 2.9 percent compared with the previous year , while the Italians stopped at 20 159 billion crisis influenced the choice of tourists , given that the total cost of Italians abroad decreased by 1 , 7 percent.
The difference between Italians and foreigners can be clearly seen even from day to day expenses per capita. On average, every foreign visitor in Italy spends 99 euros per day , up 6.4 percent compared with 2012 Italians much more frugal and were able to reduce their costs to 74 euros. However, recent and tend to live longer outside of Italy : the average duration of the trip is 9 and a half days , while foreigners come for a period of up to 6.6 days.
As for selling habits of Italians last year in July and August confirmed the title most popular months to stay with those in 2 and 3 billion euros spent per month . If you look at the number of Italians abroad, no significant changes in the report of the Bank of Italy is not: after a surge to 60 million in 2010, in 2013, my country has gone a little less - 57 million
Germans are very attracted to beautiful Italy: in 2013 they spent almost 5 billion within the Apennine peninsula and are at the top of the rankings . Followed by the Americans , who have spent 4 billion euros in hotels and museums . Italy also love the French, a total of 3 billion euros and British nationals with 2.3 billion tourists from Russia in the report of the Bank of Italy for 2011 are in 9th place , showing steady growth in recent years .!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Italy news

Сообщение! » 21 май 2014, 22:12

Italy gives Russians multivisa
Italian consulate visa documented record: the most representative Italian visas issued to Russian citizens . A large part of them - multiple , ranging from 1 to 5 years.

Italy came second among the member countries of the Schengen Agreement on the number of visas issued . By the end of 2013 all foreign consular offices in Italy has been issued 2,125,490 visas , which is 13.5 % more than in 2012 . More than a third (36%) were issued to Russian citizens .

As reported by the Italian Embassy in Moscow , 770,000 visas issued general consulates in Moscow and St. Petersburg in 2013, 22% more than 2012.

"It is gratifying to know that their contribution to the results achieved have made the Italian Foreign Ministry and the Overseas Foreign Ministry , in particular through the introduction of new innovative technologies workflow, transparent mechanisms to work with applications , reducing the time of passing documents , - the embassy said . - So , specifically in Russia Italian visa is issued at time of 48-72 hours , visa applications are accepted in more than two dozen of the visa centers dispersed throughout the territory of the Russian Federation , in particular in twenty federal districts . "

Another record number : number of multiple entry visas to Russians for a period of one to five years , issued in 2013, increased by 150% at once . Since the end of 2013 Consulate General of Italy in Moscow and St. Petersburg give long-term multiple-entry visas to promote tourism within the Year of Russia-Italy tourism .

In addition to tourism , Italy develops the direction of business travel on the eve of World Expo 2015 , which will be held in Milan. On average, the deadline for receipt of the Italian business visa is eight days. In addition , entrepreneurs related business ties with Italy , may qualify for a new type of visa - " Startup " (from the English . Start up), for foreigners who intend to start their own business .

"Visa boom" in Italian consulates and continues this year. Within four months of the visa to Italy received 240,000 Russians - 14% more than the same period last year. A large part of them - annual and perennial multivisa .!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Italy news

Сообщение! » 21 май 2014, 22:14

Recognized as the best beaches in Liguria in Italy

Liguria immediately received twenty "Blue Flag" for its magnificent beaches . Prizes awarded Foundation for Environmental Education, which celebrates the best beaches for swimming and relaxing .
Some of the best Italian beaches included , in particular, such Ligurian beaches like San Remo, Camporosso , Pietra Ligure and San Stefano al Mare . Foundation noted their excellent state of water availability bicycle and hiking trails , equipment and general cleanliness .
Minister of Tourism Liguria Berlandzheri Angelo believes that " blue flags " emphasize the superiority of Liguria in a beach holiday.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Italy news

Сообщение! » 24 май 2014, 16:19

In Rome airport - free internet
Rome Fiumicino Airport lifted restrictions on the use of wireless Internet access . Since May , anyone can connect to the network for free anywhere in all terminals - all works of more than 400 access points , according sob.korr .

To connect the network should choose Boingo Hotspot or Fiumicino Free. The user will need to provide your name , age and email.

Year and a half ago mainly Roman airport does not have free access to the network. In the past year provided an opportunity Fiumicino free half-hour session. Now the restrictions are removed . But with power sockets at the airport is still a problem - in the public area they are only available in small quantities at a cafe.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

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