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An annual progression of Tourism of Mexico

СообщениеДобавлено: 19 июл 2015, 21:38
Cuba since the beginning of 2015 received $ 1.7 billion in tourism revenues

Cuba's tourist industry has brought $ 1.7 billion for the first half of 2015, according to Radio Habana Cuba.

According to the publication, in the past six months has increased the interest of tourists to Cuba, the country ranked second in the Caribbean in popularity among travelers.

Last year, for the first time Cuba has exceeded the threshold of 3 million foreign tourists. This figure is 5.3% above the result in 2013. The increase in tourist traffic continued in the first quarter of 2015, when the country was visited by 1 million tourists.

Overall, projected in 2015, Cuba has had over 3 million tourists. Revenues from tourism segment should reach $ 2.7 billion.