Virus 2019-nCoV in Sanya and Haikou on Hainan, China in 2020

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Re: Virus 2019-nCoV in Sanya and Haikou on Hainan, China in 2020

Сообщение! » 26 янв 2020, 17:00

Chinese doctor said when the scale of the threat from coronavirus becomes clear
January 25, 2020
The effect of the complete closure of the multimillion-dollar city of Wuhan and several others will be visible in about 5-10 days, said Zeng Guang, a Chinese expert in epidemiology at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, quoted by Xinjinbao.

According to the scientist, the results of the active and large-scale actions of the Chinese authorities to prevent the spread of the unexplored virus throughout the country and beyond, most likely, can be estimated in the near future - within a week or a little more.

It is imperative that this happens before the end of the tourist season, which traditionally accompanies the celebration of the New Year according to the lunar calendar, when large masses of people will return to work. At the same time, the expert noted that the rate of spread of coronavirus, apparently, is still being controlled. "Xinjingbao" recalls that the forecasts of some Western experts to fully cope with the threat will not work until May.

Zeng Guang builds his assumptions that the next 5-10 days will be most important from the point of view of determining the scale of the disaster on the approximate duration of the incubation period of the disease, in which its manifestations are not so noticeable. If as a result of the measures taken by the government of the country and provincial authorities, in particular, the isolation of a number of cities with a multimillion population, it is possible to avoid a spasmodic growth of patients, then these measures can be considered correct and effective.

As for the detection of "non-mass" cases of cases outside the province of Hubei, where the foci of the virus are located, it is quite possible to deal with them with targeted measures, isolating these patients and providing them with the necessary care, the Chinese professor emphasized.

The forecasts of some foreign colleagues, according to which the fight against the virus may drag on until May, Zeng Guang is not ready to unequivocally accept. According to the scientist, the calculations used mathematical models that were appropriate in certain circumstances, but in this case we are talking about the determination of all Chinese to rally before the threat, and different rules work here.

According to the data on Saturday morning, in China 1287 cases of coronavirus infection in 29 provinces (out of 33) were confirmed, 237 patients in critical condition, 41 people died.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Virus 2019-nCoV in Sanya and Haikou on Hainan, China in 2020

Сообщение! » 26 янв 2020, 17:06

On the first day of the New Year, Rats looked at materials about the epidemiological situation in China, congratulated several Chinese friends on the holiday, and asked a little about the situation. It turns out the following picture.

1) The situation is undoubtedly quite serious. You want it or not, but the parallels with 2003 naturally come when China survived the SARC epidemic. However, there are several differences. The disease caused by the Wuhan virus is not as severe (at least for now) as SARS in 2003, but a new disease, according to most experts, is more contagious. And now and in 2003, an outbreak of the disease occurred at the beginning of the year. However, SARC spread much slower. In 2003, even adjusted for imperfect statistics, the number of patients reached 1 thousand. people only in April, now the number of cases has exceeded 1 thousand (1375 people at 21 hours Beijing time 01/25/2020) just a month after fixing the first cases.

According to doctors, the number of cases doubled every 7-10 days. Another feature of the new disease is that during the period of its hidden form, the signs of the disease are often expressed in an implicit form, which makes diagnosis difficult. The possible scope of the new epidemic, its duration, the number of possible victims (about 700 people died from SARC), there is no answer to all these questions.

2) As during the SARC epidemic, there are no proven drugs for the effective treatment of the Wuhan virus. According to the head of the anti-virus team, academician Zhong Shannan, there are currently several types of drugs that can be used for treatment in a hospital, "it has already been confirmed that they are safe, but what their therapeutic effect is unclear, further observations are required." Zhong Shannan himself is clearly an extraordinary figure. He is 83 years old, he led the fight against SARC in medicine. Now this "old tiger has again left the mountains" to take part in a new battle.

Under these conditions, as in 2003, the most effective means of combating the disease is early diagnosis and quarantine. Actually, in China we went along this path. However, it is extremely difficult to completely block a city with 11 million people. In addition, the factor of mass migration during the New Year was superimposed. According to some estimates, by the time the authorities imposed a transport blockade on Wuhan, about 300 thousand people had already left it, and they had spread the infection not only throughout China, but also beyond its borders. In addition, for quite some time it was believed that the virus was not transmitted from person to person, and the authorities, in order to maintain stability, so as not to sow panic, did not interfere and even encouraged various New Year's events. Now all this came sideways. On the first day of the new year, that is, January 25, measures to combat the epidemic were further strengthened not only in Wuhan itself, but throughout the country. The tourism business has stopped, all group trips throughout China are canceled, and group trips of Chinese tourists abroad are also canceled.

Even earlier, all the traditional New Year's mass events were canceled; cinemas will not work in Beijing and Shanghai. In Beijing, the entry and exit of tourist buses from other provinces were closed. In Wuhan itself, traffic except vehicles with special passes is generally prohibited. Residents of China are encouraged to stay at home whenever possible and not to visit relatives and friends. However, it must be understood that if the authorities can influence the organized human flow, then it will be much more difficult to influence unorganized movements. The bulk of the Chinese are fatalists and do not care, and, talking with some of their friends, I was once again convinced of this. Everyone seems to understand everything, but they don’t want to give up trips to their native places, although they assure that they will wash their hands and wear masks.

3) Recent events have once again shown the weakness of the medical care system in China. Not enough medical facilities, not enough doctors. At the epicenter of events, as in 2003, doctors are working, as they say, for wear and tear. In medical institutions, there are huge queues, hospitals are crowded with people. Helps the ability of the Chinese state system to quickly mobilize colossal resources. A hospital for a thousand beds will be built in Wuhan in a week; in reality, it is supposed to be commissioned on January 27, and not on February 3, as was planned earlier. The construction of the second phase of the hospital is already beginning. Military doctors are thrown to fight the epidemic. They do not spare money, the prime cost is ordered not to be considered. For the needs of Hubei Province alone, the government provided emergency assistance in the amount of 1 billion yuan, the State Development Bank allocated a loan of 2 billion yuan, the Ping'an company allocated 800 million yuan for the insurance of medical workers, large sums were also allocated to Tensent and others. Meanwhile, it appears that if the disease spreads to small towns and especially rural areas, the situation could dramatically worsen.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Virus 2019-nCoV in Sanya and Haikou on Hainan, China in 2020

Сообщение! » 27 янв 2020, 04:58

Fake 2019-nCoV virus epidemic in Hainan, China without an epidemic: 22 sick, closure of bus routes, culprits of hysteria ... f-hysteria

As of January 27, 2020, on Hainan Island, China, 22 cases were detected (no deaths), of which: in the city of Sanya (Dadonghai) - 8 people, in the city of Wanning - 5 people, in the city of Haikou - 3 people, Linshui city - 1 person; in Danzhou city - 3 people; in Lingga district - 1 person; in Chenmai city - 1 person.

From 3:00 p.m. on January 26, 2020, the Sanya City Transport Bureau in Hainan, China, to prevent and control a new type of pneumonia epidemic, block the transmission of the virus and curb the spread of the virus 2019-nCoV decided to suspend bus lines in Sanya .

However, while buses continue to operate on routes 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 40, 52, 53, 57 and custom bus lines, a full schedule and a map of the movement of these bus routes are on our website and forum.

The Sanya Bureau of Market Surveillance and Market Management has issued “Recommendations on Maintaining Price and Stability in the Period of Pneumonia Caused by New Coronavirus Infections,” in which all merchants in Sanya in Hainan were encouraged to provide consumers with reasonable prices and related products without violating normal conditions.

If any stores and merchants unlawfully raise prices for their goods, the Market Supervision Department will seriously investigate and deal with this. If the circumstances are serious, a fine of between 1 million and 5 million yuan is imposed; if the circumstances are serious, the company must receive an order to suspend the business for correction or the market surveillance department will cancel its license to conduct business.

We are closely monitoring the development of the situation with the virus 2019-nCoV, and since on our site all the news is published simultaneously in Russian and in in English, then we monitor both English-language sources and it should be noted that the unprecedented hysteria with the 2019-nCoV virus on Hainan Island is inflated by Russian-language media, the English-language media pay much less attention to this issue, and those Russian-language media are especially trying to with which the Hainan Provincial Tourism Committee and the Sanya Tourism Committee cooperate, while the information in these media is often presented as if almost a real apocalypse had begun on Hainan, As virtually unnoticed by foreign tourists who continue to relax and swim at sea, it is not clear to us why these Russian-language media post along with text about Hainan Island photographs of people with earflaps and warm clothes on the background of empty streets and closed shops, which were made in a few thousand kilometers from Hainan Island in Wuhan - never on Hainan Island have worn such clothes, it is quite hot for this and this information has nothing to do with reality.

While friends of the Hainan Provincial Tourism Committee and the Sanya Tourism Committee from the Russian-language media are distorting information about the development of the 2019-nCoV virus situation, their friends from travel agencies, under the pretext of the presence of the virus, decided to additionally make money on tourists by deceit, so in one of the Russian social groups The network received a message that the travel agency Tartus-tour refused both to provide the tour and to refund, namely this message: "Does anyone have tours purchased from Tartus-tour? Should have flown 30.0 1. 01/25 sent a request to cancel the application and an application for a refund .. Yesterday Tartus tour deleted all contacts from the site, today my applications have been deleted in the personal account, they don’t get in touch. "

And the Rustur travel agency reported the “evacuation” of tourists from Hainan Island, however, if you look, this “evacuation” was caused not by the actual presence of the 2019-nCoV virus, but by the fact that all excursions on Hainan Island were canceled and attractions were closed, therefore it’s closed the main cash flow from tourists, because of it fell the profitability of the activities of this travel agency, and not the presence of a sharply increased number of cases of the virus.

In our opinion, the use of the words "epidemic", "evacuation" and similar words from the arsenal of the apocalypse has nothing to do with the situation with the 2019-nCoV virus on Hainan Island, China - it is only in the revenues of travel agencies that the epidemic of falling profitability began, and the real situation with the 2019-nCoV virus in Hainan is as follows: according to statistics, there are now about 30 million people on Hainan Island, taking into account the number of people infected with the 2019-nCoV virus in Hainan, roughly one infected 2019- nCoV virus per one million people Hainan! Where is the epidemic? Where is the reason for the evacuation? This is a fake epidemic, it really isn’t! The number of cases of common flu is several thousand times higher!

If these same Russian-language media or travel agencies reported the evacuation of the population, for example, the cities of Moscow, Russia, under the pretext that 15 out of the 15 million population of the city had the virus, then these travel agencies and media in Russia would expect large fines and even closure for misinformation, and on the Hainan Island the Committee on Tourism of the Hainan Province and the Committee on Tourism of Sanya do not react at all to this situation and remain almost completely silent, which leads to uncontrolled behavior of these media and travel agencies and panic with edi turistov- all social networks are inundated with messages about the cancellation of tours to Hainan Island.

At the same time, it is precisely with these travel companies and the media that the Hainan Provincial Tourism Committee and the Sanya Tourism Committee cooperate, they are considered by them as the main assistants for the development of tourism on the Hainan Island, however these “assistants” are concerned exclusively with their own incomes and are practically ready destroy international tourism on Hainan, which we are now observing.

We draw your attention to the fact that the sights and bus routes on Hainan Island are closed not because of the large number of patients, who are actually much fewer than those with ordinary flu, but in order to create preventive barriers for the further increase in the number of patients with the 2019-nCoV virus.

Doctors at the Wuhan University Hospital in China reported that symptoms of high fever and coughing were already evident in the later stages of the 2019-nCoV virus, and in the beginning, the development of 2019-nCoV virus pneumonia can manifest as diarrhea, nausea, headaches, chest tightness.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Virus 2019-nCoV in Sanya and Haikou on Hainan, China in 2020

Сообщение! » 27 янв 2020, 14:45

#Sanya #Hainan #Haikou #China #Coronavirus
In order to strengthen the fight against coronavirus infection, the State Council of China decided to extend the weekend in China on the occasion of the lunar new year
to the calendar. Officially, the weekend is until February 2 this year. (earlier - until January 30).

The beginning of the educational process in educational institutions, including universities, secondary schools and pre-schools, is postponed indefinitely. ABOUT
educational regulators will inform the education renewal date additionally.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Virus 2019-nCoV in Sanya and Haikou on Hainan, China in 2020

Сообщение! » 27 янв 2020, 15:26

The spread of coronavirus will slow down, said Wen Yumei, an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering Sciences. The effect of preventive measures

which the Chinese authorities accept will be noticeable in 20 days.

Now the increase in incidence has occurred due to people who became infected 20 days (incubation period) ago. Most of them suffer from chronic

diseases, so the disease is difficult.

But the human body will gradually develop immunity to the new strain.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Virus 2019-nCoV in Sanya and Haikou on Hainan, China in 2020

Сообщение! » 27 янв 2020, 16:15

Beijing, January 27. Founder of the American company Microsoft, Bill Gates, allocated five million dollars from his charity fund to support China in the fight against a new type of coronavirus.

It is noted that Gates is actively working on this issue with Chinese partners. These are private and public organizations that participate in the elimination of pneumonia. According to the publication China Daily, the allocated money will be used both in the work to identify infected people, as well as their quarantine and treatment.

In addition, funds will be spent on developing a vaccine against the virus. Director of the Chinese branch of the Gates Foundation Lee Eno said that the organization is deeply concerned about the spread of this disease and expresses sincere respect to those who are in the forefront in the fight against pneumonia.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Virus 2019-nCoV in Sanya and Haikou on Hainan, China in 2020

Сообщение! » 27 янв 2020, 19:25

Europe is gearing up to contain the 2019-nCoV coronavirus. Meanwhile, Chinese scientists have found that the current epidemic is indeed linked to the wildlife trade in the Wuhan market.

In France, three cases have been confirmed. About ten more people are under surveillance.

French Minister of Social Affairs and Health Agnes Buzin said:

"Everyone who returns from China with symptoms of the disease will receive individual medical care and recommendations. Regarding the precautions for the general population, I want to note that there is no reason to wear disposable gauze dressings, they will not protect."

And if the airports of China, Russia and the United States measure body temperature for all passengers, then in France they decided not to introduce such sanitary measures. The country's air harbors received special recommendations.

The passenger says: "When we flew to France from China, we saw several doctors, I think that they were there in case someone has signs of fever to check if everything is in order, in this case you can go to to the doctors. But there weren’t any particular checks. I don’t even know if I can be a carrier of the virus and can transmit it. "

In Paris, the Chinese diaspora wanted to cancel the festive procession on the occasion of the lunar new year and the city hall agreed. But in most European cities, mass celebrations took place.

WHO has so far refrained from declaring an international emergency regime.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Virus 2019-nCoV in Sanya and Haikou on Hainan, China in 2020

Сообщение! » 27 янв 2020, 20:28

#Sanya #Hainan #Haikou #China # hatpavirus
On the eve of Rospotrebnadzor recommended that tourists refrain from traveling to China. According to the latest data published by the international news agency Reuters, 41 people died from pneumonia caused by a new type of coronavirus, and the total number of infected people worldwide exceeded 1300. The first cases of the disease were recorded in Wuhan, which is now closed for travel by local authorities. The IMC spoke with three residents of Yekaterinburg, who ended up in different parts of China during the 2019-nCoV coronavirus outbreak, about how the situation was developing from the inside out, whether it is dangerous to be in East Asia at the moment, and what travel agents and local residents say about the virus.

Tatyana Podgorbunskaya, 38 years old
Tourist from Yekaterinburg. From January 15 to January 22, she was resting on Hainan Island

- I was on vacation in Hainan for 7 days. She did the same thing that ordinary tourists do: swam, sunbathed on the beach, went on excursions, went to cafes and restaurants, walked. During my stay there was no hint of any virus whatsoever, I did not even know about it. Friends wrote that in China there is some kind of epidemic, they will check with thermal imagers. I did not even begin to clarify this issue, since everything was calm on the island. I am skeptical about the fears that the media write.

The Chinese came to Hainan to rest from the mainland, all with their families (at that time, China had already announced the death of the first virus infected, a 61-year-old man died on January 11 - ed.). They just had a Chinese New Year. I did not see any masked people at all on the beach. I saw two masked bikers and they were masks from dust, not from the virus.

Upon arrival, no doctors met us in Koltsovo, there were no thermal imagers, and we did not check our luggage either. Now I am in St. Petersburg and have already met masked Chinese on the streets.

The source of the coronavirus epidemic was the food market in Wuhan. In Hainan, people continued to work in markets without masks. The food market in Wuhan became the source of the coronavirus epidemic. In Hainan, people continued to work in markets without masks.
What situation in Hainan now I do not know, I do not monitor it. I began to read about it on the Internet, because a friend began to ask what was there with the virus - and should I go. I read today that there are eight people infected on Hainan Island. And they did not get infected, but came from Wuhan, and this is very far from Hainan. Eight people for a huge island, in which four times more tourists than the population - it seems to me not dangerous statistics.

If there was any danger, then my tour operator would certainly inform me. In these matters, I trust her. She would not send me on a journey from which I may not return. But today, she has really stopped selling packages to China. At the same time, she says that everyone who bought tickets from her leaves tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and there is no panic and, in principle, no reason to panic either.

We live in our cities and do not know how many sick and infectious people are around us. We are not always informed about this so actively as about epidemics in other countries. We regularly have kindergartens, schools are closed for quarantines, because we do not go from it in masks and are not afraid to leave the house. In general, in my opinion, of course, the problem is bloated. This is not the first time I have seen this, about Georgia they scared the flu, about Thailand, etc. Perhaps they want to tell us that living in Russia is best and it is necessary to relax in Sochi and Crimea.

Yana Bragin, 26 years old
He works in a Russian company, goes on business trips to China. Was in Zhengzhou a week ago, is now in the Philippines

- Even on the plane to China, when not much was known about the epidemic, I noticed masked people. Now all is masked. Kipish in Chinese social networks, everyone writes about it - “be careful, wear masks” and “I hope the virus will be cured soon, everyone’s health, but do not forget about safety precautions.” Now I am in the Philippines, and here, in connection with the Chinese New Year, there are a lot of Chinese. Yesterday, according to rumors, the infected [coronavirus] was transported from here in a separate ship. After that, the locals also put on masks.

I only know about Wuhan and other cities from official sources on the quarantine account (according to The Guardian on January 24, in addition to Wuhan, the cities of Echzhou, Chibi, Zhijiang, the urban district of Huangang were closed, and restrictions were imposed on trips to Huangshi, Xantao, Enshi, Qianjiang and Xianning - Ed.).

This is not the first and not the last epidemic in the world, I think there is no need to raise excessive panic. Bird flu has been cured, swine flu has been cured, and this infection will also be cured. It is clear that if it is possible to cancel the trip, then you can play it safe and cancel. But if you need to go, then it is enough to follow the recommended precautions and everything will be fine!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Virus 2019-nCoV in Sanya and Haikou on Hainan, China in 2020

Сообщение! » 28 янв 2020, 05:13

Photos of 2019-nCoV virus patients and hospitals in Hainan, China in Sanya and Haikou, statistics on pneumonia patients ... a-patients

As of January 28, 2020, on Hainan Island, China, 33 cases were detected (1 death), of which: in the city of Sanya (Dadonghai) - 11 people, in the city of Wanning - 7 people, in the city of Haikou - 6 people, Linshui city - 1 person; in Danzhou - 5 people; in Lingga district - 1 person; in Chenmai - 2 people.

Yesterday, they reported the first victim of the 2019-nCoV virus in Hainan, China - an 80-year-old woman who came to Hainan from Wuhan died from pneumonia of the virus 2019-nCoV.

In the photos at the top of this article, 2019-nCoV patients with virus can be seen in hospitals in Sanya and Haikou on Hainan Island.

As of January 28, 2020, in the whole territory of China, 2858 2019-nCoV virus cases were detected, 5794 suspects, 82 people died, 56 people were cured.

On January 27, 2020, in order to implement a first-level response to public health emergencies and strengthen the prevention and control of pneumonia outbreaks during a new virus infection, the municipality of Sanya urges all residents and tourists to wear protective masks.

The second batch of 2.2 million masks, urgently purchased by the city of Sanya, will arrive in Sanya early in the morning on January 28, 2020. The Sanya Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government attach great importance to the prevention and control of outbreaks of pneumonia and new outbreaks of virus infection, in two batches there will be 4.1 million masks due to arrive in Sanya on January 29, 2020. After the first batch of 1.1 million masks arrived in Sanya on January 25, 2020, they were handed out to front-line personnel and tourists.

Hainan Provincial Customs Directorate has published the "Declaration of Health Declaration Card System", now all entering Hainan Island together with the customs declaration they will have to fill out the "Health Declaration Card" for the health declaration system. In this regard, Haikou Customs recalled that immigration officials must ensure that the medical declaration card is completed in accordance with the law.

Filling out an entry-exit health declaration card is an infectious disease monitoring measure provided for in the Frontier Health Act and quarantine and its rules, in order to collect more key information on the monitoring of infectious diseases.

The Sanya Finance Bureau has allocated 40 million yuan to prevent and control pneumonia caused by a new type of virus.

We pay attention once again, there is no epidemic in Hainan - the universal epidemiological threshold is considered to be the disease of 5% of the inhabitants of the territory according to the WHO methodology, at the moment this threshold on Hainan Island is 0.0001%, it is very far from the epidemic threshold of 5%, this is 50 thousand times less, there were no prohibitions from state authorities of Russia and other countries on flights to Hainan, since there was no epidemic regime on the island Hainan has not been announced, therefore, tourists who abandon their previously purchased tours to Hainan Island and the city of Sanya may face the refusal of travel companies to refund previously paid money for these tours. ... a-patients

Earlier we wrote an article why tourists should not give up tours to Hainan: ... -to-sanya- and-haikou-in-2020

You can watch hundreds of videos of excursions on the island of Hainan here:!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Virus 2019-nCoV in Sanya and Haikou on Hainan, China in 2020

Сообщение! » 28 янв 2020, 13:25

The Cabinet of Ministers of China officially extended the New Year holidays until February 2 so that people would stay longer in their homes and not go out. France is evacuating its citizens from China, and in the United States four people are already infected with the coronavirus.
China treats coronavirus as HIV. France evacuates its citizens
According to Bloomberg, China is now testing a cure for HIV as a treatment for the symptoms of the new coronavirus. This publication was told by the American pharmaceutical company AbbVie, whose drugs are now used in China.
As the French portal French Info reports, France, due to the rapid increase in the number of infected people, begins the evacuation of all interested Frenchmen from the Chinese city of Wuhan.
In the US city of Los Angeles, California, doctors confirmed the first case of coronavirus infection. This is the fourth in the USA. An infected person who recently returned from Wuhan turned to doctors after feeling ill. Now he is receiving the necessary medical care. According to the agency Breeking911, there is no immediate threat to the population, and authorities say no precautions are needed.

The US State Department reported that they have practically no opportunity to evacuate Americans from China.

“The possibilities of the US authorities to evacuate American citizens from Chinese Wuhan are extremely limited, priority will be given to those who are at greater risk of being infected with a new type of coronavirus,” it was reported.

Active measures to protect against the virus are being taken at Russian airports. People arriving from China are required to inspect and measure their temperature. Rospotrebnadzor said it had developed an additional set of measures for the non-proliferation of the virus in Russia.

The same measures were taken in Kiev. Passengers filmed how doctors check the Sanya - Boryspil flight.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25



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