Taxis in Punta Cana

Taxis in Punta Cana

Сообщение! » 23 мар 2015, 17:08

Taxis in Punta Cana

Taxis in Punta Cana do not have a special coloring, but many cars - it's yellow car with the windshield inscription "Plack".
Taxi Services in Punta Cana

Upon arrival at the airport, you can use the services of drivers, standing here waiting for customers. As a rule, prices are fixed and depend on the location of your hotel (price list with the prices you will see at the airport or directly in cars).

Find free car in Punta Cana can be in busy areas of the resort, as well as a taxi at the hotel (on the territory of the larger hotels have taxi ranks).

Tip: Use only licensed taxi services - ask driver to show you his ID-Card. To call a taxi, you may need the following numbers: 809 466 1133, 809 552 0617, 809 221 2741.
Tourist taxis in Punta Cana

They presented a new and reliable cars (famous for a higher level of service), but the fare in these taxis is higher than standard rates, operating under normal taxi.

That during the journey to the city or tourist taxi frustrating not to be surprised, travel conditions and it is advisable to negotiate the price in advance (sometimes podsazhivayut taxi drivers on the road the other passengers - if you're up against, immediately report it to the driver, especially since many of them speak English) .
Moto-taxis in Punta Cana

A trip to motokoncho costs about 60-100 pesos (an average of about $ 3). But before getting into a taxi, it should be noted that the driver can take 2-3 passengers, whom he does not issue helmets. And, in addition, a high risk of getting burned by touching the feet motorcycle exhaust pipes - Be careful when moving to this form of transport!
Taxi fare to Punta Cana

If you are interested to know how much a taxi in Punta Cana, check with fixed prices to certain objects:

an average trip through the city costs $ 6-8 passengers;
for the trip from the airport to the hotel with passengers take at least 25 $: from the hotel Bavaro, Punta Cana Princess, Ocean Blue & Sand - $ 38 to Manati Park - $ 28 to Hard Rock Hotel - $ 50.

Local machines do not have meters, so the fare is better to ask before boarding (if you do it will seem overpriced - bargain).

It should be borne in mind that the taxi can accommodate 4 persons + 2 children (for the transport of more than 4 persons drivers are likely to require an extra charge).

You can pay the fare with American dollars, but currently it is advisable to have small bills, because drivers often not surrender (even if it is there, it will give you in pesos).

Despite the fact that the taxi ride to Punta Cana is more expensive than the bus, move to this type of transport is safer and more convenient.!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Taxis in Punta Cana

Сообщение! » 10 июн 2015, 17:15

Taxis in the Dominican Republic

Many tourists who choose to vacation as the Dominican Republic, is unlikely to reflect on whether there is in the country in general and taxi transport in particular. They propose to spend almost the entire holiday basking on the beach under the warm rays of the sun. Upon arrival, they were surprised to note the good level of development of transport infrastructure. A taxi in the Dominican Republic is practically the only way the movement of tourists, except for trips to exotic "moto-concho" - a motorcycle, turns out to be the same taxi, or shuttle, used primarily for sightseeing.
Dominican Features

Major roads in the country are maintained in a relatively good state, provincial in this respect much worse. In addition, the temperament and emotion affect the local drivers driving style and behavior.

Local chase at high speeds, forgetting about the rules of decency on the road, overtake perform stringent rebuild, by gestures, not showing signals turns. Many firms, Dominican and international, offer rent a car. But given a free treatment with colleagues on the highway, tourist, if necessary, it is best to use a taxi.
Dominican taxi

Extension in cost between conventional and route taxis in the Dominican Republic is enormous. Taxis are too expensive, it is noted by all tourists, regardless of financial capabilities. Although the drivers themselves say that the official rates, but since gasoline is expensive - and the trip is much devastate tourist wallet.

For travel on a motorcycle taxi to pay from 20 to 100 RD $ (most brazen), a shuttle bus will take from 20 to 60 RD $, and the money should be given to the conductor, and in his absence, to pay directly to the driver. Official stops as if there is no passenger can ask for anywhere to land him.

The ride in the same taxi will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than, for example, travel in the city of Santo Domingo in the average cost of 200 RD $. The largest amount given to tourists who arrive at the airport of Punta Cana. As new arrivals, guests are not oriented in the prices, taxi drivers may indicate a fabulous sum. However, smart travelers and immediately begin to bargain down the price, often seeking to reduce its third part.

Taxi phone can be found at the airport or hotels, and by calling + 1-829-619-55-89, you can get to the Russian taxi driver who not only quickly take you to places, but also hold a "short course of a young Dominican tourist" .!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

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