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Re: Unusual illness and unusual causes of disease

СообщениеДобавлено: 11 ноя 2012, 04:09
Fear of mathematics makes people more susceptible to pain- VIDEO

Thursday, 01 November 2012 11:51

In the magazine PLOS ONE, a group of scientists from the University of Chicago, USA published an article about results of their research, which states, that the fear of the mathematical calculations makes people more susceptible to pain. As reported by University of Chicago researchers, the fear of mathematical calculations leads to the activation of the brain regions, that are responsible for the perception of pain, and the more pronounced nervousness of a human before performing mathematical calculations led to more pain, THE VIDEO: http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/2 ... atics.html

Re: Unusual illness and unusual causes of disease

СообщениеДобавлено: 11 ноя 2012, 04:11
Fat women are smarter, than a slim women, according to scientists- VIDEO

Monday, 05 November 2012 13:47

The research team of U.S. scientists, led by Dr. Laura Klein, established that overweight of women improves a mental ability, so overweight women are more smarter, than thin women. According to Laura Klein, in the process of studying of 16,000 women of different complexion, psychologists found, that overweight women showed more highest results in tests of IQ, and even children born from overweight women, also show a strong performance in the tests of IQ. However, according to American psychologists, the reason for this lies not in the fact, that obesity contributes to mental development, but that the stress for women gives them the constant need to eat something. In a study of women which have a higher social status and working in a stressful situation, it was found, that they ate more fatty foods, than women, which did not aspire to career success. This gave rise to the American psychologists say, that stress- is a major cause of overweight and obesity, THE VIDEO: http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/2 ... arter.html

Re: Unusual illness and unusual causes of disease

СообщениеДобавлено: 11 ноя 2012, 04:12
Insomnia can cause Alzheimer's disease- VIDEO

Tuesday, 06 November 2012 12:30

In an article in the magazine Lancet Neurology, a team of scientists from the University of Dalhousie reported, that people which suffer from insomnia- are more prone to risk of developing of Alzheimer's disease, which is a neurodegenerative disorder that leads to dementia, which develops most often in old age . According to scientists, at the earliest stages of development the Alzheimer's disease may associated with a sleep disturbances- it can be used for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. As reported in the Lancet Neurology, researchers were able to detect early signs of Alzheimer's disease in the young members of a Colombian family, although overt symptoms of the disease have not yet been observed, THE VIDEO: http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/2 ... sease.html

Re: Unusual illness and unusual causes of disease

СообщениеДобавлено: 11 ноя 2012, 04:13
Bald head and xanthelasma- are the earliest signs of heart diseases- VIDEO

Thursday, 08 November 2012 10:16

As reported by The Telegraph, The Daily Mail and Reuters- at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association in Los Angeles, the United States, a group of Danish researchers from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, under the direction of Anne Tybjaerg-Hansen, reported, that baldness and the presence of fat in the eyelids (xanthelasma) indicate about increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. According to Anne Tybjaerg-Hansen, the study of the medical histories of 10,885 Danish citizens over 40 years for 35-year study, it was reported that 3,401 people were suffering from heart diseases and 1708 people suffered a heart attacks, and it was found, that people, who have had the distinctive signs of aging: fatty plaques on the upper and lower eyelids (xanthelasma), the appearance of baldness at the temples and the crown of the head and the characteristic folds of skin around the ears- by 57% more likely to suffer a heart attack and by 39% more likely to suffer from other heart diseases. Thus, according to scientists from the University of Copenhagen, the appearance of baldness increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 40%, THE VIDEO: http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/2 ... eases.html

Re: Unusual illness and unusual causes of disease

СообщениеДобавлено: 26 ноя 2012, 01:32
Mankind is becoming foolish in the course of evolution- VIDEO

Tuesday, 13 November 2012 14:40

According to The Daily Mail, in the Trends in genetics appeared an article of scientists from Stanford University, USA, led by Dr. Gerald Crabtree, that, based on studies of genetic mutations, was found that the average intellectual abilities of mankind are decreasing. According to Gerald Crabtree, this is due to the fact, that the mutations recently not lead to increased of intelligence, because in the modern world, people do not need to use it to physically survive. The study was based on a calculation of frequency of deleterious mutations in the human genome, and the assumption, that the development of human intelligence have from two to five thoUSAnd genes, and therefore, according to Dr. Gerald Crabtree, during the last three thoUSAnd years, humans have survived as at least two or more genetic mutations, that impairof the intellectual and emotional capacity. As reported scientists from Stanford University, a weak presence in the world of evolutionary natural selection factors and the presence of a large number of genes, susceptible to mutations, gradually destroy the human intellect, THE VIDEO: http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/2 ... olish.html

Re: Unusual illness and unusual causes of disease

СообщениеДобавлено: 26 ноя 2012, 01:34
Failure cycle of day and night leads to depression and reduced a learning ability- VIDEO

Thursday, 15 November 2012 11:03

In the Nature magazine was published an article of scientists from Johns Hopkins University, under the direction of Samer Hattar and Tara LeGates, that the dramatic changes the cycle of day and night can trigger the onset of depression and decline of cognitive abilities. According to Tara LeGates, they performed experiments with mice, which were for first taught to the normal cycle of day and night- 12 o'clock and 12 o'clock at night, and then the animals were divided into two groups, the first group of mice were transferred to a seven-light cycle, when the day gives way to night every 3.5 hours, and a second group of mice was chosen as a control and for her series of light remains was the same. As a result, it was found, that the behavior of the mice in the first group were significantly with more common signs of depression, than mice in the second group, and was also reduced the ability of these mice to study, THE VIDEO: http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/2 ... night.html

Re: Unusual illness and unusual causes of disease

СообщениеДобавлено: 26 ноя 2012, 01:34
Brain structure determines an alcoholism, proven by scientists- VIDEO

Friday, 16 November 2012 13:49

In the Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders magazine appeared an article of a group of scientists from DUKe University in North Carolina, USA, under the leadership of Ahmad Hariri and Julia Nikolova, that the people, who are trying to cope with stress using an alcohol, using even a small portion of alcohol a regularly, are at risk of becoming of alcoholics. According to Ahmad Hariri and Julia Nikolova, individual structure of the human brain, will determine- become human an alcoholic or not. During the study, researchers from DUKe University have observed the state of 200 American students, which have undergone MRI of the brain and studying how the chains in the brain of volunteers associated with reward and a sense of threat. It was found, that students, who are prone to alcohol and alcoholism, had low activity of those parts of the brain, that are responsible for the sense of risk. Therefore, scientists believe, that alcohol, like drug addiction, may have a neurological conditions, THE VIDEO: http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/2 ... olism.html

Re: Unusual illness and unusual causes of disease

СообщениеДобавлено: 26 ноя 2012, 01:36
Scientists have found a gene-predictor of the death- VIDEO

Monday, 19 November 2012 15:05

In the Annals of Neurology magazine was published an article of a group of scientists from the Medical Center Beth Israel, USA, under the leadership of Andrew Lim, that in the course of research on genetic traits, that indicate an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's or Parkinson's diseases, was discovered a particular gene, which affects human biological clock so much, that this gene may indicate-, at what time of the day may come death of this human. According to Andrew Lim, in the study involved 1,200 people over 65 years, all the volunteers have a special bracelet with a fixed alternation of sleep and wakefulness. The study found, that people, who get up early and go to sleep early- are genetically different from those of people, who go to bed late and get up late. During the determination of the cause of genetic differences, Andrew Lim discovered a new gene near a gene “Period 1”, where 60% of people in this place have an adenine (A), and 40% of people have a guanine (G). It was established, that people with a combination of genes AA awake for about an hour earlier, than people with a combination of genes GG, while it was found, that the same genetic variation may indicate the time of death, as people with a combination of genes AA or AG in genotype- died before 11 am, and most people with a combination of genes GG- died before 6:00 pm. THE VIDEO: http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/2 ... ictor.html

Re: Unusual illness and unusual causes of disease

СообщениеДобавлено: 26 ноя 2012, 01:38
Unemployment increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases- VIDEO

Tuesday, 20 November 2012 15:02

In the Archives of Internal Medicine magazine was published an article of a group of scientists from DUKe University in Durham, that the lack of work and multiple layoffs may be associated with an increased risk of myocardial infarctions. Scientists from DUKe University in Durham, studied data on health and aging of about 13,500 people in the U.S. aged 51 to 75 years from 1992 to 2010 and found, that the absence of this work and unemployment increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, in particular, the total number of layoffs and the duration of the period of unemployment are associated with an increased risk of heart attacks. Statistical analysis of the 13,500 people in the U.S. aged 51 to 75 years showed, that the risk of heart attack was higher among the unemployed (1.35 level), and this risk increased with the number of job losses - up to 1.63, with four or more cases of dismissals over those people, who have not lost a their jobs, THE VIDEO: http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/2 ... yment.html

Re: Unusual illness and unusual causes of disease

СообщениеДобавлено: 26 ноя 2012, 01:39
In the experiment rats died from cirrhosis of the liver, when the rats 42 days ate of chips and fast-food- VIDEO

Thursday, 22 November 2012 22:22

In the city of Dnepropetrovsk, UKraine there was a huge scandal when the UKrainian TV channel "1 +1" reported about the unusual experiment, which was conducted in secondary school № 25 of Dnepropetrovsk, UKraine, where Tatiana Deinega, the chemistry teacher, with the scholars selected a 12 rats and divided them into four groups for 42 days: the first group of rats ate of chips, the second group of rats ate of crackers, a third group of rats ate of food with the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate (E621), which is added to saUSAge and to fast food, and a fourth group of rats ate a healthy diet, grains, vegetables and fruits. 20 days later the rats from the first and second group began to die one by one, before death, rats became blind and bald, as shown by examination, rats died of cirrhosis of the liver and severe indigestion. Rats in the third group, who ate of foods with flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate (E621) - became angrier and more aggressive. The rats of the fourth group felt healthy. As told a scholars of the school № 25 of Dnepropetrovsk- when they saw the results of this experiment, they would never again eat the chips and junk food, THE VIDEO: http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/2 ... -rats.html