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Re: Unusual scientific experiments

СообщениеДобавлено: 20 дек 2014, 15:16
Brain of the worm digitized and loaded into the robot LEGO - VIDEO

Can a digitally simulated brain to perform tasks on the computer as well as real? Simple commands - yes, it can. Researchers have recently joined the project OpenWorm simulated brain of the worm to a wheeled robot. Not being programmed to this, the robot moves back and forth and through them based only on the external stimuli and digital neurons.

Although these robots are already created by conventional software, scientists have shown that the brain can digitally modeled to behave like biological counterparts, and demonstrated the importance of this work for projects involving a large brain.

BRAIN Initiative in the United States and the Human Brain Project in Europe aimed at mapping the human brain, and one day may be able to simulate the brain in digital form. Such simulations can provide scientists understanding of how to proceed disease, or to make a breakthrough in the field of computer science.

But when it comes to simulate the brain - it is better to start with simple things. OpenWorm project started with the lowly roundworm C. elegans.

C. elegans - extremely modest creature, and so scientists chosen for his experiments. The first map of synaptic connections of the brain C. elegans was published in 1986, and in 2006 improved.

Brain of the worm contains 302 neuron synapses and 7000. For comparison, the human brain contains 86 billion neurons and 100 trillion synapses. Will we ever display the complete map of the human brain - a hotly debated topic. But as we have already mapped the synaptic connections C. elegans, scientists project OpenWorm decided that they can provide the brain of the worm several external sensors and give it a robotic body to carry out instructions that produces the brain.

As you can see in the video, the robot moves as any Roomba, with one important exception - Skill Roomba is programmed to avoid obstacles programmers. The motion of the robot OpenWorm - no.

Brain cells synaptic connections of the worm marked sensory neurons, motor neurons and interneurons (connecting two neurons). Team OpenWorm stimulate these neurons and their connections through software. Digital neurons summarize the incoming signal and are activated when they exceed a certain threshold (almost like in real life, though not quite).

Sensory neurons are associated with sensors of the robot - sonar, for example, which is located in the nose of the worm. Motor neurons are driven by the left and right parts of the robot, as if they were the left and right muscle groups.

Impressive? The robot behaves like a real worm when exposed to similar sensory stimuli. Of course, this simulation is not perfect, and the robot does not have all sensory input, which can be in of the worm, but the robot OpenWorm demonstrates that stimulation of the digital brain seems to work this - although we can not know the details of his work. Roughly speaking, the behavior of the brain produced spontaneously.

In this example, we are talking about simple behavior. But what if the scale results? Let's say you just kartografiruete human brain and make it respond to the virtual or physical environment - whether this brain demonstrate the qualities that we associate with the work of the independent human brain? Will be creative and consciousness? There is only one way to find out.
http://www.hainanwel.com/en/unusual-wor ... -lego.html

Re: Unusual scientific experiments

СообщениеДобавлено: 09 янв 2015, 02:20
Fat cells help in fighting infections - VIDEO

As it turns out, the fat - it's not always a bad thing. Perhaps some of this news will please, as a new scientific study shows that fat can play an important role in the fight against infectious diseases.

A team of scientists from the University of California at San Diego found that the fat cells of mice in a collision with Staphylococcus aureus bacteria begin to produce a substance called cathelicidin.
Cathelicidin, being in turn osvoyu, antimicrobial peptide (actually antibiotic) begins to interact with the membrane bacteria, destroying it. In addition, this substance is able to fight off viruses, although scientists have yet to end and have not figured out exactly how.

The most interesting thing here is that grown in the laboratory of genetically modified mouse, which has a much lower fat reserves showed under control tests are much worse result of confrontation of the same infection. Scientists report that in human fat cells also contained cathelicidin and therefore in our body it works the same way - helps the body defend itself against infectious attacks.

However, scientists have warned that the presence of large reserves of fat does not necessarily mean better protection. Jay Kollz University of Pittsburgh in an interview with the portal New Scientist reported that obesity causes far more problems than it can solve.
http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/6 ... tions.html

Re: Unusual scientific experiments

СообщениеДобавлено: 09 янв 2015, 02:25
Scientific theories that hurt people most - VIDEO

I have not been defeated. I just found 10,000 ways that do not work - optimistically declared the American inventor Thomas Edison. Scientists in search of objective truth, not just put forward

false hypothesis or do the wrong conclusions from their observations. Some of them were so far from the truth that humanity inflicted serious damage. Look At Me remembered more

such theories.


Key points: the connection of the human psyche with the structure of the surface of his skull

Chief theorist of phrenology Austrian Franz Joseph Gall believed
that mental properties, thoughts and emotions inherent in both hemispheres of the brain, and with a strong manifestation of some features is reflected in the shape of the skull. Gall painted "phrenological

map ": the area of temples, for example, is responsible for the passion for wine and food, the occipital part - for friendship and sociability, and the zone of" love of life "is located reason behind the ear.

According to Gallo, every bump on the skull - a sign of high development of mental traits and depression - lack of its manifestations. All this reminds hirosofiyu - the doctrine of communication forms and lines on the hand

palms with character, outlook and destiny of man.

Phrenology was incredibly popular at the beginning of the XIX century: this theory fond of many slave owners in the south United States, because the material for experiments they have always been close at hand. In the film "Django

liberated "disgusting hero Leonardo DiCaprio is also studying phrenology. This science is closely related to the theory of racial and other pseudo-scientific justification for discrimination. In the same

"Django" slave owner Calvin Candie using skull explains why blacks are predisposed by nature to be slaves.

Mass hobby phrenology sharply declined with the development of neurophysiology in 1840: it has been proven that mental properties of the individual does not depend on the relief surface of the brain, or from

skull shape.

Focal sepsis (the theory of focal infection)

Key points: mental
and physical illnesses are due to toxins absorbed into the bloodstream from the source of inflammation in the body. To cure the disease, it is necessary to find and neutralize the guilty organ.

The theory of focal sepsis gained popularity in the middle of the XIX century and lasted until World War II. Because of her huge number of people have made unnecessary surgery and caused injury. doctors

believed that the focus of an accumulation of bacteria inside the body may be the cause of mental retardation, arthritis and cancer. As a result, tooth removal, appendix, parts of the intestines and other potentially dangerous

bodies become common practice.

At the beginning of the XX century English physician William Hunter wrote an article about the fact that all diseases are caused by inadequate oral hygiene and dental treatment of the patient is meaningless, because it does not eliminate the hearth

infection. As a result, in Europe and America for suspected caries patients began to remove teeth, tonsils and adenoids.

In 1940 it was shown that focal infection theory is untenable. Operations harm to the patient, toxins, supposedly evolved other infected teeth, could not affect the psyche, and in

most cases, patients can help sparing diet and other methods of treatment.

Despite the denial of the theory, a few more decades to children without the need for a tonsillectomy and adenoids for the prevention of angina (but then bought ice cream).

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

The theory of motivation based on the pyramid of needs, has little to do with research Abraham Maslow, the founder of humanistic psychology.

Maslow himself believed that a standardized hierarchy of needs can not exist, since it depends on the individual person. In addition, his research focused

certain types of people, and varied depending on the age group.

According to Maslow, the group needs become important in the process of growing up. For example, young children need time to eat and sleep during the day, young people important to gain respect among

peers and people in middle age - to experience the satisfaction of their position in the family and in society. Attention scientist initially focused on self-actualization - the top of the pyramid,

that is, the human desire for self-expression and personal development. The object of his research have been active and successful creative people - such as Albert Einstein and Abraham Lincoln.

pyramid - an artificially constructed simplification does not give an idea of the needs of most people. Using Maslow's pyramid as a scientific base in management, marketing and

social planning in most cases does not give the desired results, but provides space for speculation. No wonder: the hierarchy of needs theory itself, upon which

constructed pyramid, has not been confirmed by empirical studies.

The theory of effective communication Dale Carnegie

Key points: the rejection of his own "I"

Well-known American expert in the field of communication described his theory of effective communication in the books with the telling name, such as "How to Win Friends and Influence People"

"How to Stop Worrying and start Living." His works were to help people become happy, easy to find common ground and avoid conflicts.

Carnegie ideas about success were incredibly influential. Until now, many people believe that a successful (and so happy) people should be able to speak in public, to actively make new acquaintances,

fascinate interlocutors and to devote themselves to work. But the concept of success that so famously operated Carnegie can not be standardized, as well as personal performance criteria (on it and


Modern psychologists point to the many mistakes made by Carnegie in his theory of happiness "self-maid." In his works, Carnegie systematically encourages abandon his own "I" to

make communication more effective. This is his main mistake.

Perceiving the value system of another person in order to please him, people will actually be able to manipulate the interlocutor and use it for their own purposes. But the rejection of their own opinions and

opportunity to express its bad effect on the psyche. As a result of accumulated stress, feelings of depression and not met the criteria of success translate into psychosomatic disorders.

Simply put, trying to become successful at Carnegie artificial help to achieve goals, but do not make people happier.

Advice Carnegie "Smile!" Is well suited extrovert who constantly smiling and so, but for introverts is unnatural and painful.

Carnegie imposed readers the same idea of what should seek man and his ideas eventually caused complexes, psychological problems and feelings of guilt.

racial theory

Key points: the division of humanity into several unequal races

Single race theory does not exist: in different papers released from 4 to 7 major races and dozens of small physical types. Rasologiya knowingly appeared in the era of slavery.

A system in which some people dominate in all spheres of public life, while others limp obey them, requires a scientific justification.

In the middle of the XIX century Frenchman Joseph Gobineau announced Aryan master race destined to rule over the rest. Subsequently racial theory provided a scientific basis for Nazi policies

"Racial hygiene" aimed at discrimination and the destruction of the "inferior" people in the first place - the Jews and Gypsies. The ideas expressed by Gobineau, were developed in the pseudoscientific racial theories

Gunther, who is credited with each anthropological type certain mental abilities and traits. It became the basis of Nazi racial policy, catastrophic

the consequences of which it is not necessary to enumerate.

Modern science denies the division of people into races: the majority of Western scholars believe that the external differences that occur within our species, are important enough to be divided into

additional categories and have nothing to do with mental abilities. After the Second World War, all racial theories were considered insolvent.


Key points: the selection of a person
with the aim of removing valuable qualities

The idea of breeding in relation to a person nominated by Francis Galton, cousin of Charles Darwin. The purpose of eugenics, which became popular in the early decades of the XX century, was to improve the gene pool.

Supporters of "positive eugenics" argue that it may contribute to the reproduction of people with qualities that valuable to society. But what qualities are valuable? Many people,

possess high intelligence and creativity, suffer congenital somatic defects and, therefore, in the process of selection may be left behind. By the same mechanisms inheritance

characteristics such as predisposition to alcoholism or, conversely, good health and a high IQ, equally poorly understood: many of these signs appear only under the influence of the environment in

which brought up and living people.

Eugenics was discredited as a science in the 1930s, when its provisions justify racial policy of Nazi Germany. In the Third Reich to actively develop "negative eugenics": first

Nazis just wanted to stop the reproduction of people with hereditary defects and those who were considered racially inferior. Eugenic programs of forced sterilization of people

have committed serious crimes or "mentally retarded", existed in Sweden, Finland, USA, Denmark, Estonia, Norway and Switzerland, in some countries they operated until the 1970s.

At the end of the XX century, when they were successfully conducted experiments on cloning higher mammals, and geneticists have the opportunity to make changes in the DNA, the question of ethics to improve the gene pool

man again became urgent.

Now the fight against hereditary diseases is conducted in the framework of genetics.
http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/6 ... -most.html

Re: Unusual scientific experiments

СообщениеДобавлено: 24 янв 2015, 18:04
Created a vaccination against diabetes - VIDEO
Successful experiments on mice gave hope to create an effective prevention of diabetes of the first type, which affects millions of young people around the world. New drug stops the destruction of beta cells that produce insulin.
Scientists from the University of St. Louis have found a way to prevent type I diabetes in mice by blocking autoimmune processes responsible for the destruction of pancreatic beta cells. Perhaps based on this technology will be able to create effective ways to prevent and treat one of the most common and dangerous diseases.

Diabetes - a chronic autoimmune disease in which the immune system of the organism "in error" destroys the insulin-producing beta cells. As a result, diabetes can lead to hormone deficiency and hyperglycemia - increased content of glucose in the blood. In contrast, type II diabetes, type I diabetes does not develop in old age, and occurs mainly in young people and even children. Unfortunately, the treatment of this disease does not exist yet, and patients have a lifetime to control blood sugar levels and take insulin.

But even so, diabetes is associated with a variety of life-threatening complications such as the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases in patients with diabetes is several times higher than in healthy people. In total there are about 250 million people with diabetes in Russia - more than 2.5 million. Experts say the global increase in the number of cases, the number of people with high blood glucose levels that are not asked for help, it may be several times higher.

For many people, the only way to save a life with type I diabetes - a regular intake of insulin

A new study led by Dr. Thomas Barris (Thomas Burris) and published in the publication of Endocrinology, offers a new way of preventing diabetes, not just treat its symptoms. According to Thomas Burris, a new kind of treatment may slow the development of type I diabetes, or even eliminate the need for insulin injections.

So far scientists have known that at least two types of immune T-cells are responsible for the development of type I diabetes. The role of the third type of cells (TH17) was unclear. Burris Thomas and colleagues found that a pair of nuclear receptors play an important role in the development of Th17-cells. Moreover, they can stop the autoimmune disease in several mouse models, retaining their beta cells from destruction.

Scientists have developed a special substance that blocks the receptors ROR alpha and gamma t antagonist called SR1001. This material greatly reduces manifestations of diabetes in mice and may be used to prevent the destruction of insulin-producing beta cells.

These data show that Th17 cells play an important role in the development of type I diabetes. Researchers believe very promising drugs that act on these cells. Such drugs will help suppress diabetes in the very early stages of development and prevent any dangerous for health and life-threatening complications. Globally, the new drug could save millions of lives and save billions of dollars that are now being spent on ineffective insulin therapy and treatment of associated symptoms.
http://www.hainanwel.com/en/unusual-wor ... betes.html

Re: Unusual scientific experiments

СообщениеДобавлено: 24 янв 2015, 18:06
Lack of physical activity is more dangerous to life than obesity - VIDEO

Scientists have found that a lack of physical exercise when the risk of premature death, twice higher than in obesity. Sedentary lifestyle has long been associated with increased risk of heart disease and cancer as well as premature death. In the new study, the researchers decided to study the link between lack of physical activity and early death. To do this, scientists from Cambridge University analyzed data from more than 334 thoUSAnd men and women in Europe. For 12 years, the researchers measured height, weight, waist circumference, as well as determine how physically active volunteers.

As a result, the greatest reduction in risk of premature death was seen when comparing the inactive and moderately inactive groups. The researchers estimated that physical activity equivalent to just 20 minutes a day of brisk walking, taking a person from the inactive group in a moderately active and reduce the risk of premature death in the 16-30%.

Thus, even small daily physical activity can bring significant health benefits.
http://www.hainanwel.com/en/unusual-wor ... esity.html

Re: Unusual scientific experiments

СообщениеДобавлено: 02 фев 2015, 15:02

Chemists have turned a boiled egg in the raw - VIDEO

Egg 90% water and 10% of the proteins, which are long chain amino acids and entangled held together by weak atomic bonds. When the egg is immersed in boiling water, heat destroys these connections, and chains start to break, break down and rebuild.

So under high temperature egg whites changes its structure, becoming transparent and liquid and solid white.

American and Australian chemists have figured out how to reverse the process of protein denaturation, more simply, to return hard-boiled egg in the liquid, again raw, condition.

"In this paper we describe a device which can restore the state of the protein in the crude after egg cooked for 20 minutes at a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius - professor of chemistry and molecular biology and biochemistry Gregory Weiss (Gregory Weiss) of California University in Irvine. - But, of course, our main goal has not been manipulated with boiled eggs - it is only a demonstration of the process. in reality, for example, there is a lot of sticky protein - it takes a long time to clear them from the tube. many would like to receive funds for the restoration of this material. "

At first glance, the discovery may indeed seem useless. But it can significantly reduce the cost of cancer treatment, food production, and will be useful in other areas of the biotechnology industry.

The research team Weiss, like many scientists, seeks to learn how to effectively produce processing securities molecular proteins. This "recycle" can be used in multiple domains.

The ways in which scientists have used so far have been very costly and time-consuming: the equivalent of dialysis at the molecular level would take about four days. The new process converts raw Boiled egg in a few minutes.

To return to "tough" protein in the liquid state, scientists use urea, which is able to "disengage" proteins and dilute the solids. But this is only half of the process: at the molecular level, some groups of proteins were still linked.

California scientists used a centrifuge, developed by Flinders University in South Australia and rotating at a speed of 5 miles per minute. With its help, the proteins were subjected to a certain load, which "undid" the structure and returned to liquid form.

The researchers did not report whether after all these processes consume eggs for food. However, this finding may be useful in various fields. For example, pharmaceutical companies currently produce antibodies to cancer expensive hamster ovary cells, proteins which are often minimized. The ability to quickly and cheaply convert proteins from yeast or E. coli is able to optimize the production of protein and make cancer treatment more affordable.
http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/6 ... e-raw.html

Re: Unusual scientific experiments

СообщениеДобавлено: 02 фев 2015, 15:05
Acetic rain killed in the world 90% of all life - VIDEO
This is not a carrot rain from the Soviet cartoon about lisёnka: 252 million years ago our planet was a rain of vinegar! So says a scientist Devin Powell, exploring the causes of the Great extinction.

Quarter of a billion years ago on Earth had a monstrous cataclysm in which disappeared 90% of all living beings. It was after this cataclysm persisting and formed the flora and fauna that we know today. Scientists have a lot of theories about the causes of extinction, among whom were a collision with an asteroid, and a large-scale release of methane.

Team Dr. Powell believes that 90% of all life destroyed corrosive rain. Scientists believe that from heaven on the heads of animals poured substance, resembling in its composition vinegar. Geologist Mark Sefton confirms the findings of the team of Powell: "It was then that we celebrate the acidity of soils and find in it traces of the impact of vinegar."
http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/6 ... -life.html

Re: Unusual scientific experiments

СообщениеДобавлено: 02 фев 2015, 15:13
Pad on the skin turns people into the battery - VIDEO
Scientists from the National University of Singapore discovered an innovative way to generate electricity by friction of the human skin, which can be used to power the electronics on his body - for example, "smart" watches or bracelets. Development is a flexible miniature device (about the size of a postage stamp) that converts static electricity into USAble energy.

In the mini-generator twofold: one is attached to the skin, and the other covered with a thin silicon wafer and a gold film. Between the two surfaces of the protrusions are made of silicone rubber, which increase the area of contact, friction and the amount of energy produced. The machine produces electricity as a result of the triboelectric effect. It occurs when two surfaces are in close contact with each other.

How does the invention have been shown at the conference IEEE MEMS 2015, which took place last week. One person put an overlay on the forearm, the other - on the throat, after which they began to make everyday muscle movements: talk and squeeze his hand into a fist. As a result of these steps was obtained voltage 7.3-7.5 volt. When tapped on the device, it could already produce 90 volts, and that is enough to power multiple LED bulbs.

In 2011, scientists learned how to generate electricity from the human respiratory tract. They have created a special film that converts the air flow coming out of the nostrils with a speed of up to two meters per second, into electrical energy. Technology research based on the piezoelectric effect when the electric power can be obtained from the mechanical oscillations of special material. In this case it was micron-thick film made of polivinilipdenftorida (PVDF).

Earlier piezoelectric effect was found other uses associated with the transformation of the vibrations of the road from the movement of vehicles into electricity. The generated electricity can be stored in batteries and supply roadside traffic signs or traffic lights.
http://hainanwel.com/en/unusual-world/6 ... ttery.html

Re: Unusual scientific experiments

СообщениеДобавлено: 12 фев 2015, 19:21
Emotional burnout - a symptom of our times - VIDEO

It is a state of exhaustion, which leads to paralysis of our forces, accompanied by a loss of feeling and joy. Nowadays, more frequent cases of burnout.

This applies not only social occupations for which a burnout syndrome was characterized previously, but also other professions, as well as personal life. Promotes the spread of burnout our era - the time to reach, consumption, new materialism, entertainment and enjoyment of life. This is the time when we exploit ourselves and allow ourselves to exploit. That's what I'd like to talk about today.

First I will describe burnout and say a few words about how it can be recognized. Then I try to tell you about the background on which this syndrome occurs, and then give a small overview of the work on the burnout syndrome and show how it can be prevented.


Who does not know the symptoms of burnout? I think that everyone has ever felt them. We find ourselves at the signs of exhaustion, when a lot of stress experienced, accomplished something big. For example, if we were preparing for exams, working on some project, wrote a thesis or raising two young children. It happens that the work took a lot of stress forces, there were some crisis situations, or, for example, during a flu epidemic doctors had to work very hard.
And then there are symptoms such as irritability, lack of desire, sleep disorder (when a person can not fall asleep, or, conversely, sleeps very long time), decreased motivation, the person feels uncomfortable mainly, can manifest depressive symptoms. This is a simple version of the burning - burning at the level of the reaction, the physiological and psychological response to excessive stress. When the situation is completed, the symptoms disappear on their own. In this case, can help free weekend, time for yourself, dream vacation, sports. If we are not renewable energy through the rest, the body goes into saving mode forces.

In fact, both the body and the mind are so arranged that a lot of stress were possible - because people sometimes have to work hard to achieve some big goals. For example, to rescue his family from any troubles. The problem lies elsewhere: if the call does not end, that is, if people really can not relax, constantly in a state of tension, if they constantly feel to them imposed any requirements, they are always concerned about something, feel fear constantly alert for something, something expected, this leads to overstrain of the nervous system in humans tense muscles, there is pain. Some people in a dream start to gnash their teeth - it can be a symptom of overexertion.


If the voltage becomes chronic, then burn out the level of frustration.

In 1974, a psychiatrist from New York Freudenberger first published an article about the volunteers who work in the social sphere in the name of the local church. In this article, he described their situation. These people have symptoms similar to depression. In their history, he showed always the same: first, these people were absolutely delighted by their activities. Then this delight gradually begins to decrease. And eventually they faded to a state of a handful of ashes. All of them were found similar symptoms: emotional exhaustion, constant fatigue. At the thought that tomorrow to go to work, they have a sense of fatigue. They had a variety of physical complaints, they are often ill. This was one of the groups of symptoms.

With regard to their senses, they no longer have power. What happened was what he called the dehumanization. Changed their attitude towards the people they helped, first a loving, attentive, and then it turned into a cynical, rejects negative. Also worsened relations with colleagues, a feeling of guilt, the desire to get away from it all. They worked less and doing all of the template, like robots. That is, these people have not been able, as before, to enter into a relationship and did not aspire to it.

This behavior has a certain logic. If I have a feeling there are no more power, then I have no strength to love to listen to other people become for me a load. It feels like I can not meet them, their demands are excessive to me. Then start acting automatic defensive reactions. From the point of view of the mind, it is very reasonable.

A third group of symptoms author found a decrease in performance. People were dissatisfied with their work and their achievements. They experience themselves as powerless, did not feel that achieve some success. Total for them was too much. And they felt that they do not get the recognition they deserve.

After spending this study, Freudenberger found that burnout symptoms do not correlate with the number of working hours. Yes, the more someone works, the more he suffers from this emotional power. Emotional exhaustion increases in proportion to the number of working hours, but the other two groups of symptoms - performance and dehumanization, dehumanization relations - almost not affected. The person continues to be productive for a while. This indicates that the burnout has its own dynamics. It's more than just exhaustion. At this point we still dwell.


Freudenberger created a scale consisting of 12 stages of burnout. The first stage still looks very innocuous, first in patients with burnout obsessive desire to assert himself ("I can do something"), perhaps even in competition with others.

Then begins a casual attitude to their own needs. People no longer give yourself free time, less involved in sports, he has less time for people to himself, he was less talking with someone.

At the next stage man has no time for conflict resolution - so he displaces them, and later even ceases to perceive them. He does not see that at work, at home, with friends, there are some problems. He retreats. We see something similar to the flower that fades more and more.

Later lost feelings about themselves. People no longer feel. They're just machines, and can not stop. After a while, they feel empty inside, and if it continues, the more likely to be depressed. At last, the twelfth stage, the person is completely broken. He gets sick - physically and mentally, experiencing despair, suicidal thoughts are often present.

One patient came to me with the emotional burnout. Came and sat in a chair, sighed and said, "I'm glad that I'm here." He looked exhausted. It turned out that he could not even call me to arrange a meeting - his wife dialed phone number. I then asked him on the phone, as it is urgent. He replied that he urgently. And then I agreed with the first meeting on Monday. On the day of the meeting, he admitted: "All the two-day weekend, I could not guarantee that I will not jump out of the window. My condition was so unbearable. "

It was a very successful businessman. His staff about it knew nothing - he was able to hide from them their condition. And for a very long time, he hid it from his wife. At the eleventh stage of his wife noticed it. He still continued to deny the problem. It was only when he could no longer live, already under pressure from the outside, he was ready to do something. That's how far can start a burnout. Of course, this is an extreme example.

The enthusiasm of disgust

To more simple words indicate that manifests itself as emotional burnout, you can resort to the description of the German psychologist Matthias Burusho people. He described four steps.

The first stage looks completely innocuous: it really is not quite burning. This is the stage where you need to be careful. It was then that a man driven by idealism, some ideas, some enthusiasm. But claims that he constantly makes in relation to itself, excessive. He demands too much from myself for weeks and months.

The second stage - the depletion: physical, emotional, physical weakness.

In the third stage usually become effective the first defensive reactions. What does one do if the requirements are constantly excessive? He goes out of the relationship, there is dehumanization. This is a reaction to counter a defense, to exhaustion did not become stronger. Intuitively, one feels that he needs a rest, and to a lesser extent maintain social relationships. The relations that must live, because without them you can not do, burdened rejection, repulsion.

That is, in principle, this is the right response. But it is an area where the reaction takes effect, is not suitable for this purpose. Rather, the person needs to be relaxed with respect to those requirements which are presented to him. But that is what they can not - get away from the demands and claims.

The fourth stage - the strengthening of what is happening in the third stage, end-stage burnout. Burusho people called it "a syndrome of disgust." This concept, which means that more people in itself carries no joy. In respect of all there is disgust. For example, if I ate rotten fish, I came vomiting, and the next day I hear the smell of fish, I have an aversion. That is a protective feeling after poisoning.


Speaking about the reasons, in general, there are three area. This individual psychological area when a person has a strong desire to surrender to this stress. The second area - socio-psychological, or social - is the pressure from the outside: various fashions, some social norms, demands at work, the spirit of the time. For example, it is estimated that each year you need to go on a journey - and if I can not do this, then I do not meet people living at that time, their way of life. This pressure can be carried out in a latent form, and it may have the effect of burnout.

More dramatic requirements - is, for example, the requirements of prolonged working hours. Today, people and processes does not receive payment for it, and if he does not, he is fired. Permanent processing - it costs inherent in the capitalist era, in which lives Austria, Germany, and probably also Russia.

So, we have identified two groups of reasons. From the first we can work in the psychological aspect, in the framework of consultation, and in the second case, you need to change something at the level of policy, at the level of trade unions.

But there is a third reason, which is related to the organization of systems. If the system provides an individual freedoms too little, too little responsibility, if there is mobing (baiting), then people are very stressful. And then, of course, essential to restructure the system. It is necessary to develop the organization in a different way, to enter coaching.

Meaning you can not buy

We restrict ourselves to the group of psychological reasons. In the existential analysis, we empirically found that the cause of burnout is the existential vacuum. Emotional burnout can be understood as a special form of existential vacuum. Viktor Frankl described the existential vacuum as suffering from a sense of emptiness and lack of meaning.

A study conducted in Austria, during which 271 have been tested doctor, showed the following results. Found that those doctors who were meaningful life and not suffer from existential vacuum, there was little burnout, even if they have worked for many hours. Those doctors who have detected a relatively high level of existential vacuum in their work, demonstrated high levels of burnout, even if they worked fewer hours.

From this we can conclude that the meaning can not be bought. Does nothing to make money, if I'm on your work suffer from the emptiness and lack of meaning. We can not compensate for this.

Burnout confronts us with the question: Do I really worry about the point of what I'm doing? The meaning depends on how we feel personally value in what we do or not. If we follow the apparent meaning: career, social recognition, love of others, then it is false or apparent meaning. It costs us more strength and causes stress. As a consequence, we have a shortage of execution. Then we experience the devastation - even when relaxing.

At the other extreme is a way of life where we live performance - even if you are tired. Performance, despite being tired, does not lead to burnout.

Summarizing, we can say the following: burnout - is a finite state occurring as a result of the ongoing creation of something without experience in the aspect of performance. That is, if the fact that I do, I experience meaning, if I feel that what I do is good, interesting and important if I am happy this and want to do it, then burn occurs. But these feelings are not to be confused with enthusiasm. Enthusiasm does not necessarily related to the performance - it is more hidden from other, more modest thing.

WHAT I give myself?

Another aspect, which brings us to the topic of burnout - is motivation. Why do I do something? And as I turned to this? If I can not give my heart to what I'm doing when I'm not interested, I do it for some other reason, then we are in a sense lie.

It's like as if I was listening to someone, but thinking about something else. That is, if I do not attend. But if I do not attend at work in my life, then I can not in the same charge for this service. It's not about the money. Yes, of course I can make money, but I personally do not get the reward. If I am not present in the heart of any business, and use what I do, as a means to achieve the objectives, then I abuse the situation.

For example, can I start a project, because he promises me a lot of money. And I almost can not refuse and somehow resist it. Thus we can be tempted by some choice, which then leads us to burnout. If it happens only once, then maybe it's not so bad. But if it goes on for years, then I'll just pass by his life. What I give myself?

And here, by the way, can be extremely important that I have a burnout. Probably because I can not stop myself its direction of motion. I need that wall, from which I come across some kind of push from the inside, so I just could not keep moving and revised their actions.

Example of money, probably the most superficial. Motives can be much deeper. For example, I want to recognize. I need praise from the other. If you do not meet these narcissistic needs, then I become bespokoynym.Snaruzhi it can not be seen - only people who are close to this man can feel it. But I probably will not even about to talk to them. Or I did not realize that I have such needs.

Or, for example, I certainly want to make sure. I have known poverty in childhood, I had to continue wearing old clothes. I was ridiculed for it, and I was ashamed. Maybe even my family was starving. I would not want to never go through this.

I know people who have become very rich. Many of them came to burnout. Because for them it was the primary motive - in any case, to prevent the state of poverty to become poor again. Is humanly understandable. But it can lead to excessive requirements that will never end.

To people for a long time were willing to follow such a seeming, false motivation, their behavior has to be a lack of something, mentally shortage, some misfortune. This deficiency leads a person to self-exploitation.

The value of life

This deficiency can not only be subjectively perceived need, but also with respect to installation of life, which ultimately can lead to burnout.

As I understand it your life? Based on this, I can develop your goals, under which I live. These settings can be from the parents or the person develops them himself. For example: I want to achieve something. Or: I want to have three children. To become a psychologist, a doctor or a politician. Thus man for himself outlines the goals that he wants to follow.

This is perfectly normal. Who of us have goals in life? But if the goal of becoming the content of life, if they become too large values, then it will lead to rigidity, stagnation behavior. Then we put all efforts to achieve this goal. And everything that we do, is a means to an end. And it does not carry its own value, and is only useful value.
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Re: Unusual scientific experiments

СообщениеДобавлено: 12 фев 2015, 19:22
Incredible scientific and technical applications of sound - VIDEO

When we think about the technologies of the future, we often do not notice a field in which there are incredible achievements: acoustics. Sound is proving to be one of the fundamental building blocks of the future. Science uses it to do incredible things, and you can be sure in the future we will hear and see a lot more.


A team of scientists from the University of Pennsylvania with the support of Ben and Jerry's has created a refrigerator that cools the food with the help of sound. It is based on the principle that sound waves compress and expand the air around him that heats and cools it accordingly. Generally, the sound waves changes temperature by no more than 1/10000 of a degree, but if the gas is pressurized to 10 atmospheres, the effects will be significantly stronger. The so-called thermoacoustic refrigerator compresses the gas in the cooling chamber and blows it with the 173 decibels of sound, generating heat. Inside the chamber, a series of metal plates on the way sound waves absorbs heat and returns it to the heat exchange system. Heat is removed, and the contents of the refrigerator is cooled.

This system was developed as a more environmentally friendly alternative to modern refrigerators. Unlike traditional models that use refrigerants chemical damage atmosphere thermoacoustic refrigerator works perfectly with inert gases such as helium. Since helium atmosphere just leave if it suddenly appears, the new technology will be greener any other on the market. With the development of this technology, its designers hope that thermoacoustic model eventually bypass traditional refrigerators on all counts.

ultrasonic welding

Ultrasonic waves are used for welding plastics 1960s. The basis of this method is the compression of two thermoplastic materials on top of a special device. Are then fed through the horn, ultrasonic waves which cause vibrations within the molecules, which in turn leads to friction generates heat. Eventually, the two pieces are welded together firmly and uniformly.

Like many technologies, it was discovered by accident. Robert Soloff worked on the ultrasonic sealing technology and accidentally touched the tip of the dispenser scotch on the table. As a result, the two parts of the dispenser soldered together, and Soloff realized that the sound waves can bend around corners and sides of hard plastic, reaching the inner parts. After opening Soloff and his colleagues have developed and patented a method of ultrasonic welding.

Since then, ultrasonic welding has been widely used in many industries. From diapers to cars, this method is commonly used for plastic compounds. In recent years, even experimenting with ultrasonic welding seams on specialized clothing. Companies like Patagonia and Northface already using welds in their clothes, but only straight, and is very expensive. Currently, the most simple and universal method is still the manual sewing.

Theft of credit card information

Scientists have found a way to transfer data from one computer to another using only sound. Unfortunately, this method also proved effective in the transmission of viruses.

Security specialists Dragos Ruyu had this idea after he noticed something strange with your MacBook Air: after installing OS X computer it spontaneously downloaded something else. It was a very powerful virus that could delete the data and make changes on their own. Even after removal, reinstallation and reconfiguration of the entire system the problem remained. The most plausible explanation for the immortality of the virus was such that he lived in the BIOS and remained there despite any operation. Another, less likely theory was that of the virus used high-frequency transmission between the speakers and microphone to control this.

This strange theory seemed unbelievable, but has been proven at least in terms of opportunities, when the German Institute has found a way to reproduce this effect. Based on designed for underwater communications software scientists have developed a prototype of malicious software that transfer data between an offline laptops using their dynamics. In tests laptops can communicate at distances up to 20 meters. The range can be expanded by linking the infected network device like a repeater Wi-Fi.

The good news is that the acoustic transfer is extremely slow, reaching a speed of 20 bps. Although this is not enough to transfer large data packets, it is enough to transmit information such as keystrokes, passwords, credit card numbers and encryption keys. Because modern viruses are able to do all this faster and better, it is unlikely that the new speaker system will be popular in the near future.

acoustic scalpels

Doctors have been using sound waves to medical procedures such as ultrasound and destruction of kidney stones, but scientists at the University of Michigan have created a sonic scalpel, the accuracy of which allows the separation of even a single cell. Modern technologies allow to create an ultrasonic beam with the focus of a few millimeters, but the new tool is accurate as early as 75 to 400 micrometers.

General technology has been known since the late 1800s, however, a new scalpel was made possible through the use of lenses, wrapped in carbon nanotubes and material called polydimethylsiloxane, which converts light into sound waves of high pressure. When properly focused, the sound waves and shock waves create microbubbles which exert pressure on a microscopic level. Technology tested by separating one cell ovarian cancer and 150 micrometer drilled a hole in the artificial kidney stones. The authors consider the technology that it can finally be used for drug delivery or removal of cancerous tumors, or small plaques. It can even be used for painless operations, such as the ultrasonic beam can avoid nerve cells.

Charging the phone voice

With the help of nanotechnology, scientists are trying to extract energy from a variety of sources. One of these problems - a device that does not need to be recharged. Nokia even patented a device that absorbs the energy of motion.

Since the sounds - this only compression and expansion of gases in the air, and hence the movement, it can become a viable energy source. Scientists are experimenting with the ability to charge the phone while using the right - as long as you call, for example. In 2011, scientists from Seoul took nanorods of zinc oxide sandwiched between two electrodes to produce electricity from the sound waves. This technology could produce 50 millivolts just from the noise of the machine. It is not enough to charge most electrical devices, but last year the London engineers decided to create a device that generates 5 volts - and this is already enough to recharge the phone.

While charging the phone with sounds could be good news for fans to chat, it can have a serious impact on the developing world. The same technology that ensures the existence of thermoacoustic refrigerator can be used to convert sound into electricity. Score-Stove - this stove and refrigerator, which extracts energy in the process of cooking on biomass fuels for the production of small amounts of electricity, about 150 watts. It's a little, but enough to provide 1.3 billion people in the world who do not have access to electricity, energy.

Transform the human body into a microphone

Scientists from Disney made the device that turns the human body into the microphone. The name "Ishin den tire" in honor of the Japanese expression that means communicating through an unspoken understanding, it allows anyone to transfer a recorded message by simply touching another person's ear.

This device includes a microphone attached to the computer. When someone speaks into the microphone, the computer saves it as a record on repeat, which is then converted into a barely audible signal. This signal is transmitted by wire from the microphone to the body of anyone who holds it, and produces the modulated electrostatic field, which causes tiny vibration if something the person concerned. Vibration can be heard, if a person touches another's ear. They can even be transmitted from person to person, if a group of people is in physical contact.


Sometimes science creates something, as even James Bond could only dream of. Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Microsoft and Adobe have developed an algorithm that can read passive sounds of inanimate objects in the video. Their algorithm analyzes imperceptible oscillations that create sound waves on the surface, and makes them audible. In one experiment failed to consider intelligible speech with a package of potato chips, lying at a distance of 4.5 meters per soundproof glass.

For best results, the algorithm requires that the number of frames per second video was higher than the frequency of the audio signal, which requires a high-speed camera. But, at the very least, we can take an ordinary digital camera to determine, for example, the number of interlocutors in the room and the floor - perhaps even their personality. New technology has obvious applications in forensic science, law enforcement and spy wars. With this technology, you can find out what's going on outside the window, just got a digital camera.

Acoustic masking

Scientists have made a device that can hide objects by sound. It seems a strange pyramid full of holes, but its shape reflects the trajectory of sound as if it is reflected from a flat surface. If you put this acoustic masking of the facility on a flat surface, it will be immune to the sound, regardless of the angle at which you will send sound.

Although perhaps this cape and will not prevent eavesdropping, it can be useful in places where the object is to hide from the acoustic waves, such as a concert hall. On the other hand, the military already had their eye on this cryptic pyramid because it has the potential to hide objects from sonar, for example. Since sound traveling underwater is almost the same as the air, sound masking can make submarines invisible to detection.

tractor beam

For many years scientists have tried to implement the technology of "star Trek", including tractor beam, with which you can grab and pull certain things. While quite a lot of research is focused on the optical beam, which uses the heat for moving objects, this technology is limited by the size of objects of a few millimeters. Ultrasonic tractor beams, however, proved that they can move large objects - up to 1 inch wide. Perhaps it is still small, but the new beam strength billions of times greater than the old developments.

Focusing the ultrasonic beam at the two targets can push the object toward the beam source, dissipating the waves in the opposite direction (as if the object will bounce on the waves). Although scientists have not been able to create the best kind of waves for its technology, they continue to work. In the future this technique can be used to directly control objects and fluids in the body. For medicine, it may be indispensable. Unfortunately, the sound of the vacuum of space is not covered, so perhaps the technology will be applied to control the spacecraft.

tactile hologram

Science is also working on the creation of other "star Trek" - holodeck. Although the hologram technology is nothing new, currently available to us are not so clever it appears, as shown fiction movies. However, the most important feature that separates fiction from real hologram remain tactile sensations. Remained to be exact. Engineers from the University of Bristol have developed a so-called technology UltraHaptics, which is able to transmit tactile sensations.

Initially, the technology was developed to provide power to your skin to facilitate gesture control certain devices. Mechanic with dirty hands, for example, could scroll through manual. Technology was supposed to make sense of touch screens physical page.

Since this technology uses sound for the production of vibrations that reproduce a sense of touch, the sensitivity level can be changed. 4-Hertz vibration similar to the heavy rain, and the 125-Hertz resemble touching the foam. The only downside at the moment is the fact that these frequencies can be heard by dogs, but the designers say that it is fixable.

Now they modify their device for the production of virtual forms such as spheres and pyramids. However, this is not entirely virtual forms. The basis of their work are sensors that follow your hand and thus form a sound wave. Currently, these objects do not have enough detail and some precision, but the designers say that once the technology is compatible with the visible hologram, and the human brain will be able to put them into a single image.
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