Authorities Donetsk republic betrayed Russian volunteers in Donetsk airport

Authorities Donetsk republic betrayed Russian volunteers in Donetsk airport

Сообщение! » 05 июн 2014, 23:04

" You see, in my lifetime I 've seen two civil wars . And every seen . And such idealists as arrows , too. A man stepped on a rake reality - do not worry , it happens. If you remain alive - wiser , yes sorry conclusions will most likely incorrect . The fact that he did not expect such a development , it is in itself characterizes .

And now about the " innocent victims " and other joys . And me and my friends (even here on this forum ) of the New Russia began returning comrades - also drove " Slavic brothers ' support . Weapons on YUVU - drown , except that there is no air . In warehouses have even tanks - they simply need to reopen in mind. That's just no one to reactivate . The truth is simple and banal - local unwilling to fight and do not want . Even not particularly want to help because they are afraid that they will this then sideways . A lot of Russian volunteers not navoyuyut .

There is no "rise of Donbass" , there are a handful unconquered people willing to stand up to the end - and an amorphous mass , capable of a maximum tick the paper.

That 's the truth . Believe it - do not believe your case . Strelkovtsam actually left to stand a little bit - and the enemy tremble . And if that happens - that merit Donbass residents in this will be negligible , victory will ultimately idealistic principles on batteries and no not " norot ", which in the mass FSUs # p - hut on the edge of something . "

It is absolutely wonderful text, because it - the TRUTH. The same truth that sofa warriors not want to see.

But nothing - now we'll open our eyes .

Let's take a closer look at the famous battle of Donetsk airport . This is a very good example that reveals the essence and the ins and outs of what is happening with the DNI and LC .

Do you know why this fight was held at all ? Because in Donetsk came to help Russian brothers South Ossetians and Chechens , with a decent weapon ( automatic grenade launchers , ZUshki modern RPGs), and most importantly - with a desire to fight. And here they come - and what do they see? Some muddy romp and incomprehensible expectation is not clear why . Around full of military installations and parts of Ukraine - but nobody is trying to take control , to seize weapons and so on. All activities of the command " militia " has been reduced to the fact that they have built around Donetsk roadblocks and placed them fighters with light weapons - and these men are sitting at checkpoints , shaking passing buses on the coin and morally decaying . No takeover of the territory of Donetsk region does not occur, and occur behind the scenes grater with Kiev - to the extent that the city councils of DNR sent POROSHENKO loyal congratulations on his election to the presidency. As aptly wrote HMagier - they say, " fear is that they will then sideways ."

We arrived questions have been raised . And to no more questions arose - the local authorities decided to merge the guests . Apparently agreed with Kiev - and sent to all active fighters " occupy the airport ." Well, they say you do want to fight - that's you goal , fight . What was the meaning of military exercises and hold the airport - no one will explain , because the only meaning could be if in Donetsk waiting landing airborne troops Russian troops , which is quite obviously could not be. In all other cases, occupy the airport and hold - did not make sense . If there was a need to prevent the landing of Sun dill - it was necessary to block the only runway every scrap and not give it away . Or lay on the runway charges and undermine strip in several places - it would be enough to prevent the landing of aircraft , helicopters and well, so sit anywhere wasteland around Donetsk in bulk , they do not need the airport .

That's why exercise Ossetian- Chechen volunteers terminal , which entirely glass and sweep through missiles and aerogun , and is far enough away from residential areas, so as to be free to bomb Stalingrad and in the state of Homs without significant collateral damage of civilians - it was just a setup. And what followed - it has proven reliable .

Therefore , by the way , and dead bodies were sent volunteers in Russia , not only without publicity , but even without the presence of management of DNR . Of the entire leadership of the two men arrived - Denis Pushilin ( Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of DNR ) and Alexander Boroday (Prime Minister DNI ), each had his guards to each other and they do not even come up.

Comrade HMagier already surprised that out of the 120 thousandth Sloviansk leading heavy fighting , had to send a group of volunteers to help the millions of Donetsk. But I will reveal the secret - sent a group of reliable fighters Strelkova this is the current security beard, which arrows are old friends . That is the situation in the DNR is that Boroday can not trust any of the local militia Donetsk , and forced myself to pull non-native men from small - otherwise you could die suddenly .

From the same opera and grenade RPG , who flew into the office of the mayor of Donetsk national Gubaryov Paul . Well, that bezopasnikam Gubaryov became aware of the impending liquidation, and its time to throw in a secret place - but do you really think that shooting a grenade at the office of Donetsk city administration could happen without the help of people from most of this administration ? Haha three times.

It is no secret that all buzu Donetsk organized once Rinat Akhmetov - hoping to protect their assets from " supported Maidan" Kolomoysky and squeeze yourself a big piece in the new deribane Ukraine. But then suddenly took some puppet show for reality , cut the strings and began to dance their own dances. Some of them (eg Gubaryov ) Akhmetov managed promptly pass pravosekam and SBU , but some managed to pull up their own forces and entrenched in the DNI and LC . However, each playing his game there , plus there are plenty of people Akhmetov - seeking opportunities to fulfill orders from the master .

That's why , by the way , nobody really Donetsk and storms - and all the forces of the junta to throw into Slavic . Donetsk negotiate and seek a fair price - but in a small sitting Slovyansk idealist Gunmen who seriously fighting for " Russian brothers" and FIG outbid . While fighting Gunmen - Donetsk to make their name if Strelkova crush - the price will drop to acceptable, and an official part of the protest ends.

That is about the situation there . As, however, in any civil war in the initial phase . Read the manual N803 USMC .

Kolomoysky prepay shot missiles at Lugansk city administration to bring down the " issue price " of the leadership of Gdańsk . He chess prone to risky moves - it's his style. Frightened by the possibility of personal death , administration officials , of course, will be more willing to negotiate for less moolah - but on the other hand, it radicalize opposition , increasing the number of those luganchan who are willing to take up arms . Apparently still Kolomoysky estimates this number as low - otherwise he would not have gone to such a move .

Now there is a turning point - went real blood flows , and either the local population will begin to wake up and dramatically increase the mass militia (after which the inevitable cleansing administrations ) or functionaries of local administrations and DNR LC merge all for a fair price and will fly to the Canaries . Let's see what will happen next.!
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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