Ukraine's fate

Ukraine's fate

Сообщение! » 09 июн 2014, 21:56

The last "Exit to Freedom" I was offered to make a prediction that awaits Ukraine. Then I was in no mood to analyze; mood was just kick you down and have fun. Now the mood is. Remove trousers, younger "brother." So:

I do not refuse from any of their predictions - those that wrote on this forum for almost four years. Read me, gentles, and you will be happy outlook. Time has shown that I have a very good Wang. Reliable, high-quality. If I was wrong, it is only for the worse Nenko side. For example, in the military forecast "5 days" Whither Russia? (Continued) - 1 - 2 - 3 I assumed hohlyatsky army in the Crimea will somehow resist. That twenty thousand (!) Group and the whole fleet surrender and hand over weapons, not even puknuv, I could not imagine. I underestimated Ukrainian cowardice, corruption and insanity. Such were my mistakes; but otherwise I was 100% right - to my satisfaction. And your unhappiness.

I predicted the Russian armored vehicles in eastern Ukraine? Predicted. So admire:

(Strictly speaking, it is not really Russian. Former Ukrainian She captured from Khokhlov-junta. But as you know, it's just twice as nice. So that I always "wrong" ...)

So what you waiting for? First, determine the line of separation of Ukraine - the so-called "Subtelny line." Back in the 70s of XX century Ukrainian-born Canadian historian Orest Subtelny drew a line separating Ukraine Ukrainian-Russian language and Ukraine. It is easy to see that this line is clearly manifested at all, without exception, polls and referendums in all 23 years of your "independence."

And no wonder. After all, it is a border between the historical Ukraine Ukraine itself and Novorussia. This is the boundary between the "area of ​​the Polish gentry colonization" (the term Kulish), a former province of the Rzeczpospolita - and wild field where this colonization has never been and is never in Rzeczpospolita not included. It is a land where the Ukrainians were able to settle only settled after the defeat of the forces of the Russian Empire Barrens. (Tales that these lands "native Ukrainian," leave for their own - retarded - use. A "mapy Zaporizhskoy Sich", "Kalmiuskie Palanca" and so on. Show Crimean Tatars and Nogais. That's right, they burst into laughter.)

Earlier I was not sure where the border will pass split. Was an option on the Dnieper, was an option and Zbruchem. It turned out that the Central Ukraine, and Podilians Polishchuks too heavily infected svidomiey. Ogalichilis too. Well, then, go to the fire and the ruins along with Galicia ... until it bounces and will not fall under Poland.

Putin certainly Novorossia chop off from you. All eight areas. It fact, it is not even discussed. If you do not see it, it is not because he is weak and you are strong, but because you're chronically stupid. (Khokhly Cho.) Process is similar to the separation of Transnistria from Moldova. In the role Nenko Moldova, Transnistria as Southeast.

By the way, did you know that Transnistria Moldova lives better? The average salary of Moldovans 3273.5 lei and 3606 lei in Transnistria. Retirement pension in Moldova 936 lei, and in Transnistria - 1240. This communal Moldova expensive almost three times ... And it's under actual blockade of Transnistria! So, without blockade gap would be even greater.

But there is a difference in the situation. Transnistria was separated in the early 90's, when Russia was in deep down and it rules drunkard Yeltsin. Southeast away from you now - when Russia is on the rise, and it is ruled by the most effective ruler after Stalin in its recent history. So, this office will be much more painful ... for you.

In the Russian Federation Novorossia imho not formally enter. This is not necessary. She and so good prospects; it is now being only two areas, more than all the Baltics together. Therefore Kiev grunting that "these areas without Ukraine untenable" and "too small for independent existence" - blah blah. Baltic States for a quarter century exist independently, each being less than these two areas. But they is not limited to two. Vladimir Vladimirovich you will select all eight (at least), all Novorossia, as scheduled. And these eight areas together give is the second largest country in Europe.

The issue of sanctions and non-recognition - also "blah blah." Do you know, dear younger brothers, that the U.S. is forty years after the war did not recognize the inclusion of the Baltic Soviet Union? Yes, did not recognize. Formally considered them independent and occupied. In the U.S. "worked" thence "government in exile", almost "embassy", etc. But this did not prevent the Balts walks systems, join the Communist Party, to sit in the Politburo (Arvid Pel'she Janowicz) and even lead the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. His last chapter before the fall of the USSR Boris Pugo - purebred Lett. And it did not stop the United States docked in space "alliance" with the "Apollo" and kissing her gums Brezhnev "years of detente."

There will be the same. Political recognition may have to wait a long time, but economic sanctions "fall off" very quickly. Bourgeoisie do not like to lose grandmother. Krrrayne not like. Even for the sake of their own principles. As a maximum, economic sanctions will hold until the end of the current term of Obama: Ebony fucking offended by Putin. That gets him a slap for slap - Syria, Snowden, Olympics, Ukraine ... Therefore Negro will abut and stink until recently. Then wash away the Negro into political oblivion, and the economy will prevail "pragmatic approach". (The van is likely, Germany.)

So tell eight areas "good-bye". The remaining stump, ie Centre and the West (aka actual historical Ukraine) will go into "free floating". Attention, Wang: Russia largely lost interest in him, will reduce their efforts their actions flow of forces and means in relation to it. You could say it will leave you alone.


Back in Bucharest in 2004, during the first Maidana, it was suggested: all Ukraine Russia is not needed. Russia needs industrial Russian-speaking regions (or rather, what was left of them after tYtulnoy natsYi). Because these regions - historically part of Russia, Russian New Russia, which has appeared in only thanks Nenko bzduram Bolsheviks. They tried to create a "Ukrainian proletariat" and not come up with anything better than dilute Russian proletariat nation Selyukov and shopkeepers. SSR these regions were transferred only in 1923, 31 years before the Crimea, and also forcibly. Except for dates, the two situations there is no difference.

And the rest of Russia and Ukraine is not necessary. Else in the economic sense - the desert. In an intellectual sense - gnoilische. In the moral sense - gnoilische stinking and Pseudomonas. (Forumlyane with Central and Western Ukraine living proof). And the fig is it necessary?

Important point. Novorossia and taking a good chunk Slobozhanshchina, Russia not only gets himself something of value. It also takes away valuable in the remaining stump, thus neutralizing it. She pulls at his industrial hohlyatsky Nazism teeth. With industry, science, the defense industry in these regions, Ukraine could become (and has already started to become) core anti-Russian crusade antymoskovskoho ram West. And as such, it was interesting to the United States. What: nurture the Nazi regime there, to help him with the technologies with military equipment, adopt and schooled in NATO - and now 10 years later we have for reasonable money 40,000,000th Reich passionately hates Russia. Tearing her fight for "Ukrainian native land." And even there than fighting: part of NATO, for its part. Pile overexcited cannon fodder for self-sufficiency - is not an attractive political goal? Got something to unleash the purse and work with his hands. West even to tinker with Russia do not have to ...

And unleashed and worked. It is this-the script Putin and derails, fucking you and dismembering your "state." But it was clear yesterday (see my forumnye creativity). And what about tomorrow? What will happen next? After the collapse of the "Ukraine project", its dissolution and separation Novorossia?

And then, i.e. secondly, gentles, you will find the worst. You will moldavizatsiya.

Moldavizatsiya - when Russophobe bipedal mold relegated to such insignificance, to the poverty and powerlessness of this, that Russia has no interest in messing around with it and do something else. Everyone knows the term "hohlosrach." (That is why we go to the "Policy"). But has anyone heard of "moldavosrache"? That's it. That does not exist. Because Moldovans are too weak, poor, and insignificant that their opinion matters. Therefore there is no phenomenon of "moldovosrach", and therefore does not go on as many forums Moldovan Russians much (yet) goes to Ukrainian, and because there is no struggle against Moldovan minds. Who needs them?

Russia has not given Moldovans cut Russian Transnistria in 1992, separated it deprived them of opportunities to continue to climb there, kicked in the teeth - and sent on yuh. Everything. Since there are already two decades, nothing significant happens. Lost interest in Moldova. Work is mostly with Transnistria. From time to time or someone else Rogozin trolls Moldovan "Illit" those screaming helplessly pee boiling water - and all. Nothing more.

You will enjoy the same, dear brothers. You nabyut face "Novorossiysk militia DNR" and "polite people" castrate you economically and geographically - and then forget. Just forget it. Nobody will argue with Kiyaninom about "Bulgarian language". Nobody will argue with VoxPopuli about "Russian treachery." No one will argue with HnjCntg 'culture Rushen. " You will remain without an audience. All their bzdury you promote exclusively in his circle, including his own. That is to sow broad svidomost svidomyh. As it must be done now Moldovans.

I say "should" because I do not know exactly. I do not need to know. I'm not interested what they croak. I do not care how the Moldovan svidomity, your colleagues, your brains litter. I need to know that Moldova - the most impoverished country in Europe after Albania and that Russian Transnistria reliably protected from its stench. Everything. Specific details of the decay is not interested in me. Talk to rot worms swarming in not especially interesting. There they write about Russian, about history, about the "language issue" ... They write, perhaps, that their language - a direct descendant of Latin (by the way, it's true), and then they almost Romans ... Let them write what they want. The main thing that the Romans built cottage me, not daring to lift up the prices, and so were at a construction site, as now, quieter water below the grass (more illegals. Cheaper This legal guest workers.) And they croak in his spare time building cottages - yes niipet.

Since you will be the same. After dissection and care Nenko Novorossia you fall out of focus on Russia, Putin out of the spotlight, and will quietly (or maybe not quiet) to rot in their own juice. In unalloyed ukraYnstve. Without moskovitstva.

Of course, you immediately join the EU and NATO.


I guess we will not object. Knowing what are the Ukrainians, the best way to hurt and weaken NATO difficult to come up. Without industry southeast you powerless militarily and therefore useless NATO. Is that as a supplier of cannon fodder? But you meat so stupid - because Ukrainian education system blooms and smells - that even as such will be of little ally and enemy of low-hazard. (Exception except that the scope of terrorism). So, within NATO your "historic" stub will be useful to us rather than dangerous. So good riddance! Practice it in its main national talent - to corrupt and ruin everything you touch. Talent that you have twenty years to train their own state.

This is with regards to military matters. As for economic issues, here you repeat all the mistakes brothers Bulgarians plus, of course, add to them their own. Smart people and smart nations learn from others' mistakes, but "smart" is not about you. Therefore, the economy will jump on you smartly Bulgarian rake. (Who has not deflated, that Moskal.)

In Bulgaria, remember, the economic situation is so good that for nine people in two years committed self-immolation in the squares to protest against intolerable conditions, and in the meantime to Bulgaria imported from Holland tomatoes. Repeat slowly came to: Bulgaria. Import. Tomatoes. From Holland. These are the Bulgarian economic success.

All this, of course, against the background of membership in the EU and NATO. Yes, it helped greatly Bulgarians ...

But you are not Bulgarians, you are quite another matter. You Ukrainians! You did not write the laws of logic or the laws of economics! ... Well, wait until you start to import beet sugar, vegetable fat and oliyu. Actually, fat-then you already imported - from Poland. As well as buckwheat from China. But this, dear brothers, would be only the beginning.

Only two breakaway region, Luhansk and Donetsk, give 28% of your current GDP and one-third of industrial products. Fairy tale that you can lose a third of industrial production and not lose in living standards, will tell themselves. Very soon, you can be sure what it's worth. And it's only two areas; and yet we tear off you, not two, not three, or even four.

In short, the economy you will have full gopak. Your hopes that by joining the EU GDP jump, wages, pensions and vaasche popret prosperity - stupidity, which are able to "bite" only yourself. Another homemade vibrator head, made in Ukraine. Well, bring them yourself to orgasm ... and try to replace food with sex. I'll see.

All this, of course, will be your background WILD Russophobian propaganda. Propaganda-hysteria - a frenzied, hysterical, going wild. You transcend themselves in defecation mouth. All the troubles and difficulties you will blame on Moscow. However, there will not be anything new, and now you do it (and always did). New will only glow of your tantrums. Density of your govnosloviya.

This will give Vladimir Vladimirych (or its successor, by the way, do not expect good from any of the likely candidates) a great excuse to do away with the myth of the "brotherhood of nations." Very harmful, false myth, and most importantly, very expensive for cost the Russian. To kill him, it will be enough to broadcast in Russian media, say, a tenth of what you're talking about Russia. I think one tenth would be enough; really is where you try. Spew shit mouth - one of the few areas where Allah has not taken away from you neither the ability nor talent. After a few years your pearls convince Russian that Ukrainians - nation inadequate and irresponsible bastards and the myth is finished. (The liberal intelligentsia, of course, is against "demonizing neighboring nation," but who will ask this whore?)

So will take eight to ten years. Maybe a little more. And you will find that neither the salary you do not become a five thousand euro, nor pension three thousand; Conversely, the gap in living standards with Russia only increases and increases. And, of course, not in your favor nischebrodskuyu. You begin cognitive dissonance. Babble about "drunken beggar Russia" will be so ironically contrasted with the reality that no longer work even on a dull audience as Ukrainian. You realized that you "hit". You scream that you "cheated the U.S.," that you "robbed in the EU" that you "zradilo NATO" ...

And then you try to join the Customs Union. (Which just became EAEC).

Brad? No, dear brothers, reality. I Vang good! Yes, of course, you despise and hate "Russian quilted jackets", and after ten years of propaganda will hate them even more (if that is possible). But you love yourself stronger than hate us. Fierce love crest to himself and his paunch outweigh his hatred Moskal. And you enough prostitute (simply - shlyuhovataya) natsyya to do this somersault.

Here's the proof:

Part ... Svidomo medical military hospital in Sevastopol on Friday left the mainland. Remaining, they stated that they are all traitors and they are loyal to the oath, go to serve the people of Ukraine. Especially that they - Patriots Square - lifting and should give the status of combatants.

At the time of their departure, the military hospital came shtatka Russia, where, say, Colonel, nachotdeleniya on it gets 80 thousand Russian rubles per month. Svidomitam departing physicians traitors Ukraine to stop ringing the train came and reported herein.

All true Ukraine physicians as one climbed in and sped back Jankoi in Sevastopol, except that without raising the tricolor. shum_lol.gif

In-in. You can do exactly the same thing: continuing to hate Russian soul, slam yap, taut smile at him and chirped about "friendship of peoples". And asked for Russia. Because you'll be too exhausted by their poverty, confusion, third-, and forest that - stranger prosperity. (In Ukrainian it - the most intolerable.) You're not Bulgarians burn yourself alive you will not ...

And now the worst. I think, dear younger brothers, that YOU WILL NOT. I Wang, that will be sent to you solemnly yuh.

Remember: "all Ukraine Russia does not need." Territory as such were intrinsic value until the end of the XVIII century, then the situation changed.!
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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