Situation at the fronts., South East at 8.00 (in Kiev) June 13

Situation at the fronts., South East at 8.00 (in Kiev) June 13

Сообщение! » 13 июн 2014, 18:42

Day June 12 was confused. Many rumors little information. That is why it is often used the word "maybe." If something goes wrong do not blame me.
So far I see the situation as follows.


Donetsk and the surrounding area. On the morning of the junta started to equip checkpoints around the city. This happened in the desert, so they would have privacy. Main events took place at the Tomb of the Saur-near Snow. If we discard the information noise appears that originally planned to equip voystka junta and its positions there. Height dominates the entire region. Turn it to the second Karachun junta had long ago. From this height is controlled and run Rostov-Donetsk and several transitions at the border. Whoever owns this height he controls the south of DNR. Why does not the junta did not do it does not matter to me. Now it seems too late. Punishers morning were repelled (then a big fight was not). A few hours later began the "chaotic" attack from landing in the rear of the militia, a tank attack helicopters. Shorter than a full military operation. As a result, the evening ukroSMI wrote verbatim:

"As a result of the military operation, which was planned the night before, Ukrainian military has managed to keep the situation under control"

If you can not defeat it is very close. According to the junta militia lost 1 Mi-24 (maybe even 1-Mi-24 and Su-25). A number of armored vehicles and a very large number of manpower (only one unit of the 95th Brigade, in one ambush according punitive lost more than 20 people. And there were not only they, and 3 units OPSpN and "nationalists." And fight was not the only one). It was then and there was a tank battle (with as yet unknown results). By evening, the height remained under the control of militias.

This fight is somewhat earthshaking. And for several reasons. Firstly here first used heavy weapons on the side of the DNI. But even this is not important. It was the first "military" battle is gorodstkoy building where junta troops suffered a complete defeat and were discarded. Even the attempt to enter the fray aviation ended in tears (probably here and moan about Tymchuk A-50 and the Russian "umbrella" defense). It has not achieved results and suffered a loss (possibly severe). We can state that an army air defense (possibly in collaboration with the Russian air defense structures) in the militia raised high enough to cope with the Ukrainian Air Force.

The result of the battle was the urgent meeting in Kiev military junta leadership. Clearly on this development no one expected an urgent need to clarify and "plans."

It is clear that even unlocking shot region Donetsk airport in a given situation in question (yesterday morning, I thought it quite possible)

As I expected ( junta decided to get his "victory" in an almost defenseless Mariupol. Other options they have. Maidan must show something. Just was expected and tactics. Assaults attacks. "Occupation of buildings" that nobody guards, etc. Tactics right militias. Ambush on the communications with the aim of causing maximum loss. Sense to protect the building in this case no. So we hear from Lyashkov bravura "reports" on combined buildings. About who won this round will be judged tomorrow morning. There is no point. If punishers waiting for the night in the city and stayed there till morning without major losses it will be at least a small but victory. If not, then no.

Slavic. Incomprehensible situation. Late in the evening the Ukrainian media "whined" about another ambush with "mega losses" punitive. But not sure. Painfully this hysteria reminiscent of "ambush" on Saur-Tomb. Maybe it's about the same. But even if this is so, then we can judge that the panic that swept the junta and their hangers-on. They subconsciously waiting for "defeat." Psychologically, they are ready for it. Shooters reported one day before the collision, in which the junta has lost one APC and a number of soldiers (not specified). Otherwise Slovyansk lull.



Fight to the north of Lugansk same strange as the recent battle in which militia "captured" 3 tanks. Locals say that there was a small fight that ended quickly. But resources militia declared column in 40 tanks. If it turns out that tomorrow militias "there" yet 20 tanks I personally would not be surprised.

What soladty junta securely locked in Lugansk airport already think it is clear even to them. Matter of putting a question of time.

Sorry, there is little concrete and more likely. But there is no "credible" disk imaging of the word "almost all." Some hints, statements and rumors.!
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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