February 12, 2015: GENERAL SUMMARY OF COMBAT OPERATIONS at Donbass, Novoross, UKRAINE

February 12, 2015: GENERAL SUMMARY OF COMBAT OPERATIONS at Donbass, Novoross, UKRAINE

Сообщение DARPA » 13 фев 2015, 13:55

23:33 Posted by volunteer with the call sign "Rog".

"Although not a truce - fighting continues, we continue to beat Debaltsevsky boiler, and the enemy is trying to get out of there. This morning near the village, Luhansk militia put forward to Bolotennogo and that part Valuisky that we control, as well as from the bridge and held a share of destruction APU firing points. The fighting lasted for about 5 hours. As a result we have destroyed several defensive firing points, three reference points and 5 units of artillery.
23:02 In case of violation of the agreements reached in Minsk new memorandums will not

22:09 militia managed to burn the LC column punitive, trying to break debaltsevsky boiler. In fierce fighting continues Sanzharoki. At a height of 307.9 is a terrible fight. Punishers taken 6 attacks, all of which were recorded by the Cossacks and the people's militia. Under Chernukhin there are fights. Stakhanov today a day of mourning: thousands of residents without fear of attacks, this afternoon went to the funeral of 10 soldiers of the regiment them. Platov, who sacrificed their lives for the motherland and the people

21:30 Overview of the combat situation Lifenews.

"Debaltsevo, Donetsk, Lugansk and Horlovks came under heavy fire Ukrainian punitive. APU attack Logvinova the last effort to apply reserves and heavy self-propelled guns. Militia successfully keeps defenses and retreats. Chernukhin control the militias, they are also trying to knock out the APU. The path from Svetlodarsk to Logvinova is under fire from the militia. fighting continues around with. Poltava, Kamenka Redkodub. VSN took Debaletsevo-sorting station. Do not stop the shelling of Donetsk Avdeevka, Sand and thin, the city has DRG. Horlovks tolerate attacks from Dzerzhinsk and Magdalinovka, VSN leads artillery counter-battery fire. In the south, there are fights near Sahanki and Shirokino. "

21:14 News Bulletin Novorossia for February 11-12
1. The situation in the DNI and LC.
2. Kyiv is no longer hides mass desertion in the ranks of his army.
3. Poroshenko may soon leave the post of President of Ukraine.
4. The meeting of heads of "Norman Four" was completed.
5. Vladimir Putin answered questions from reporters in Minsk.
6. Parliament deprived of accreditation of Russian journalists.
7. IMF chief Christine Lagarde said that the fund is ready to give Ukraine a loan amounting to 17.5 billion dollars.
8. "Gazprom" for the umpteenth time warned Ukraine.
9. At a checkpoint near the town of Raisin police detained a minibus carrying a large quantity of ammunition.
10. In Odessa political agitation reached a new level.

20:48 militia was dealt counterattack with armored group "Somalia" from 7 tanks (reinforcements came). On the outskirts Logvinova battle continues, APU and militias maneuver.
20:36 Posted by Paul volunteer.

"About a truce heard. Nothing has changed, if anything, we have, under Debaltseve. As shelled and shelled. We keep them in the environment. Basically working artillery and mortars, battles are conducted at a distance. Order to stop the fire has not yet been reported. Ukrainian army continues to operate exactly as it acted at all times. But our commitment to the liberation has not changed, Lisichansk, Severodonetsk and our other cities will be released. The ring gradually tightens. Victory will be ours, we will not kneel! "
20:34 The overview map of hostilities in the New Russia for February 11

19:01 Polish Foreign Minister: Minsk document stops topic arms supplies to Kiev.
Signed in Minsk after negotiations an agreement providing for a cease-fire in the Donbass, the theme of possible stops arms supplies to Ukraine, said Polish Foreign Minister Grzegorz Schetyna.
The Foreign Minister of Poland believes that the need to supply weapons to Ukraine will not appear as "should work towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict."
Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel also hoped to withdraw from the agenda the question of deliveries of weapons Kiev.

18:01 In the port of Odessa armored cars arrived from the UK, bought with the money of volunteers.
In the port of Odessa arrived first batch bronevtomobiley "Saxon" British manufacturing: armored vehicles intended for the forces of the APU.
the first batch of "Saxon", Book by NATO standards B7 is already moving out of the port of Odessa. Armored vydezhivayut shots from a gun 7.62 mm, resistant to landmine and land mines and kept moving even turn from large-caliber weapons helicopters.
Odessa armored recover the enterprises of concern "Ukroboronprom", where they install additional weapons and adapting British bronetransport to the Ukrainian conditions.
It is also known that the armored "Saxon AT-105" previously underwent major repairs at the factory in the UK. All cars have received factory warranty. With the British army, these combat vehicles were dropped in 2008.
On the territory of Lugansk, shelled tonight Kiev security forces from multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) "Smerch" remain unexploded cluster bomb. About this LuganskInformTsentru said Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic Sergey Ivanushkin.

"February 12 at 00.15 Lugansk subjected to rocket bombardment of MLRS" Twister. "So far we have identified three propulsion engine", - he said.
The minister recalled that cassette head part of the rocket MLRS "Smerch" contains 72 submunitions carrying about 30,000 finished pieces.

"We are now fully survey the areas that came under fire. There is information that there are unexploded cassette" - said Ivanushkin.
According to preliminary data, missile launch was carried out from the area or the Old Raygorodki Aydar,
he said.
17:17 At the entrance to Kiev 8 installed concrete roadblocks as heightened security and the rule of law. According to the press service of the city administration, there will be scanned documents, as well as "suspicious vehicles and cargo."
Fortified checkpoints established at Odessa, Warsaw, Boryspil, Zhytomyr, Dnipropetrovsk, Brovary highway, as well as on the street Bogatyrskaya Avenue and Minsk.
War in the New Russia
17:11 More than 40% of Ukrainians believe that the Ukrainian media are not fully cover the events in the Donbass revealed sociological research conducted by Research and Branding group c 26 January to 6 February.
In the study, were interviewed 1,5 thousand people in 22 regions, with the exception of Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Sampling error does not exceed 3%.
16:53 militias hold "boiler cover." APU was unable to access Debaltsevsky boiler Logvinova. DNR militia in fierce battle, keeping defenses in the village on the road Artemovsk - Debaltseve. Ukrainian army continued to fire from artillery Uglegorsk and surrounding areas during the period of negotiations in Minsk by agreement of the peace plan for the Donbas, but did not go in a massive attack. After the announcement at noon Feb. 12 main points of the ceasefire by the 15th of the security forces have tightened under the onslaught Debaltseve, trying to break through the encirclement.

Fighting between militia forces and turned APU near the village of Logvinova, which is on the strategic direction route Debaltseve - Artemivs'k where 10 February slammed the so-called boiler.

16:22 Posted by voenkora with the call sign "Awas".

"In the western part of the district Novoazovskiy there are fights, rattle guns. Under fire settlements Pavlopol, the Comintern, Seaside, Sahanka. Fleeing from tears, people run in Novoazovsk himself and Sedov, where they lodge in holiday homes and pensions, and provide food. In Novoazovsk heard the distant roar of cannon fire only - shells here yet does not get. So run schools, kindergartens, hospitals, various businesses.
15:57 Combat Battalion "Donbass" Semen Semenchenko claimed to have recaptured the APU militias Logvinova:
Part of the APU stormed the village Logvinova. The one blocking the road Artemovsk- Debaltseve. Remain small pockets of resistance are now suppressed.
Part of the battalion "Donbass" conducted a sweep of the village and the surrounding area of the track.
15:28 There were data on casualties APU under Grodovkoy 10/02/2015.
75 - killed
35 - wounded.
The wounded received medical facilities in the Red Army, and Dimitrov.
Recall: the destruction of the camp APU lost 24 tanks, 14 infantry fighting vehicles and warehouses with BC (previously reported)
15:19 Edward Basurin, deputy corps commander of the Defense Ministry in Donetsk People's Republic, said that the Ukrainian battalion "Azov" creates obstacles for the evacuation of civilians from the village. Shirokino located south of Donetsk on neutral territory.
15:16 Summary of military events in the New Russia for 11/02/2015
15:12 Ukrainian political scientist plans to settle in Crimea "veterans" ATO

15:07 Posted by volunteer with the call sign "Rog".

"During the night and in the morning fighting continued across the front line. In Debaltseve APU tried to break out of the boiler, but they did not succeed yet. APU was fired Lugansk - I do not know the details. But it is not a breakthrough was not. Our troops in Luhansk 3 days APU were shelling across the geography of the front line - I think that this attack was revenge for our attacks. on Bahmutke - again firing again attempts to return to the APU Novotshkovskoe and 29 th checkpoint. There were shelled our position on top! APU in the boiler in a panic. some throw their positions and flee. we understand lubricants and BC have already been very few. But we are ready for surprises - at APU also have good fighters! Now is not the summer, went there under the bush at night and slept, and still winter, besides now much dirt there not run and do not ride ... so there APU complete disaster with BC and goryuchku, food, okay, you can take in the villages, but it is necessary to go there, and the APU in the dugouts on the map around boiler scattered ... now opochlenie will take and cut them into small pieces. "

14:33 Summary of the military analyst Ian
The night was relatively tense. At 04:25 (NO) by Avdeyevka and experienced APU caused artudar howitzer artillery with the Leninsky District, the brunt of the plant DMZ, along with artudarom worked RDG Ukrainian authorities in the region was seen tarp covered gazelle. Data on casualties yet, there is damage to the River Street, DK 21 congress.
In Shirokino, Kominternovo, Sahanke throughout the night was restless, heard a cannonade, there are fights.
According to unspecified data early in the morning with Kramatorsk airfield was launched missiles TRK (possibly SAM), local residents heard the roar from the terminal area.
On the part of Orlovka about half past nine APU opened artogon the district nitric aside md. Topaz rising black smoke.
According to intelligence APU plan to go on break from debaltsevskogo boiler.
The situation persists tense.
13:40 As a result of shelling in 8 DNR damaged water supply facilities. It is reported by the company "Water of Donbass". "On February 11, the fighting has been without power for two electrical input Gorlovskaya filter station №2. On the same day was de-energized Verhnekalmiusskaya filter station, electricity was restored from backup entry. Today is not received permission (" green corridor ") for repair facilities Enakievsky PUVKH and Donetsk PAR damaged by shelling, and water lines supplying water Uglegorskaya, Debaltseve and Dzerzhinsky, and Donetsk filtration plant, "- said in a statement.
13:32 A set of measures to implement the Minsk Agreement.

Following the talks, the head of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic, the representatives of Russia and Ukraine, as well as a representative from the OSCE agreed to sign developed "Norman Quartet" in Minsk document.
13:00 (12:40). Donetsk. First operational.
After the end of the Minsk talks on Petrovka continue to drop bombs MLRS "Grad" from the APU.
12:55 The sides agreed to a cease-fire in Ukraine at 00:00 on February 15.
12:46 In case of violation of Kiev reached in Minsk accords no new agreements signed are no longer told reporters head of the People's Republic of Donetsk Alexander Zakharchenko.
12:43 Posted by Edward Basurina:
"Loss of APU per night were 7 soldiers killed and 15 wounded. In the Ukrainian army military vehicles per night and lost 2 and BMP 4 cars. On the outskirts of Donetsk profit, approximately 500 Ukrainian security officials. From this we concluded that there may be an attempt to attack with APU side. The militia recorded a large concentration of Ukrainian security forces to the north of Donetsk and believe that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are preparing an offensive on the city. Security forces fired twice Donetsk, eight times - the suburbs and 21 times - the position of the militia in the area of the airport. We are engaged in propaganda among the Ukrainian military and encourage their surrender. army militia soldiers fired on the eve of the NPT Ukrainian army "debaltsevskom pot" leaflets calling for surrender. now the soldiers under Debaltseve adrift. Officers APU left position, they are, in fact, left to themselves. soldiers none did not carry the army command DNR offers of surrender. this command militia offers them a chance to survive. "
12:41 The document, signed in Minsk:

- Withdrawal of heavy weapons should begin no later than the second day after the cease-fire and be completed within 14 days;
- Safety zone for heavy artillery in the Donbass should be from 50 to 140 km;
- The OSCE should ensure effective monitoring and verification of the ceasefire with the first day of removal technique.
12:24 In the morning work in Donetsk heard heavy artillery, have died.
  11:56 All night Gorlovka heard shots and explosions. About it in social networks reported residents of the city. "The night was hard, Bach, thundered. The light disappeared, but then recovered. The clang of the tracks and the roar of engines at night," - they describe the situation in Gorlovka. Also reported that in some areas of the city there is no connection operator "Life".
11:38 Ministry of Emergency Situations LC confirms that on Thursday night Lugansk been shelling.
According to the Office, the firing was carried out with the use of MLRS cluster munitions.
According to preliminary data, the shells hit the quarter proletariat Donbass and in the streets of Lisa Chaikinoi.
Information about the devastation and victims currently specified.

11:21 Posted by militias: "During the night, fighting continued in the area Logvinova. In the area around the village, APU applied artillery strikes. However, Ukrainian troops attack the result is not reached - the militia still controls the area Logvinova. Thus, Ukrainian troops the third day remain in the boiler. Delivery APU supplies and ammunition stopped. in the area of the settlement Svetlodarsk could hear the guns, fire trail, were visible flash explosions. it is also reported that as of 9:00 heavy fighting in the area n n. Shirokino and Sahanka. Under Mariupol attacked bp "East". Ukrainian military are shelling residential areas of Donetsk: nitric Donbasskabel to Orlovka. "
11:17 Map of hostilities in the New Russia for February 12 (from novorus)
military map of New Russia
11:14 Designed in Minsk leaders "Norman Four" document suggests withdrawal of heavy equipment and weapons, creating a safe zone, as well as a truce between the APU and the host from February 14. This was reported by RIA "Novosti" with reference to the source.
According to "Bloomberg" referring to news agency DPA, the agreement also provides for a cease-fire in the Donbass in the next 48 hours.
Earlier draft of the document was handed over to the contact group to resolve the situation in Ukraine. It is expected that the heads of the DNI and LC Alexander and Igor Zakharchenko Carpenter put their signatures to the agreement.
As reported LifeNews, Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov, left the Palace of Independence, where the presidents of Russia, France, Ukraine, as well as German Chancellor hold talks in the "Norman" format for more than 13 hours. Surkov arrived at the Reception House of the Foreign Ministry of Belarus, where the meeting of the contact group on the Donets Basin.
11:12 Locals Update information for fire APU checkpoint in the area of Mariupol:
Throughout the night of 11 to 12 February Mariupol heard a strong cannonade.
At 7:15 am Eastern residents reported that the checkpoint in the area on the East shell burst MLRS "Grad".
11:11 Army Battles Novorossia of Donbass (video).
11:07 Ukrainian military 55 times per day shelled towns DNR - Ministry of Defence
Donetsk, February 12 - DAN. Ukrainian security forces fired per day settlements Donetsk People's Republic of 55 times, said at a briefing in the press center DAN deputy corps commander of the Defense Ministry DNR Edward Basurin.
"Over the past day have been reported 55 violations of the" regime of silence "on the part of the APU during the night there were 25 shelled Kiev, Kuibyshev, Kalinin, Leninsky district of Donetsk, airport region, Gorlovka, Makeyevka, Dokuchaevsk and other settlements" - said Basurin.
"During the day, nine people were killed civilians and wounded 25, per night killed three and wounded - eight" - added zamkomkorpusom.
10:44 Lugansk night was fired from heavy weapons. According to the ambulance, the victims and survivors there. It is reported Lugansk city council. It is reported that as a result of bombardment has damaged houses, gas pipes, also suffered hostel Polytechnic College, shells fell on the playground and in the garden.
10:42 In connection with the activation of Ukrainian aviation military, militia now covers his upcoming part and artillery batteries using SAM "Strela-10"
SAM "Strela-10" Soviet air defense missile system. The system is designed for visual observation and destroy air targets at low altitudes.
10:30 Army Artillery Novorossia holds positions on the borders Debaltsevskogo boiler to prevent release of the Ukrainian army from the environment.

10:26 According to the Ukrainian side, the night of 11 to 12 February last extremely quiet. Most of the night was intense shooting. As of 10 am, all more or less settled down.
10:12 Talks in Minsk, which lasted 14 hours, ended.
Leaders of countries in the 10 o'clock came out of the courtroom. Expected to press statements. Designed in Minsk, the document suggests a truce since February 14, the withdrawal of heavy weapons, creating a security zone. This RIA Novosti reported with reference to the well-informed source.
10:04 On his Facebook page journalist Yuri Butusov wrote:
"During the day the fighting continued in the area Logvinova. In the area around the village, applied artillery strikes. However, Ukrainian troops attack the result is not reached - the opponent still controls the area Logvinova. Thus, our troops are already the third day in the operational environment. delivery of supplies and ammunition abandoned "
He added that on Wednesday, February 11, a small Ukrainian convoy organized fighters 128th Infantry Brigade mining and was able to break through the ring and take out the wounded from debaltsevskogo bridgehead.
"The fact that the enemy occupied a position suitable for defense in the area Logvinova, but does not dare to take the back roads and extends the breakthrough"
- Considers Butusov.
10:01 According to reports from local residents about 9 am in the area between the settlement Central and Chernukhin heard artillery fire.
9:56 Polk "Azov" states that at 8:00 on February 12 heavy fighting near the settlement Shirokino and Sahanka.
9:37 9:20. Posted by voenkora with the call sign "Steppe"
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