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February 5, 2015: GENERAL SUMMARY COMBAT OPERATIONS at Donbass, Novoross, UKRAINE

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 фев 2015, 19:37
5.2.15. Comment by military analyst Boris Rozhina ("colonelcassad").

"About a truce, which requested the junta under Debaltseve. Worsening war situation really makes it desirable for the organization of the junta at least a short-term truce, to tidy up the defense and possibly throw reserves to keep the" debaltsevskogo springboard. "This is facilitated by the OSCE and the UN, which calling for a cease-fire in the area Debaltseve (notably, a separate armistice for Donetsk and Gorlovka do not ask other people live there). The junta naturally tries to use this international support for its goals. in fact, for a truce in the area Debaltseve have one strong rationale - conclusion civilians from the combat zone, as recently happened in the Uglegorsk, where the local conditions of the armistice were evacuated residents of the city. Correspondingly, 1-2 days to evacuate residents of neighboring villages and Debaltseve fundamentally pattern will not change, but will preserve civilian lives. longer truce without controlling Debaltseve, currently not in the interests of the BCH.

Peacefulness of Kiev course false, because as Poroshenko said he would seek the start of deliveries amerikaskogo lethal weapons, in which he was fully supported by the American lobbyists aggressive policy towards Russia, joined and the future head of the Pentagon. In this regard, the pressure on the Obama administration from the American hawks increases, the junta only assents to them, shouting that without American weapons, the Russian army is by no means stop. The coming visit of Kerry in Kiev, it is linked with a practical discussion of the beginning of military supplies, as well as the General Inspectorate of the local puppet regime that okromya of war with Russia, with other tasks to cope frankly bad. Issued money dissolved in Ukraine as a black hole. With the worsening economic situation continues to collapse the social sector and desiccation reserves. From the point of view of the robbery of the country, for the Americans this stuff, but in terms of the need for long-term management of the war, the junta's mismanagement in the affairs of government (the sinful and Yushchenko's team), threatens the stability of the course. Therefore, on the one hand Kerry will build native chiefs, on the other hand will consider whether to provide the regime of American weapons (with the inevitable risk of loss during the fighting in the Donbas). On the one hand the line Obama will push Kerry to the abandonment of these supplies right now, but do not rule out the possibility that in the framework of exchanges in domestic US politics, Obama at some point to make concessions to the Republican hawks and open green light weapons supply, then these weapons will begin to appear on the ground in Ukraine is not under cover of night in December in closed airfields South-East, and quite legally and openly that Russia saw it. After all, the general meaning of this question is not only to dovooruzhit junta troops, but also to scare Russia this projection of American military power. In itself a threat, though unpleasant, but not fatal. But even the implementation of such a threat, yet far from practical implementation.

In the meantime, the junta is trying to get American weapons and broadcasts about the world under Debaltseve, cemeteries continue to grow. "

5.2.15. Posted by volunteer "Jan".

"At night, the most brutal shelling of Kiev Nazis subjected md. Nitrogen, Leninsky, Bakin, a large fire at the plant Khimreaktivov; broken one of the substations. The atmosphere is maintained extremely tense. The situation remains tense in, fierce battles are on the perimeter debaltsevskogo boiler subjected to heavy shelling all the cities of New Russia in the immediate vicinity of the front. throughout the week, the most intense shelling Nazis subjected Petrovsky (yesterday caused artudar with MLRS "Smerch"), Kuibyshev, Kiev, Kirov region of Donetsk, Uglegorsk, the Nazis are constant bombardments Gorlovka, Yenakiyevo, Makeyevka, Dokuchaevsk. Kiev punishers are shelling areas and cities with heavy MLRS "hurricane" and "tornado", used heavy artillery systems "peony", during attacks quantity poibshih civilian casualties, only in Donetsk exceeded fifty people. There are many wounded, a large number of wounded at Uglegorsky among the armed forces of the army of New Russia, too, there are losses, mostly wounded (fragmentation), army soldiers Novorossia literally cover a civilian population - Kiev terrorists deliberately firing on at the time of the evacuation of civilians from the front lines. We also Immersed loss and materiel.
Nevertheless, over the past week, losing punitive seriously increased. Only yesterday as a result of shelling damaged four schools and six kindergartens; tselenopravlenno opponent hits from artillery on socially important objects of the city of New Russia. Today, hard shelled been Kuibyshev district, also suffered Petrovsky, Lenin and Kirov. The last two days a number of areas experiencing severe shortages of electricity, heating, water.
The Nazis are constantly shelling area of the airport, the area of the October settlement; attempting to break through our defenses at different sites along the perimeter of the northern and western suburbs of Donetsk, but no results have been achieved and the enemy was unable to revert to an initial loss. The most active in terms of fire on peaceful quarters of Donetsk - is Avdiyivka and Krasnogorovka (Marinka), the Nazis are constantly rotated and re-forming of advanced artillery pieces and armored grouping of its forces; For this reason, the firing points are constant technical makeup for firing, and the place of destruction artillery systems start up a new party; plus a very active use of small terrorist RDG APU in our "best" rear, only indicative figures their number is not less than a dozen. "

5.2.15. 9:25. Posted by militia.

"The night of 4 to 5 February Donetsk was held under the incessant cannonade of explosions. Shells APU arrived almost every area of the city. Residents reported shelling of the city phosphorus shells. Another school of Donetsk was damaged by gunfire Ukrainian punitive. The building has no windows, damaged window frames, in the school yard huge voronki.Okolo 02:40 (MSK) were reported shelling APU g.Bryanka, Stakhanov, Diamond. from the area in the settlement of Stakhanov militia opened fire on positions at APU Debaltseve. by reports from local residents were subjected to artillery fire places: Chernukhin, Trinity, Golden, village Lugansk, Novotoshkovskoe, Slavyanoserbsk. The shelling, Ukrainian security forces Makeyevka, affected homes in the area Chervonogvardeysky, md. Mine 8/8 bis. Fortunately no the victims. During the night in Donetsk took place a powerful fire with incendiary shells. "

4.2.15. Note from a military observer of the "Russian Spring".

"For Debaltseve followed Mariupol. Then, in the minds of Ukrainians will start to be cleaned. The militia reports that forces the DNI and LC met Svetlodarsk south, thus closing the encirclement Ukrainian groups. In other areas are defensive fighting. Why else seemed yesterday militia acted on Mariupol, Sands and Avdiyivka, and today - all the forces focused on debaltsevskom "pot"?

The reason for this is obvious: a number of forces that are required to crush the "pot" - it takes the basic resources. DNR army - it's not an infinite number of men, it has its limitations. And its ability to allow it to be carried out simultaneously one offensive and keep the defense on other sites. The first step, of course, had to go to debaltsevsky ledge and restore the territorial integrity of agglomerations. And from then on, you can pull off, or rather pressing Ukrainian army from Donetsk in the north and, accordingly, to carry out operations of Mariupol.

When you are finished with the "pot" is definitely the fighting continued. Moreover, the fighting will continue as long as Ukraine will retain at least some offensive capability and command and control. At the moment, their troops suffered casualties, battered but not yet lost the opportunity to attack and fighting spirit. And when it will be undermined, and Ukraine again begin to seek peace and sit down at the negotiating table, then the war could end, or, more precisely, the stage of the war.

When we say that the APU shut Debaltseve as "human shields" - unfortunately, this is a common situation densely populated area, which was in the midst of the fighting. This can be compared with Leningrad, it can be compared with Seoul during the war. Battles are, of course, in the cities. No one has nothing particularly shy. It is clear that already who could be saved - he saved, who could not - sitting in basements. On the other hand, it is clear that the militias are not specifically firing at the destruction of cities, but prefer "picks open" and take their strongholds.

It is necessary to note one more time - Ukrainian top leadership during these months masterly learned to lie. Therefore, they will explain that the terms "city", "Peremoga" and Ukrainian people will be brainwashed to believe. Because not yet complete collapse and disintegration, to not believe this. For this to be too powerful military upheaval that began in the brains cleaned. It was in September, but then we sat down at the negotiating table and actually leveled everything. Then the Ukrainians announced talks quite by accident, found a bunch of reasons for this and are now trying to beat all over again.

On the other hand, I would not attach too much importance to statements such as Biletskiy, which states that everything is going to the military defeat of Ukraine. Because the number of jingo in Ukraine is much greater than the number of people who are able to objectively assess the situation. Well, it just will record a new "mourners" and all. If you watch the information field, we can all see it with my own eyes. Again - we need huge shock, and while there are only "tremors". When the front will collapse if it does - then very quickly start cleaned brains, and yet everyone thinks that there are fights, everything is fine, and in front of "Peremoga."

5.2.15. Stalingrad under Sanzharovkoy. Details of the battle for the height of 307.9.

"Overweight settling scorched, torn to shreds armor cast in dirty slush, once formidable T-64 now resembles rather mangled mass grave than a fighting machine. Remains of the crew are gone, but the right side of the operator-gunner's hatch burnt tower visible dirty, shelled by the January sun smoky black streaks. I know what it is. I remember from a past life. Seen in Afghanistan. it is - fat. Burnt fat. fat man. He still has a smell. it is special - all eats into the soul and returns in dreams. That smell, I know, to the end of life will haunt all those who survived the slaughter Sanzharov - the battle for the height 307.9 - one of the key points in the creation of "Debaltsevskogo boiler." If caught in the environment of the APU and mercenaries rout and it has all the prerequisites, the Ukrainian army will be defeated in the winter campaign, which is likely to be defeated in their war against the rebel republic of Donbass. So, were not in vain sacrifices of soldiers and officers of the mechanized battalion of the People's Militia Luhansk People's Republic of Sanzharovkoy endure under their own Stalingrad.


Height 307.9 is on the south-west of the small village Sanzharovka, Donetsk, Donetsk region of the People's Republic. However, the fighting here luganchane - separate mechanized battalion of the People's Militia. Unofficially, they call themselves "The battalion them. Alexander Nevsky." Yet this is often called "Battalion Plotnitsky" (part formed under his patronage, when he was defense minister Igor Venediktovich LC). Or more briefly Battalion "August", in honor of the August Mother of God - a revered icon of the Virgin, written in memory of her events in 1914 Russian soldiers before the Battle of the Vistula River, the Battle of Faro Suwalki province of the Russian Empire (now in Poland) during the First world War.

The village took our stride and almost without a fight. The only rollback the settlement, Ukrainian security forces dealt a massive blow to Sanzharovke with all available artillery systems. As always suffered only civilians. Direct hit 120 mm mortar shell was demolished house, a teenage girl received severe head injury. The child was able to quickly evacuated. A battalion began to prepare for the assault on the dominant height.

On the strategic height of 307.9 Armed Forces of Ukraine created a real fortified. Ukrainian tanks, "Bulat" (modernized Soviet T-64) were in caponier. Before height to tank hazardous areas covered with established networks 3D tank traps. At the very height dug into the earth wagons, covered in two rolling on top of concrete slabs and earth. An open network engineering complete profile. The defense has been significantly strengthened contingent of Polish mercenaries.


Before the battle, the battalion commander with the call "Dad" has put the combat mission, brought in clear, simple words of its importance to each of the cross ... and fighters. With God!

January 25, 2015 at 6:30 barrage began, which unfortunately has done little - too seriously entrenched. Mercenaries perceived shelling casually, for which he later paid. First, secretly beating high, about 9-00 on enemy positions left tank Michael Savchina call sign "Mongol". One of the enemy crews at this time lightly smoked on the armor - after shelling as "over"! For which he was shot at point blank range.

Meanwhile, the rest of the tank platoons from several directions stormed the heights. Directly commanded the attack on the field of battle tank company commander Alexander Karnaukhov. Counter tank battle ensued. Losing several armored vehicles, enemy rolled back. Our machines have jumped to a height of 307.9 and literally began to roll under concrete demoralized mercenaries. Departed on top Ukrainian tanks went to the counter. Our by then almost completely spent ammunition. Began to roll back. Departure assault team coordinated Alexander Karnaukhov and tank platoon commander Dmitry Rogowski. Retreated ledges, blocking each other. On the front of the tank covered "Mongolia".

There is a law of war: "You go first - the last of waste." At the same time in a serious battle chance of survival tend to zero. The first missile ATGM (anti-tank guided missile projectile) hit the tank Savchina to the tower. Saved dynamic defense, but the tank stood. Followed in another hemisphere hit another shot grenade launcher. The tank caught fire. Commander gave the order to leave the burning car. The crew did not fulfill the order. The tank continued to fight over and over again, like a heavy anchor, hammer shells continued to settle the enemy armored vehicles. On the radio was heard the cry of Michael "to cover up, guys! A waste!" and further: "This is for Semyonovka ...!" - And a new roar tank gun. After the third direct hit ATGM bold chadyaschie T-64 "Mongol" flared full, but ... did at least two sighting shots. The crew, burning alive, led the fight. Had time to move the Battalion could not hold back tears.

Immediately after the departure of the battalion was massed artudar - wounded increased. On the left height hot burning tanks. The battlefield like a mourning veil covered with a child of the conflagration.

The outcome of the battle.

Enemy losses: three tanks "Bulat" completely burned several tanks APU damaged, but the degree of damage and maintainability for obvious reasons set is not yet possible. Also burned two BPM-2 and two BTR-80. The enemy, mostly mercenaries, lost about sixty 200-bit and 300-mi.

Our losses: two soldiers were killed exactly five wounded (mostly the result of artillery attack after the fight) and five people today are unaccounted for (crew 2 tanks). Lost two tanks directly at the height of one (driver-mechanic was able to return). Two armored vehicles were in camouflaged tank traps, but no serious injuries. Among the wounded - the hero of the battle, the commander of the onset directly on the battlefield, Alexander Karnaukhov. Seriously wounded in both legs, the threat of amputation. Doctors do not lose hope.


Listening to the story of participants begin to experience deja vu - whether today is the day, or the story of the battle of the Great Patriotic War? Who are these epic men, burning alive in the tank, fought to the last shell?

Take a look: the fallen hero's death "Mongol" - the commander of a tank platoon Michael E. Savchin. Forty-year native of Lugansk, a native of the town Zymohiria probably last miner - talk about themselves did not like, but now I really do not know. Thirty-tank company commander Alexander Karnaukhov, a miner from Krasnodona. Another hero - a tank platoon commander Dmitry Rogowski - 50 years, a miner from Lysychansk. Combat - fifty Alexander Kostin, a former Major Strategic Missile Forces of the Soviet Army, a former miner, a father of three children who had last summer, two heart attacks in a row. All battalion officers, all residents of Lugansk, all miners - adults held peasants who defended their land.

Well, who fights on the side of the front? Deceived, zaturkanny boys from Volyn, Zhytomyr and Lviv region. Thugs from the right sector, natsgadov and fascist territorial battalions, which absorbed into its ranks all mrazota - declassed rabble, possessed criminals and luxuriant growth of the latter-day Nazis. Mercenaries from Poland and the Baltic states at the genetic level hating all Russian. Do not they realize that they are all going to die on this earth? It's so obvious!

That's the only thing I can not comprehend - what's the motivation for what they have decided to lay down his life in the Donbass? For a measly hundred bucks a day, ghouls, clinging Ukrainian overbearing Olympus? Or impregnated with the stench of the grave fascist ideas come from the last century. For what killed the whole rabble ???

On the ground Donbass - clashed converged chest to chest, two gigantic forces. The spirit of the Russian people, which absorbed all the nationalities of the former Union. Generous, freedom-loving, O ye justice. Terrible in his wrath - not tolerate enslavement, tyranny and foreign oppression.

And we oppose the demons of the West - the spirits of corruption, greed and chaos.

Battle at the height of 307.9 X-ray highlighted as if these forces. And to show which side will win. For victory is always on the side of right. "

5.2.15. Comments from I.I.Strelkova:

"The onset of the borders" was completed. Continue to advance and "correct errors Strelkova" does not work. Large losses, much of it - as a result of the outstanding bungling command. It is necessary to proceed to the defense (in fact, this has already happened). Achieve a significant success was possible. Actually received "blow fingers spread."

Despite the failure of the offensive VSN (only managed to achieve a number of tactical successes), APU also are in very serious condition. If "The north wind blew" - they now have to quickly and completely destroyed. And since the "wind" is still (hypothetically) can "blow" - there is some panic, coupled with knowledge that complete "svidomye operetta."

As for the boiler - as at the night from yesterday to today was not closed. "Throat" bag sweep artillery, but not slit.
Grouping APU in the protrusion is provided and updated. Not to say that safe passage, but "tighten the neck" firmly at VSN failed. In ukrov same position not too good - to supply grouping normally still very difficult and fraught with regular losses. Therefore it is necessary to counterattack, but it is also fraught with large losses and yet in practice it is impossible.

At the moment, a large-scale attack is not expected. Private attacks with the aim of improving the position of the return or more than possible. Especially in the area of "debaltsevskogo bag." If ukram not be able to "extend the neck" to an acceptable level, then this bag will "suck their strength and lead to permanent loss of a completely meaningless, having no value, except for purely propaganda. In addition, the bag will continue to shrink due to the constantly VSN private attacks. I think in the next 1-2 weeks we will see "the battle for the airport" - only in far larger scale.
All junta behavior can be described by the expression "Forcing Russia to war" - and the situation with Transnistria - just another special case. I just do not clear - when the Kremlin realize that the fight will still have.

About Korchinskiy:
Korchinskiy - known (from the time of the 1st Chechen) pozёr and son of a gun - there is in any real fight (according to the memoirs colleagues - and I'm with someone personally talked - in the service) did not participate. And his little people - exactly the same. Popiaritsya and sfotkatsya - they zavsegda ready. (Especially - for the money). A real case of "not seen and not heard." This Korchinskiy quite "copies" of his idol - Vyacheslav Surkov, in the middle of "zero" invited him (for 50 thousand. "Greens") to lecture the "war in the crowd" in the camp of "our" Seliger. (I was biting elbows with anger - all knew damn could not do). Korchinskiy distinguished by the fact that (quote) - "as a fight, so he definitely somewhere before it went for."

5.2.15. 1:22. Posted by militia Gorlovki.

"City several times over the extreme three o'clock came under fire ukrofashistov. There are killed 3 people.
Our artillery fires to suppress firing positions fascists in Dzerzhinsk. "

Posted by voenkora with the call sign "Steppe".

"Relentless artudaram punitive this time subjected to the Kirov and Leninsky district of Donetsk. After a morning fire textile workers, night shells covered neighborhoods Peaceful and sunny. A terrible cannonade shook Leninsky Prospect, South Bus Station, Solovki, Oleksandrivka, boss. These areas are tightened smoke, you can see the glow of fires local residents complain of a strong smell of burning - a kick hit Energozavod on Smolyanka damaged pipeline.

Eyewitnesses say about falling into a furniture factory on the street. Kuibyshev and the building of the former kindergarten. A few high-rise buildings on Leninsky Prospekt flew glass.

Sounds hellish strikes the anvil could be heard everywhere - Petrovka under fire from Ukrainian MLRS "Hurricane" and howitzers, recorded hit near the village. Turquoise, street Petrovsky, mine them. Abakumov.

Continues shelling of Kiev and Kuibyshev regions - Putilovki, nitric, Red plowman, branches, First and Second Grounds, pos. The October.

Near the airport Ukrainian punishers again attempted breakout, pre-staging a massive bombardment of the positions of the army DNR Avdeyevka, Sand and thin. DNR army opened fire Counterbattery.

In Makeyevka hit by shelling Krasnogvardeyka, there are wounded.

In Donetsk, in spite of the attacks, utilities are trying to restore water, gas and electricity supply. But the attacks are so intense that deal with constantly emerging accidents harder.

Part of the Leninsky district of Kiev and now were left without electricity. It is impossible to imagine how people are trying to survive and escape under the barrage, in darkness, in cold cellars. Mobile communication or disabled entirely, or work intermittently - many people can not figure out alive if their relatives and friends.

All emergency teams left for victims, medical teams and rescue services are on duty in the emergency mode.

In the north-west and south-west of the city Nazis launched rocket lighting "Chandelier", fearing attacks on their positions after the inferno, arranged them in a peaceful town.

The city continues operation "Interception", aimed at the elimination of Ukrainian groups of so-called "nomadic mortar" - saboteurs, shooting at the same time Ukrainian artillery to hide their firing position and hinder the capture and detection. "

4.2.15. Comment by military analyst Boris Rozhina ("colonelcassad").

"About the situation in the Debaltsevskogo ledge. (
The track itself has not yet been cut checkpoints, but the road was already sufficiently reach of our artillery, while maintaining the current configuration of the front, the degree of fire exposure will increase and thus the possibility to supply a shot through road will fall. In the absence of counter-attack to promptly release Debaltsevskogo projection and the inability to ensure adequate supply, continued fighting will lead to the depletion of defensive capabilities Debaltsevskoy groups as a consequence of actions BCH, and due to lack of fuel and ammunition. It is all held in South Cauldron, when prolonged resistance infantry, most of the armor stood long before the boiler has ceased to exist. Well and ammunition for artillery in such operational bags quite a finite.

So despite the fact that physically cut the track so far failed, udavochku still managed to throw at it, and now it will gently pull, simultaneously arresting the possible countermeasures of the enemy. Of course, if the junta will persist in the defense, all it may take a couple of weeks, if not more. Actually VSN demonstrate that wait until the enemy front collapse itself is meaningless, and continues to batter the enemy defenses in the area Debaltseve, as well as trying to squeeze protrusion that gradually decreases in size, just the same as if a person puts pressure on the abscess. In the operative bag is certainly not 8 thousand. Soldiers, because it is the total number of groups with the troops defending near Trinity, Svetlodarsk, Lower Lozovoi and other points north and Kalinovki Logvinova. So roughly operationally bag may be of the order of 5-6 thousand. Soldiers, which is about the same as was in the South Cauldron 1.0. When capturing Debaltseve and physical interception of the M-103, for the Ukrainian troops south of Debaltseve a catastrophe and save them will be hardly possible. Therefore, for the track and Debaltseve, the enemy will cling to the end.

Actions in the Red Plowman, Trinity and Popasnaya as much success, we do not bring, but as pulling enemy reserves nominated by Artemovska, they are not superfluous. Capture Uglegorsk quite clearly defined that will build a small Debaltsevsky boiler, not as big as it was planned the attack on Svetlodarsk. For now, slowly but surely - Plan B acts. Junta at the moment can not push our troops and to ensure the safety of the old highway M-103. The only significant success, retention Chernukhin that our troops until completely clean can not. Chernukhin we need not only to cover Debaltseve, but also for squeezing position junta to Olhovatka (to which the VSN will go through and Kamenka), which may result in serious disruption of Defense junta. Proposals by the junta to cease fire (under the guise of requirements OSCE) obviously indicates that the junta as BCH needed respite.

In general, strongly success yet, to the best of command available forces try to modify the situation. Of course, as our attempt to swaddle debaltsevskuyu grouping, the junta clears the peaceful population frontline cities today severely affected Donetsk, Gorlovka, Yenakiyevo. "