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February 9, 2015: GENERAL SUMMARY COMBAT OPERATIONS at Donbass, Novoross, UKRAINE

СообщениеДобавлено: 10 фев 2015, 13:38
23:56 According to the local residents during the February 9 in Donetsk Ukrainian security forces were deliberately firing at the bridge between Petrovka and textile workers. This object has no military value. Went the deliberate destruction of infrastructure, as well as regular strikes on Donbasskabel substation.
23:46 February 9 at about 20:00 was struck by an artillery strike on Slavyanoserbsky APU. In particular, was shot Slavyanoserbsky neuropsychiatric boarding. As a result the injured employee and two wards psihinternata. Information about other destruction specified. This is reported in the administration Slavyanoserbsky.
In Slavyanoserbsk shelling psihinternata
23:40 According to the information from the locals, at about 23:00 bp Uglegorsk shelled by the APU.
23:35 According to the information from the locals in the evening as a result of the settlement by gunfire Popasnaya was interrupted high-voltage cable, settlement de-energized.
23:30 As reported by the battle: at 22:45 MAT still continued to fire from the direction of the settlement Kurakhovka at Petrovsky district of Donetsk.
23:24 According to volunteer with the call sign "Countryman" practically taken Artemovska track, but to gain a foothold, until it succeeds. Conducted an artillery duel. APU by Svetlodarsk used MLRS "Grad" and ACS "Carnation".
22:58 In Donetsk, as of 17:30 remains tense, occasionally heard the sound of explosions and volleys, the website of the City Hall. It is also reported that emergency crews utilities of the city continue to conduct repair work on the damaged communications.
Local residents in social networks reported on the effects of attacks:
  "Donetsk, Textilschik Street. Ljashenko 4, shelling 09/02/15."
  "Ostrowski 49, getting into the house. Next summer burn."
  "In Donetsk in the high-rise on the textile workers hit by a shell" - write witnesses.
22:43 The consequence of attacks by APU substation in the village Dokuchaevsk:

22:32 The Ministry of Defense announced the preparation of DNI APU assault militia positions near Mariupol. This was announced at a press briefing Deputy Defence Minister Eduard Basurin DNR. In particular, answering journalists' questions, he confirmed the information about the movement of the column of Ukrainian military equipment in the direction of Donetsk.
"Yes, this information is available, it is an objective necessity: APU bear heavy losses, and they need to replenish reserves. On the eastern edge of Mariupol also recorded the arrival of Ukrainian armored vehicles.
Focusing APU additional forces in the area, is a sign of preparation for the assault fortifications militia within the area Novoazovsk "- said Basurin.
Evening briefing deputy commander of the Ministry of Defense Corps DNR Edward Basurina of 9 February:

22:26 According to the local residents:
  at about 22:00 MAT artillery struck the locality Kirov;
  about 22:10 from the area east of the city of Lugansk was heard artillery Novorossia work.
22:07 The Cabinet of Ukraine approved the state defense order for 2015, the amount of which is 6 times the 2014 allocation. In the state order is determined by the list of models of equipment and weapons, their number, the necessary budget, as well as specific defense companies, which during the year will be carried out work on this on his Facebook page said the Ukrainian politician Anatoly Gritsenko.
In the entire history of Ukraine this order is a record on the budget. The document was adopted at a meeting of a "Top Secret". What is known is that up to 15% of the funds from the total appropriations will be spent on arms purchases abroad.
21:49 The Ukrainian battalion NSU them. Kulchytskyy stated that on February 9 near the village of Lugansk took command and staff vehicles militia.
The Ukrainian battalion NSU them. Kulchitskogo stated that on February 9 near the village of Lugansk took command and staff vehicles militia.
21:28 The Ukrainian side claimed that the fighting in the area Longvino continue, but their intensity is decreased significantly by 21:00. But continued active use of artillery.
The Ukrainian side claimed that the fighting in the area Longvino continue, but their intensity is decreased significantly by 21:00.
21:23 According to the press service of the City Council, over the weekend in the village Horlovks as a result of shelling by the APU killed two civilians, 8 more were injured. Were also damaged the city's infrastructure.
"According to the Department of Health, from 7 to 8 February Gorlovka as a result of shelling injured 8 civilians were killed gorlovchanina 2. The wounded citizens was provided to qualified medical care," - said in a statement.
21:16 Posted by volunteer with the call sign "Olkhon":
"In Longvino that we took this morning, was destroyed by the first deputy head of ATU his entourage"

Posted by militia Gorlovki:
"Confirm operational information - in DRG works! Almost in the center! Moves to the pick-up truck, ambulance, garbage trucks. They work with a 120-mm mortar shells. Catch! Reportedly on arrivals at Komsomolets and Kalinovka. Arrivals were confirmed by Novogorlovke, Semidorozhkam and Nikitovka"
21:08 Reconnaissance Battalion militia "August" on the front under Debaltseve:

20:59 US President Barack Obama said that the decision to send weapons to Ukraine pending.
20:57 A column of armored militia on the road in the direction of the settlement Debaltseve.
Author's survey voenkora Dmitry Boyarkina (call sign "Vatnik"). In the picture are multiple units of ACS "Carnation".

20:40 Defense Ministry DNR proposed Ukrainian soldiers, who are surrounded by Debaltseve, surrender militia. This was stated today at the evening briefing in the press center of the Ministry of Defense Corps deputy commander DAN DNR Edward Basurin.
"For us, the best in" Debaltsevskom pot "to soldiers surrendered to Ukraine, we offer to lay down their arms and come in our direction, we guarantee their safety," - he said.
According to him, otherwise the Ukrainian security forces will continue to bear heavy losses.
In particular, in the last day as a result of clashes the total loss of power structures of Ukraine are as follows: 1 tank, 2 car personnel - 93 people killed.
"Since the beginning of the resumption of active hostilities (for twenty-two days), the enemy lost three aircraft, one helicopter, 169 tanks, 133 infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and MTLB, 124 field artillery pieces, 96 car and killed in 2149" - summed up Basurin.
Edward Basurin also stated that the impact of the plant himizdely in the Kuibyshev region of Donetsk was dealt a missile "Tochka-U".
"Yesterday at about 22.45 Ukrainian security forces suffered a rocket attack complex" Tochka-U "in Donetsk state factory of chemical products. The explosion damaged shop located there disposal of unexploded ordnance that every day our engineering units neutralized in residential neighborhoods and homes in Donetsk after the Ukrainian artillery shelling" - said the deputy commander of the Ministry of Defense corps DNR Edward Basurin.
20:36 Ukrainian security forces did not allow to organize the evacuation of the population from being in a combat zone Chernukhin village, hiding behind civilians as "human shields", said Monday the head of the People's Republic of Lugansk Igor Carpenter. According to the head LC, Saturday and Sunday evacuated twice frustrated. The authorities of the republic managed to take 25 people. Some residents manage to get out of the village on their own.

20:23 According to the Ukrainian side, February 9, in the area of the checkpoint number 29 were active artillery duels.
20:19 In the DNI confirmed that the militia forces of Donbass managed to close the so-called debaltsevsky boiler. In the evening on February 9 continued fierce fighting on the eastern outskirts Debaltseve (in order to avoid capture Ukrainian troops Chernukhin under the control of the army Donetsk People's Republic), reported by the deputy commander of the army of Edward Basurin DNR.
20:15 9 February the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine announced the suspension of admission of citizens and transport checkpoints "Gnutova", "Stanichno Luhansk" and "Happiness" because of the shelling.
20:14 As of February 9, since joining them in the military offices LC it has a total of 4.5 thousand volunteers.

20:11 The effects of attacks Donetsk February 9:
The shelling of Donetsk
19:48 Posted by military analyst Boris Rozhina (Colonelcassad):

By the evening of February 9 Logvinova situation in the region remains uncertain. Catching the morning of the M-103 in Logvinova VSN suddenly slammed the lid debaltsevskogo boiler (in fact the first time all the offensive). The junta naturally take countermeasures aimed at unlocking the M-103 in Logvinova, which led to protracted fighting, which began in the morning and are still going on. If the day the junta radiated over the countermeasures taken by the well-known optimism, then in the evening message on the other side began to come is not so happy.
That is, in the evening to clear the area of BCH Logvinova troops junta apparently could not and fights out there are still ongoing, which means that the track is still cut. Of course militias will seek to dig in the area Logvinova and surrounding heights, and then throw back from Kalinovki reinforcements, simultaneously attacking processing part of the junta. Junta is very important to take Logvinova and report that the track is unlocked, otherwise tomorrow we can expect mass hysteria about the boiler, which risks to fill up the current bosses APU, for Muzhenko 100% will be assigned guilty.
Guide VSN denied information on entering the center Debaltseve. Fights here as usually go on the outskirts of the city and near the yard. For access to the city center is likely to take an active DRG VSN leaking into the building from the "glands". Basically when you hold Logvinova need in the assault Debaltseve not, simply keep the lid of the boiler, where they remain without supplies grouping APU will inevitably suffer a catastrophe, if not unlocked from the outside.
19:44 Posted by militias:
Around 18:45 MAT were shelling out MLRS to the area of the new airport terminal in Donetsk and the shopping center "Metro".
19:40 Posted by volunteer "Prokhorov" (the situation is described as of the morning of February 9):
"The Ukrainian side reported that Artemovskaya tracks pos.Mironovsky tanks militia. There is a battle. And how many APU thrown at the border and in Ilovaiskaya boiler? Everywhere they ran light. That's sad about people lost tanks militia under Debaltseve, but completely indifferent attitude to captured T-64BV in Uglegorsk - as if it should be. and to those tanks storage in the basement of a recreation center and a lot more then useful. It turns out that Logvinova column APU, which went on attacking reinforcements Debaltseve tank and BMP militia. those multiple losses, including zamkombata. militias (of concrete built a makeshift roadblock stop). "
19:36 UK sent Ukrainian troops a thousand helmets and body armor in the form of aid. This was on February 9 in Kiev after meeting with Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak spokesman for the Ministry of Defence of Great Britain Nick Herr.
19:31 Posted by Ukrainian volunteers on the situation in Debaltseve:
Debaltseve continuously shelled yesterday, the military are far greater losses than those which declares the headquarters of ATO. This was reported LB.ua volunteer Ina, which helps 128 mountain-infantry brigade and battalion 25 teroborony being in a war zone. "They started firing at Debaltseve about 2 days yesterday, and to the present time there is a fight. Was periodically shooting and heavy artillery, plus mortar attack, "- said Ina. "Logvinova we took the separatists really Debaltseve to himself, maybe already included in some way," - wrote a volunteer.
According to the volunteer, the most brutal battles were at night on 8 February.
"The guys with the 128th lot Pogorelov and destroyed, everything must start from scratch" - wrote Inna.
According to her, the loss of the military under Debaltseve hundreds. Volunteers still have not found all the victims under Chernukhin January 31st. "A lot of families drawn from 128 separate mountain-infantry brigade, 15 battalion, they were Chernukhin at the checkpoint, which no longer exists, and where the body - we are not yet known. It's clear that we have not, "- she wrote.
19:23 9 February militia captured the next checkpoint Ukrainian Army in the area Debaltseve. Were taken prisoner APU 2 fighter and captured trophies. The video shows a captured armored vehicles (presumably BRDM).

19:19 the evening of February 9 in Berlin began meeting of the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine, Germany, France and Russia to resolve the conflict in the Donbas, "Interfax-Ukraine" a diplomatic source.
As reported, the meeting is taking place at the level of deputy heads of departments. Ukrainian side is represented by Deputy Minister - Chief of Staff Vadim Pristayko and the Director of Policy and Communications Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Alexey Makeev.
19:17 According to local residents, around 19:00 from the airport Donetsk sounds of explosions. In the area of the settlement Avdiyivka, Sands, Krasnogorovka heard gunfire.
19:15 The overview map of hostilities in the New Russia for February 8:

18:38 Posted by volunteer with the call sign "Varyag":
Soldiers of the People's Militia Donbass trying APU under fire to evacuate civilians from the front lines. Of MLRS "Tornado" was shot at a hospital in the village Zorinsk is near Chernukhin and Debaltseve, which was taken to the wounded. As a result of this punitive act is wounded, for the victims of the information specified. Militias have not passed any of the position, despite the fact that by using quantitative superiority, Ukrainian military has been trying to break through the front line. In particular, the constant attempts to return the 31 and 29 checkpoints, as well as take a village Donetsk. However, this area is completely controlled by the army soldiers Novorossia.
18:32 Kharkiv Regional State Administration (RSA) reported that the regional governor Igor Rainin February 9 decided to dismiss Dmitry Malitsky chief commissar of the Kharkiv regional military commissariat. Malicki said the plan for service of process in the Kharkiv region is made only by 17%, which is one of the worst in Ukraine.
18:31 According to the information from the locals:
Around 18:15 in the area Yenakievo heard gunfire.
18:22 Glavred "Tsenzor.net" said Yuri Butusov information about "air strikes" (which is denied in the headquarters of ATO). Perhaps the Ukrainian military simply confused or would like to attract the attention of management.
about the bombing
18:16 February 9 in the afternoon, as a result of shelling by the APU, in the Kirov region of Donetsk were fire.
Kirov region of Donetsk in February 2015
18:07 Combat Battalion "Donbass" Semen Semenchenko said that the APU unit is trying to discourage the settlement Logvinova were forced to retreat. Both sides suffered losses in armored vehicles. The route Artemovsk-Debaltseve cut, but according Semenchenko fighting continues.

18:02 Summary of the militia of the events on February 8:
During the day, the situation in the New Russia has not changed significantly.
In some areas there were forces fire on positions of the national militia.
at 18:55, 19:30 Ukrainian security forces using MLRS from positions near the settlement Thin, at 22:15 with artillery from positions near the settlement Swallow fired on positions of the DNI near the settlement OCTOBER;
at 19:00 from positions near the settlement Belokamenka, at 19:40 from positions near the settlement STAROIGNATOVKA using tanks security forces fired on positions of the DNI near the settlement NOVOLASPA;
20:15 Sun DNI position near the settlement Dokuchaevsk MLRS fired from a position near the settlement Novotroitskaya;
20:20 Ukrainian security forces fired using MLRS's Basso bp Donetsk;
at 20:25 Peter near the settlement DONETSK been mortar fire from positions near the settlement Krasnogorovka, and at 21:25 bombardment using tank weapons from positions near the settlement Marinka;
at 22:30 and 22:40 Kuibyshev district locality DONETSK was shelled using MLRS from positions near the settlement Avdiyivka, and at 22:35 from positions near the settlement Swallow;
at 22:45 Kirov region bp DONETSK was shelled using MLRS from positions near the settlement Avdiyivka.
The position of the sun at the airport DNR bp DONETSK been shot three times:
at 18:40 of the MLRS from positions near the settlement Swallow;
at 18:45 from positions near the settlement Avdiyivka;
at 18:20 from positions near the settlement WATER.
at 18:00 with MLRS Ukrainian security forces fired on the outskirts of the settlement Pervomayskaya;
at 18:30 with MLRS fired on positions of LC near the settlement Zorinsk;
21:45 mortar fire from positions near the settlement Kondrashevska underwent LC aircraft position in the area of holiday homes Disyulya;
22:50 repeatedly fired using MLRS margin NP Pervomayskaya;
at 23:45 mortar fire from positions near the settlement TREHIZBENKA underwent LC sun position near the settlement Boldly.
17:48 The crew of the Russian TV channel visited the site of a powerful explosion at a chemical plant in the territory of Donetsk, February 8 at 22:45.

17:04 Posted by militiaman Prokhorov:
"There is evidence of waste units BTG 92nd mechanized brigade of Debaltseve-sorting"
17:01 Posted by Happy volunteer on the actions of the Ukrainian side DRGs in Lugansk in the night from 8 to 9 February:
In Lugansk, there was a diversion. Shmanali cars, people. Arrived at the school and shot. Also at night went to the shells of the city.
16:56 Posted by military analyst Boris Rozhina (Colonelcassad):

Our popping out to Logvinova, apparently by Kalinovki where after taking Uglegorsk, defense junta is clearly beginning to sag. What is surprising, as is the case with Uglegorsky missed the enemy of our actions, and puzzling that this is critical to supply thousands of groups settlement has not been properly enforced and it was possible to take GROUP infantry with one tank. Some top carelessness. If the junta fail in the battles of Logvinova Kalinovka and then in the next couple of days we can expect the nomination of mechanized reserves by Artemovska for deblokady Debaltsevskoy groups.
Ultimately, if the junta will not be able to retain the Logvinova, then by tomorrow it will be possible to talk about the full pot. If our vybyut there, the BCH as before will have to be limited to firing control of the M-103, followed by attempts to take this until recently an unknown location. Aktiviziatsiya battles near Logvinova apparently timed to coincide with the upcoming diplomatic meeting in Minsk, where debaltsevsky boiler or lack thereof, can serve as an additional argument. Former Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, openly linked the current attempt to close the lid of the boiler with the meeting in Minsk.
In Logvinova 30-35 dwellings located right next to the highway M-103, and based on these structures can be effectively hit the fire tanks and automatic weapons any equipment on the track. Plus, in the village there is a beam that can be used to hide from enemy artillery fire, because the village anyway in the battle to completely level.
16:54 Reports from Ukrainian volunteers of the battles on the track Artemivs'k-Debaltseve February 9:
"In Debaltseve not missed. There is a fight. The guys are going to Svetlodarsk "- said in a volunteer social networks Natalie Kirkach.
"Stuck with volunteers somewhere under Svetlodarsk, continue until you start up, blown up as some kind of bridge, and Debaltseve is fighting" - said the "Russian dialogue" witness Bogdan Gidrovich.
"Do not you dare leave the Debaltseve! In the area on the track Logvinova fights! You can avoid the distribution. In the morning, was there, and on the way back (an hour ago) - slipped between the warring parties. Personally saw tanks a few hundred meters ... "- said in a volunteer social networks Yevgeny Tkachenko.
16:48 Ukraine c 10 February enters the border regime for the front zone.
The corresponding government decree number 38 dated January 30, entitled "Some issues of raising the national security of Ukraine" published on the website of the Cabinet.
Ukraine c February 10 enters the boundary mode for the front zone.
According to the document, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduces February 10 at the time of the punitive operation mode for a number of border regions and localities (controlled Kiev) Donetsk, Luhansk and Kharkiv regions, as well as two areas of Kherson region bordering the Crimea.
16:38 Today, February 9, around noon, APU shot of mortar brigade workers Donetsk railway.
According to the Transportation Security Service and the Ministry of Transport of special programs DNI, today roadblock APU on Skotovataya station was opened mortar fire aimed at the repair team DonZhD - 3 people were killed and two seriously injured.
The Minister Simeon Kuzmenko told about the details of the event:
"According to the current situation on the stage today Yasinovataya - Skotovataya is a single point through which you can carry the message Ukraine -DNR. From the work of the independent functioning of the playout of all industrial enterprises in Donetsk and the People's Republic, and those that are on the territory under the control of Kiev. Supply of raw materials made through this site. During the fighting, he destroyed more than 20 times and as many times rebuilt. Through this work was possible DMZ, EMZ and other large industrial enterprises. Today, at 11:30, it was decided to carry out repair activities, and at 11:30 the place popped up a team of workers in the amount of 6 people. Ukrainian servicemen installed nearby checkpoint repeatedly seen employees in an appropriate form and had been warned that this ordinary workers who do not have weapons. However, after the recovery and deployment of the railcar on civilians was discovered shot mortar fire. Killed 3 people. Also seriously injured in the head got two young men. At the same time caused the station phenolic medical service Ukrainian law enforcers have not missed the place of tragedy.
16:36 Posted by militia on the state of affairs at 14:30:
Go intense battles near the settlement Chernukhin and Novogrigorevka, as well as in the direction of the settlement Lower Lozove. APU is pulled in the direction of "pot" technique by Artiomovskiy.
16:34 Report LifeNews on the January assassination attempt on Alexander Zakharchenko Chapter DNR:

16:33 Defense Ministry Donetsk People's Republic has not confirmed online distribution information input militia forces in the center Debaltseve, said at the Center for Public Affairs Ministry of Defense DNR.
"The information we do not approve, as if they (militia), and entered into the city center, they can quickly knock out - said the defense department. - At the moment we dug in on the outskirts of the city. "
Defense Ministry spokesman also commented on the situation in the village Logvinova, which is adjacent to the strategic highway Debaltseve - Artemovsk. "From 9 o'clock in the morning there are fights for village Logvinova, militia attached to positions constantly reflect attacks, but to say that we took him completely, we can not, things can change in the course of the battle."
16:27 According to reports from local residents, at about 15:00 in Dzerzhinsk could hear the sounds of clashes by Maori.
16:23 Posted by Igor Strelkov (former defense minister DNI):
Debaltsevsky "pot" slam. Road to Artemivs'k cut.
16:21 Report LifeNews about the situation in the area Debaltseve:

16:18 At the headquarters of ATO refute information about air strikes on the Armed Forces of Ukraine under Debaltseve on Monday, on 9 February. Press Secretary Andrei Lysenko ATO said "Ukrainian Truth":
"We do not endorse. Moreover, there is no flying weather. It is impossible (to fly there now)"
Other sources in the General Staff and the APU in the sector also deny that two Russian aircraft attacked the APU, confirming that the weather is bad.
16:05 Reporter Ukrainian TV channel "112 Ukraine" reports that militia forces attacked positions ATO Debaltseve south - near the settlement Olhovatka. According to preliminary data there are wounded Ukrainian fighters.
15:56 The Ukrainian side reported that on February 9 militia occupied part of the railway marshalling station in Debaltseve. at the site were clashes between militias and soldiers 92nd Brigade.
15:50 The militia, judging by the photos that appeared on February 9 entered in the central part of Debaltseve (east side). Photos from the militia actively spread in social networks.
15:45 The Ukrainian side declare that the information allegedly from the 40th Battalion, February 9, the position of the battalion in the area were attacked Novogrigorevki pair of Su-25. And then allegedly worked already foursome SU-25.
Combat Battalion 40
This information Ukrainian media spread as referring to the deputy company commander of the 40th mechanized infantry battalion, Senior Lieutenant Lamaka, specifying that the airstrike was allegedly made at 15:00 (for MSK) from the reference point APU under Debaltseve.
15:39 The head of the People's Republic of Lugansk Igor Carpenter at a press conference on February 9 reported on the preparation for the next round of talks in Minsk. According carpentry, LC envoy in talks Vladislav Dane has traveled to Minsk to prepare for the meeting of the Contact Group.
"Our collaboration with the DNI position remains unchanged, and it is quite tough. We not only military issues of the demarcation line. There are a unit of economic issues, a bloc of political issues, a unit of engineering issues that need to be addressed, "- said Carpenter.
"I can say that the negotiations will not be easy - that's for sure. For everyone - for us and for them. But if we once again go to these negotiations, our position will be quite tough and reasonable. If we will be able to something reasonably produce in response, of course, we agree ... But the principle - not a step back ", - assured the head of Lugansk.
15:28 Russian journalist Andrei Borodulin said that about noon shell burned locked in the "Area" in Donetsk, a couple of kilometers from the chemical plant.
Russian journalist Andrei Borodulin said that about noon shell APU burned locked in the "Area" in Donetsk, a couple of kilometers from the chemical plant.
15:21 The militia announced a prisoner exchange on February 10-11. About this newspaper writes, Donetsk news agency, citing an authorized DNR Human Rights Darya Morozov.
Exchange takes place, it moved to the day, but the formula that will change the prisoners, has not been determined. Most likely, the procedure will take place on neutral territory, but, perhaps, we have
15:17 Posted by volunteer with the call sign "Horn":
"Debltsevsky boiler officially closed. We took the number 2 and Logvinova height near this settlement! We took a few bp and very strongly compressed boiler. Is it time to rejoice? NO !!! boiler closed, but now we have to beat off attacks boiler and by Svetlodarsk! Who held strong protective works. Our forces ordered to stop the offensive and take the defense. Again, it is time to artillery. We will be cooking pot. and remember - URA will scream when the boiler will not remain a Ukrainian position and when it begin to strip! While Debaltseve mostly in APU (we have about 10%) and because they have hope. in Chernukhin - APU actually were knocked out - but monitor several streets of the village along the entire length (I think 3) and height on the west part of the settlement "
15:05 Lugansk journalist, who served in the battalion "Aydar" Valery Gavrilov killed on February 8 under the Cossack village of Lugansk. Told in social networks speaker "Aydar" Albert Chuvashia.
Around 15:02 14:40 by locality Volnovaha APU struck from the MLRS "Hurricane" in an easterly direction.
14:55 Posted by militias:
In Donetsk in the morning does not cease cannonade. APU continue to use heavy MLRS. Strikes are in the airport area and the residential quarters. February 9 was fired district Textilschik. A direct hit had a car, there are dead and injured.
This fire road in Donetsk APU were about 13:00 from the direction NP Krasnogorovka.
Updated information on getting to the bridge fell down the street Petrovsky.

14:39 Ukrainian Chief Editor of the website "Tsenzor.net" Yuri Butusov confirmed the release of the militias bp Logvinova. According to him, as of 13:00 (by MSK) militia still controlled the locality.
He also confirmed that the militia released a strategically important village Kalinovka.
Butusov of Logvinova
14:28 Posted by militias:
9 February 2nd Brigade Army LC holds the position of APU attack northwest of the settlement Debaltseve.
14:26 Morning briefing Edward Basurina of 9 February:

14:24 Bryanka City on the night of 8 February 9 was again under fire Kiev security forces.
As the head of the city administration Luganskinformtsentru Bryanka Nicholas Morgunov, shelling went from about 11 to 12 o'clock. Beaten mainly in the city center on a residential area in the houses located on Lenin Square in the neighborhood, "Topol-1." The blast glass issued in many buildings. Hardest-hit building executive committee: here yet issued and doors - entrance and in the hallways. Also, the glass fell in DC of the October Revolution, in part - in the homes of civilians in Lenin Square, as well as in the 9th district etazhki "Topol-1." According to preliminary data, the fire was conducted from MLRS "Hurricane".
14:19 According to the Ukrainian side, in the village Chernukhin as of 13:00 was relatively quiet.
At 14:15 Zhitomir highway at the entrance to Kiev (from Boryspil) established a new checkpoint. This is reported by "Ukrainian News". Clarifies that the checkpoint is made of concrete blocks and slabs. "People at the checkpoint is not observed, but not far from it there is an army tent," - said in a statement.
On the Zhitomir highway at the entrance to Kiev, established a new checkpoint
As local residents report that at the entrance to Kiev from Boryspil battalion "Aydar" put checkpoint. There is available a car with anti-aircraft guns on the body and the operator.
14:07 Combat Battalion "Donbass" Semen Semenchenko said the attempt to break the militia on the road Artemivs'k-Debaltseve forces prevented ATO. He argues that the militia forces maneuver groups of infantry fighting vehicles, tanks and up to a platoon of infantry tried to cut the route Artemovsk-Debaltseve, but alleged actions APU area was isolated and prevented a breakthrough by the APU and anti-sabotage battalion group "Donbass".
13:39 The militia took control of the strategic route, which is surrounded by a Ukrainian military Debaltseve supplied ammunition and equipment. This was reported in the headquarters of the People's Republic of Donetsk.
"During the fighting in the direction Debaltsevskom militia forces Donetsk People's Republic on February 9 at 9:25 released from the Ukrainian security forces and taken full control of the locality Logvinova, directly adjacent to the road from Debaltseve on Artiomovsk. Currently, this strategic route along which carried supplies ammunition and equipment surrounded in Debaltseve Ukrainian groups, completely blocked the army units DNR "- leads the RIA Novosti Post Staff.
boiler Debaltseve
13:27 Posted by volunteer with the call Olkhon:
APU units retreated from February 9 bp Alexandrov, menacing and Red Plowman.
13:16 According to the Ukrainian journalist Andrey Tsaplienko, tanks and armored personnel carriers entered the militia Artemovskii road (leading to Debaltsevsky boiler). In the settlement Logvinova was fired appliances APU tried to pass in the locality Mironovsky.
If this is the case, and the militia will be able to gain a foothold in these positions - you can finally admit the complete encirclement debaltsevskoy groups APU.
Tanks militias Artemovskaya track
13:13 Press Service of the Ukrainian Staff said that the Ukrainian army is not involved in a powerful explosion occurred in Donetsk on February 8 at 22:45.
13:08 In Ternovca Dnipropetrovsk region in the sauna exploded grenade F-1. Two people were fatally injured. This was told in the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Dnipropetrovsk region.
13:04 Around 13:00 MAT attacked from the area of the settlement Volnovaha (using MLRS "Grad") towards Dokuchaevsk.

12:35 Journalist Graham Phillips visited the site of fire in the village Bryanka. Video shot in the night from 8 to 9 February.

12:22 Around 12:00 by Volnovakha artillery APU struck in the direction of the settlement Dokuchaevsk.
12:18 According to the Ukrainian side, February 9 near Debaltseve position APU subjected to shelling from 4am.
12:17 During the last week of the militia activated at Lugansk direction. In the night from 8 to 9 February bombardment position APU raytne settlements: Trehizbenka, Novotoshkovskoe, alder, village Lugansk. This official said the ATO Staff Anatoly Stelmach.

11:53 Press Service of the so-called "Governor Lugansk region" Gennady Moskal said that the central part of the settlement Crimean virtually destroyed. It also reported that as a result of shelling Ukrainian positions near the village of wounded two Ukrainian soldiers among civilians victims. The Ukrainian side says it will carry out the evacuation of the civilian population. Now in the village there are about 250 people (in peace time was 1500).
11:42 In Avdeyevka and Debaltseve the fighting killed seven civilians. This was on his Facebook page said the head of the regional department of the Interior Ministry in Donetsk region Vyacheslav Abroskin. "In Debaltseve on the street. Hub near the house killed two women, due to the impact of the projectile in the house on the street. Sverdlov killed a man and a woman, as well as on the street. Kurchatov, near the asphalt plant, killed a man," - says Abroskin.
In Avdeyevka in their homes killed 2 women. Wounded three civilians, including Lviv volunteer.
11:30 For a day in the area of the so-called ATO killed nine Ukrainian soldiers, 26 more were injured. This was told at the briefing and. o. Press Secretary of the General Staff Vladislav APU Seleznev.
11:13 In the Armed Forces of Ukraine will put more than 500 basic models of weapons and military equipment. This was at the briefing, said Acting Speaker of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Vladislav Seleznev. "Only in 2015, according to state-defense order of the APU will put more than 500 basic models of weapons and military equipment, more than 300 thousand. Units of weapons and more than 3.5 thousand. Other types of weapons and military equipment," - said it.
11:01 The shelling Ukrainian chemical plant security forces have wounded.
"The explosion occurred in the village of Adminploschadka, where the state factory himizdely. Were wounded, the dead do not "-" Interfax "statement of the Ministry of Defense Corps Deputy Commander Edward Basurina DNR (we are talking about civilians living in the vicinity of the plant).
At the plant under investigation. We can not exclude that the plant got tactical missile "Tochka-U". There are suspicions that the purpose could be area Donetsk Airport, and if it turns out that this artillery system, it is purposeful destruction of infrastructure, industrial facilities.
It was also reported that one day Ukrainian security forces shelled villages DNI 66 times.
Only in the night from 8 to 9 February, it was recorded 36 attacks.
Ranked Among the civilians killed 2 people and injuring 22 - 20 of them in Donetsk, and the rest in Makeyevka and Gorlovka. Recorded 56 facts of destruction of infrastructure. APU uses a system of "Tornado".
Loss APU per night is 13 dead and 20 wounded, killed 3 units mortars 120mm and three cars.

10:38 Ukrainian Defense Ministry to discuss the purchase of a large batch of rifles under NATO ammunition sample. This is with reference to the source told reporters Yuri Butusov on his page on Facebook. "In the depths of the Defense Ministry and the General Staff of the project was born purchase a large number of assault rifles under NATO cartridge 5.56 x 45, as well as a large number of heavy bolt rifles 12.7 mm (50 gauge) and 8.58 mm (caliber 338), too under import ammunition "- writes Butusov.
10:31 In Kharkov on the street around midnight Otakra Yarosh, 18, an explosion which was heard in many parts of the city. According to the social networking sites that are referenced by the local media, the explosion occurred in the basement of the building, which houses a notary office.
In addition, here is the headquarters of the party "Block Poroshenko." However, according to witnesses, it is located on the opposite side of the building, so it is unlikely he was the target.
In Kharkov on the street around midnight Otakra Yarosh, 18
10:26 According to the Ukrainian volunteers, a division of the 24th Brigade located near the settlement Crimean by shelling lost a large amount of equipment and provisions.
10:25 Report on Foreign volunteers protecting Donbass:

10:18 Reporters noticed over a number of "strange design" armored vehicles passed by the Ukrainian government in GSCHS ostensibly to take people from the hot spots of Donbass:
Armored cars are viewing window and round open holes in the walls of them, suggesting that the planning of these cars carry small arms fire.
Reporters noticed over a number of "strange design" armored vehicles passed by the Ukrainian government in GSCHS ostensibly to take people from the hot spots of Donbass

10:13 Summary of military events in the New Russia for 08/02/2015
10:03 The network has a photograph fighters Ukrainian battalion "Tornado" with assault rifles "Fort 224". It is argued that the Ukrainian side has been able to establish production of weapons.
We also recall that in the fall it was reported that the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine before the end of 2014 planned to buy 500 assault rifles "Fort 221" and "Fort 224" for special forces soldiers.
Tornado Fort
9:50 In Donetsk claim that as a result of shelling night there was a fire at the chemical plant.
The night before, in Donetsk powerful explosion, the epicenter of which was DKZHI - Donetsk state factory of chemical products. This writes the "Donetsk Republic News" referring to the head of the Kiev region of Donetsk Ivan Prikhodko.
It is reported that the blast blew glass in many areas of the city.
As reported after the incident Ukrainian MP and former vice-governor of the Dnipropetrovsk Boris Filatov, Ukrainian soldiers fired from multiple launch rocket systems "Smerch" and beaten at the same time "in the coordinates." DKZHI before becoming a target of attacks.
Defense Ministry DNR also stated that the threat of release of chemicals into the atmosphere is not.
As reported by the DNR, Ukrainian security forces in the night from 8 to 9 February caused artudar in Donetsk chemical plant paints and dry mixes.
"Most likely, was a heavy artillery shell" - sends word DAN representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic. How to add the MOE DNR, "according to preliminary data, the victims at the plant no."
9:48 The effects of fire on February 8 village Kalinovo (LC):

9:45 on February 8 in Dnepropetrovsk was buried Isa Munaev (commander of Chechen fighters who fought on the Ukrainian side). On the eve of his body was removed from the area of the settlement Chernukhin where he allegedly killed and.
On February 8, Dnepropetrovsk was buried Isa Munaev (commander of Chechen fighters who fought on the Ukrainian side).
9:42 Summary of the militia on the evening of 08/02/2015:

The situation in the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic remains tense.
During the day the fighting was mainly on Debaltsevskom direction.
Ukrainian security forces using heavy weapons, continued shelling the positions of the national militia, as well as residential areas and infrastructure of New Russia. Documented at least 18 cases of the use of weapons:
from positions near the settlement The thin at 09:00 of the artillery, and at 12:15 and 13:20 from multiple rocket launchers fired militia positions near the settlement The October. At 09:15 from the same positions with artillery fire on positions DNR militia near the settlement Spartacus;
at 14:25 from positions near the settlement Kryakovka mortar fire on positions of LC militia near the settlement Sokolniki;
at 15:55 from positions near the settlement Starognatovka using MLRS fire was dealt a blow to the militia DNR near the settlement Novolaspa;
at 16:00 from positions near the settlement Peaceful fired from cannon artillery militia DNI position near the settlement Telmanovo;
at 16:10 from positions near the settlement Granite from the MLRS fired militia positions near the settlement DNI May Day;
at 16:25 from positions near the settlement Marinka using MLRS fire was dealt a blow to the militia DNR near the settlement Trudovskoy.
Repeated attacks from multiple rocket launchers and artillery (at least 9 times) militia forces fire on positions of the DNI, defending the settlements in the vicinity of the airport Donetsk. The fire was on the part of the settlement Avdiyivka, np Swallow, np Experimental and NP The thin.
9:34 Mayor of Zaporozhye Aleksandr Sin said that is in the area of the so-called UTA, where he went on vacation, as a volunteer. Thus he wrote on his Facebook page on Sunday, on 8 February.
Mayor of Zaporozhye Aleksandr Sin said that is in the area of the so-called ATO


