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NATO intelligence officers detained by militias in Slavyansk, Donetsk region

СообщениеДобавлено: 26 апр 2014, 08:19
Among those detained in the Donetsk region were career intelligence officers in Germany, Denmark , Bulgaria , the Czech Republic and Poland. According to the People mayor Vyacheslav Ponomarev Sloviansk they acted under the guise of the OSCE mission. Along with them were detained Ukrainian military , including Colonel General Staff of the armed forces of Ukraine.- OSCE Mission can not be done by military personnel . These people in addition to military insignia were detected cards with marks all checkpoints, which is proof of their intelligence activities under the guise of the OSCE mission - said Ponomarev .According to him in the near future will determine the identity of all detainees and will test the legality of actions overseas touring .- These people migrate to the city in order to arrange a diversion . Junta zavralsya to such an extent that does not know what else to think . Their comments are insane . Better they wrote a fantastic book - said the People's Mayor .Renee Ponomarev said that in the popular militia detained 40 Ukrainian saboteurs. Then he said that the OSCE observers behavior raises questions.
specialists check people's militia detained members of the OSCE mission , by Saturday morning will be a decision about their work in the country , told RIA Novosti " People's Mayor " Slavic Vyacheslav Ponomarev .According to him, the militia embarrassed that the mission were allegedly acting officers of European NATO members , as well as Ukrainian General Staff." You understand that the time is now war . We were forced to detain them and check " - said Ponomarev .According to him, in a delayed earlier in the day OSCE bus had 12 people , of which four suspected militia officers Ukrainian General Staff. Others - allegedly former and current officers of the countries of Europe. The delegation met roadblocks Slavic and check the situation in the city." By the composition of such a delegation we have any questions . Previously, I met with representatives of the OSCE was a normal business conversation . But then the composition was quite different. Now there were some military , more like scouts ," - said the leader of the militia . According to him, the delegation was blocked on one of the posts in the city.Further comment Ponomariov refused , proposing " to wait until morning ." " In the morning we will decide their fate. On this occasion will be a briefing ," - he said.According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine , April 21 in the south- east of the country came another multinational group of OSCE military observers led by Germany. She changed niderlandskuyu group that worked there since April 12. On Friday it was reported that the group were lost in the Donetsk region .Since March in eastern Ukraine - Donetsk, Kharkiv and Luhansk - rallies supporters federalization . Later protests spread to a number of cities of Donetsk region , including Slavic and Kramators'k. Kiev authorities carried out a special operation against the demonstrators with the involvement of the army. In Moscow, a decision the new Ukrainian authorities to apply force against supporters of federalization called extremely dangerous developments . On Friday, security forces subordinate Kiev announced the beginning of the second phase of the raid, the purpose of which is , according to them, complete blocking Sloviansk controlled by supporters of federalization.

