Open letter to the President of Russia, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

Open letter to the President of Russia, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

Сообщение! » 09 июн 2014, 23:37

Good afternoon, Mr. President.

It so happened that in your hands hit the reins of our country. A country with a great past and, unfortunately, an uncertain future.

During the period of your board had a lot of different events, which will assess our descendants. Taming Caucasus Arakcheeva incident, the army and the revival spread corruption ... huge in comparison with the 90s rising standard of living - and economic stagnation in the late 2000s.

All this time, if we ignore the propaganda - we, the citizens of the country, continued to ask: "Who are you, Mr. Putin?". You are a great ruler, who came back to our country relying on her historic place superpower? Represent comprador group-rich parasites ruining the country? You random person who appeared at Lent, which "plays entourage"? In the years since you came to power 14 years - were events, testifying in favor of each of these versions. In this case - none of them did not carry decisive character.

This spring, as we all thought you put an end to this matter. You - have proved a great leader, brave, worthy of the throne of our country.

This spring, you will not only gave us back the Crimea, in general, a small tuft of land without having to key Russian values. (Away from yourself - Crimea is very important for Russia)

You have given us faith. Their self-confidence and faith in the country, faith in you, Mr. President.

Also, your speech, full of pathos and imperial forces - gave hope to millions of people on the fire of civil war-ridden Ukraine. People believe in your willingness to protect those who are faithful to our country. People trusted you. Residents of Donbas, Lugansk region - took up arms that would defend their right to belong to Russian world, not the West. Of course, they hoped to yours, Mr. President, help and support.

Today it is obvious that even if some, logistical support, and there is - it is not sufficient. However - the main problem is not that.

Mr. President. I appeal to you as a citizen, voter and taxpayer.

I - pay a lot of money in the treasury. Me for five years now assert that the power of our army, growing, including my taxes - increases exponentially. On May 9 parade - we see hundreds of pieces of modern military equipment. Tanks, armored vehicles, missile systems. Over cities powerful engines roar fighters and bombers. You - are hosting in interiors full of imperial power and glory.

And ... at the same time pushing "stotysyach first Chinese warning" in the gas issues with Ukraine. Our citizens are kidnapped and held Zindani and have to ask for help, Ramzan Kadyrov, what, by his own admission has to reach a personal threat that would liberate people (and thank you for your courage, Ramzan and willingness to act in the interests of our country, recognizing no international restrictions) . You negotiate with the leader of the country in which exactly the same moment - pour the blood of innocent citizens. You scoff at the economic forum on "sanctions", but the withdrawal of troops from the border with Ukraine in the first shout of Washington. Troops stationed on our territory (Sic!!!).

Mr. President - I pay my money and work for the good of the country not for the fact that my country would have been another African Bantustans. I pay my taxes and keep the army not for the fact that she was engaged shagistikoy parades. We, the citizens of the country, you chose not to, what would you bent back to the Western "partners".

You, Mr. President - guarantor of the Constitution and the face of our country. You - FACE RUSSIA.

Where is your pride, Mr. President?

All the money in the world - not earn. Besides - an indisputable fact is that the West respect only force. As well as the indisputable fact is absolutely inadequate attitude towards Russia and its perception by the Western establishment. In fact, your steps to strengthen our country - led to the fact that the U.S. began to perceive us again as a serious competitor. The rest of the Western powers, for the most part, fully controlled by the United States. This fact does not change the conversation and futile appeals. This changed when West Europe - the fall feel their wellbeing. When ignited gas stoves stop. When the inhabitants of Paris, Berlin, London - will know that Russian missiles flying time - less than 20 minutes ... And these missiles aimed at them.

Enough retreat, Mr. President. We were expelled from G8? We have imposed sanctions "for no reason" and threaten to enter more and more? Ukraine, using the auspices of the United States and Europe suggests absolutely inadequate, claims or demands and threatens to take away back to the Crimea?

Maybe the time has passed soft negotiations, Mr. Putin?

Maybe enough to pose as a memorable character of Soviet animation? "Leopold the Cat" was not the best example to follow, for the great politician and leader of a great country. "Let's live together" acts, as we know, exactly one series, and then only after the mice received substantial, and usually physical damage.

You yourself have already quoted Alexander III. Of the Russian Tsar in our history. "Russia has only two allies: its army and navy." Maybe it's time not only to quote the great king, but most listen to this quote?

Russia is too big and confusing west, what would someone befriended her. West makes friends or equal (holding a knife behind his back) or weaker, patronizing and exploiting.

We, Mr. President, no friends and allies, other than our own, the multinational people. We only recently consistently betrayed such historical "friends" as Bulgaria, Montenegro, Serbia ...

Ukraine - most of the population to the side of the West before returning to Crimea.

It remains true-except that the people of Belarus, despite the fact that the leader of this country already had in this crisis to show high mobility of its political line.

Of course, Mr. President, we, the Russian people do not want war. We've had a lot of wars in history. But we want more than a shame. And as his time presciently noted Winston Churchill, "If the country, choosing between war and shame, shame chooses, it receives and war and dishonor."

We've gone through a national disgrace in the 90s. We forgot about his pride and almost did not remember about it until 2008. Then - a society, people - wake up.

This spring - he rose. You - raised people Mr. President. Majority, aspirations, desires - he support you.

Russians are tired of a national disgrace. Russians tired weakness. Russians tired of politics of compromise and flirting with insolent West.
The more we retreat - the more he comes. As we might wish "evil world" - the war will come to us. The only question in the launch configuration: whether we have at hand deployed missile installation, whether military bases - less than a thousand kilometers from Moscow ...

Mr. President. As a Russian citizen I ask and demand:

Review the course of our foreign policy, until such isolation in case needed. Go to the regime of "an eye for an eye" when each sanction imposed on our country - leads to retaliation against representatives of foreign business in our economy. Nationalization of enterprises with foreign capital, restrictions on the work of entities affiliated with the ruling circles of the aggressor (and sanctions - is a direct economic aggression against our country.) Go to the hard use of gas and oil lever - it is impossible to sit on two chairs. If Europe is considered possible for her to carry on with our state tough economic aggression - let them try to do without our energy supplies. Ultimately, I think we can survive without another Gazprom's palace or financing team "Zenith" consisting of Legionnaires more than a third (in other words, the money for the millions of Russian national treasure fees funneling abroad salaried players. Apparently we no longer need to pay salaries physicians include orphanages, we burst from the pension fund money - so, Mr. President?). Partial or total economic isolation, reduce consumption, especially at the upper levels - the whole can, if you would have the available resources wisely, only benefit our country. Multimillion-dollar corporate parties in state-owned corporations monstrous "golden parachutes" at senior managers, Homeric income gap between the richest and poorest people in the country, which seems to be already surpassed even Latin American records - all of which should be eliminated. The starting point for this - may be reformatting the country's economy and its re-orientation of the domestic market. Drops by the way, and the level of corruption - one billion theft becomes unnecessary if stolen money just nothing really to buy: luxury market reduced to a minimum. By the way - I think that 95% of the population do not understand why until now, under the monstrous income gap in the country - not introduced a progressive tax and luxury tax. The remaining 5% understand perfectly - because the tax primarily affect their standard of living. I can not see, Mr. President, that your failure to act in this direction causes doubt your loyalty to the Russian people and justified returns us to the idea of ​​your representative, relatively large capital function.

So, I ask and demand immediately begin to address the conflict in the South-East of Ukraine by the rigid methods.

In my opinion, is not even to the most stupid of our citizens came the fact that the Ukrainian leadership in principle not subject to negotiation. Virtually no one agreement is not fulfilled by the Ukrainian side. Negotiations - to nothing lead. Ukrainian leaders make dozens of statements of intent, contrary to each other, after which comes the eleventh way.

Of course, the direct input of troops should be ultima ratio regum. If other methods prove inadequate. However - we have today to ensure the supply of arms and "volunteers" to fighting the citizens of Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic People's Republic.

You promised to intervene if someone starts shooting at women and children. Where is your intervention?

Ukraine should be brought tough ultimatum: if within 24 hours will not be a cease-fire, the troops have withdrawn to loyal towns and will not start the negotiation process under the arbitration Russia - we start drawing point, preemptive strike on all the identified clusters Ukrainian army troops. We do not need to send troops and shed the blood of ordinary soldiers. We have a fairly expensive precision "toys" for which we have also been 10 years since the beginning of rearmament - we pay a lot of money from their taxes. Repeat my question - why do we need an army if it can only show wonders shagistiki on the parade ground? Let generals and general designer of rocket KB fulfill their bread!

The most important condition ultimatum should be complete absence of Westerners in the negotiation process. This is our "family" business. Russia, Ukraine and the rebel territories.

To what result will come negotiations - not so important. Maybe these areas want to remain independent in the image terrobrazovaniem Transnistria. Maybe we can convince them to return to the Ukraine on concessional terms and under our garnantii (in fact I'm talking about federalization in one form or another). Maybe they will seek reintegration with Russia (historically this is Russian land).

In any case, all this is purely our deal with Ukraine. Neither Germany nor France nor, especially, the United States - nothing to do with. You, Mr. President, are obliged to prevent their interference in our VNUTRNENNIE interests.

In general, I ask and demand, what would you, Mr. President, started last match of the strip, which they themselves have set for our country this spring.

Understand - this spring you finally raised the Russian people. Taking back Crimea - we remember what it means to be a superpower. We remembered what the Empire. But at the same time - you let the genie out of the bottle. Empire can not edit a weak ruler. Empire can not wag his tail and lead soglashatelnuyu policy. This is no self-respecting country is not permissible. And especially a country with great ambitions.

Believe me, you do not forgive weakness. If today you do not stand firm on all items you tomorrow at the elections does not help what Churov. There just happens analogue Ukrainian Maidan. And God forbid, this wave will come to power, people like that now control Kiev.

Lord - you handed the scepter of the Russian State, Mr. President. Not only to us but to him you are now responsible. Are not you afraid people - Fear God.

Edit the enemies stood in fear. Selecting it. Moreover - it is already leaking.

Choose correctly, Mr. President. Choose correctly.!
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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