The tipping point comes

The tipping point comes

Сообщение! » 15 июн 2014, 14:49

As I wrote, the Americans through their puppets realize Kiev in Ukraine is quite formulaic "Overton window" when the unthinkable and unacceptable gradually turns first to the theoretically possible, then probable, then acceptable, and finally, in a welcome.

First, even beating several openly provoking the ultra most Ukrainians caused outrage and anger. But first they have accustomed to beatings, then to humiliation, arson, torture, and finally, to murder.
With the murders was also - first one, then a few single, then group, then went to mass murder.

In parallel, there was an active dehumanization (dehumanization) Russian, residents of the south-east of Ukraine and Russians. Separately demonized Vladimir Putin and several other Russian leaders.

Although the first to be dehumanization Ukrainian employees of "Berkut" and soldiers of internal troops, beating, torture, burn and kill the television which taught the first considered valid, then it necessary, and towards the end of the event, even "heroic."

Sergei Gaidai, a former political consultant and PR man, Viktor Yushchenko, once accused Russian television that it was "zombiruet people through labels like Bandera, the Nazis or fascists." Meanwhile (and this Gaidai and his colleagues are well aware), it is actively evromaydan zombie ordinary participants and viewers using such technologies - first "onizhedeti", "titushki," "provocateurs", "zlochinna Vlad," and then in the address Russian-speaking population "daunbasyata", "quilted", "Colorado", "genetic slaves", "Finno-Finns", "Asian hordes" and so on.

With regard to the punitive operation in the southeast, where the locals were bored insults and attempts to humiliate and deprive rights, also acted and continues to act in a technology called "Overton window".

First there were beatings and arrests, then kidnapping and torture, then the first murder. Trial massacre in Odessa - a ride or not? Rental zombie supported. Send attempts mass sweeps in Mariupol and other cities. Also a ride (in the central and western Ukraine, and in the south-east has caused a growth of rejection and anger).

As for me, the massacre in Odessa separated normal, moral and mentally healthy people who were horrified and grieved for the victims of flawed, and the mentally ill zombie villains who rejoiced deaths and mocked corpses.

Further hostilities unfold according to the principle as "Overton window". First attacks roadblocks. Then raids on the town with gunfire houses and passers (in this phase was marked Kramators'k). Then they started to shoot from heavy machine guns and small-caliber autocannon APCs and BMD. Then mortars. After they started using howitzers, gradually increasing their caliber. After howitzers - single shots of "Grad" (because it is considered a full volley WMD). Then the air raids, and the last couple of days - the use of incendiary shells and white phosphorus.

Comes linear power capacity as weapons used, and the extent of the genocide. All scenarios for the U.S. and for their "strict guidance."

The only thing left out American puppeteers - is low morale and lack of motivation in the Ukrainian army, as well as the horrendous state of the material-technical base of punishers on the one hand, and an iron determination and tactical genius on the other militias. Well, of course, they did not consider the Russian spirit.

If other countries all this abomination against terror in the style of "shock and awe" is rolled, then in response to Russian attempts to break or intimidate them only become angrier and more determined. It has always been and always will be.

So now a turning point in the confrontation - two groups punitive troops were surrounded militias DNR and LC, respectively, all attempts to attack punitive army drowned and thrown with great losses (both in manpower and in armored vehicles and aircraft), militias reactivated several dozen Soviet amphibians, captured another three tanks and a number of weapons depots.

Punitive group suffers from a chronic shortage of food, water, logistics, in her hard drinking and a rapidly growing number of deserters. Combat capability of its units to zero (which is why, in fact out of desperation and was developed application systems "Grad" and incendiary white phosphorus - but it does not help).

On the other hand, the number of militia is growing steadily, it will have basic military training and learning to work in concert to acquire combat experience, increases the number of weapons and equipment (mostly captured). Also activated guerrilla activity, punitive column regularly shelled and destroyed in their own rear, and geography of guerrilla warfare expands.

Recent events in an attempt to drive the "meat" of officers aerokosa, downed military transporter IL-76 and demarche Dnepropetrovsk Lugansk airport paratroopers who raised the Russian flag, only confirms my findings. Kiev imbeciles poorly studied history: Hitler was also six kilometers from Moscow in the belief that "a little bit more and very soon", as well as the statements of the executioners.

Guide punitive understands this (despite the inspirational speeches about "soon, almost entirely conclusive end ATU") and takes command of his bet on the rear, and also assigns to the same part of the most capable. In fact, from day to day, we may be witnessing the gradual retreat of the executioners and the release of the captured territory.

Alexander Rogers!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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