Militia proclaimed the People's Republic of Lugansk (LC) control PPC "Izvarino", "Dolzhanskogo" and "Red Partisan".

Militia proclaimed the People's Republic of Lugansk (LC) control PPC "Izvarino", "Dolzhanskogo" and "Red Partisan".

Сообщение! » 22 июн 2014, 10:45

Militias took control of the PPC "Izvarino", "Dolzhanskogo" and "Red Partisan".

With such a statement was made by the press service of Lugansk proclaimed the People's Republic.

Lugansk, June 21. / ITAR-TASS /. Militia proclaimed the People's Republic of Lugansk (LC) control PPC "Izvarino", "Dolzhanskogo" and "Red Partisan". This was announced today the spokesman Vladimir Inogorodsky LC.
According to him, the major fighting in the PPC "Izvarino", "Dolzhanskogo", "Red Partisan" is not conducted. "After yesterday's fighting the enemy and suffered losses in manpower and technology," - he said, adding that on Saturday during the day in areas checkpoints occur "local skirmishes." PPC currently held by the militia, said Inogorodsky.

As reported previously in the press service of the Defense Ministry Luhansk proclaimed the People's Republic, on Saturday night at the Ukrainian military committed shelling border checkpoint "Izvarino" in the Luhansk region. "June 20, 2014 Ukrainian armed forces during the fighting in the area of ​​PPC" Izvarino "artillery opened fire in the direction of the Russian Federation. Answer to this was the complete closure of the border crossing from Russia", - said in a statement.
"Also in the PPC" Dolzhanskogo "when attacking the National Guard of Ukraine is one of the mortar shells hit the territory of the Russian Federation in the checkpoint" Novoshahtinsk. "Currently PPC closed", - said the agency.

The press service of the proclaimed LC stated that the fire in the direction of the PPC "Izvarino" was carried out by forces natsgvardii Ukraine. Natsgvardiya, said the press service, fired on the positions of the militias, resulting in several shells flew to PPC.

Prime Minister Vasily Nikitin LC stated that "militia now controls these checkpoints." "Natsgvardii there. We retain them," - he stressed.

According to the Border Service of Ukraine, the fire on PPC "Izvarino" discovered unknown. "The border guards were forced to retreat under the onslaught of the enemy to fight on the territory of Russia", - said the agency.

Meanwhile, the Acting Governor of the Rostov region Sergey Bondarev said that "the night (after the outbreak of hostilities in the area of ​​PPC) identified seven wounded." "One employee of the Russian customs post, one - a Russian citizen, and five - the militia," - he said at a working group meeting of the government commission for Emergencies.!
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