DNR leaders appealed to President Putin asking about entering peacekeeping troops

DNR leaders appealed to President Putin asking about entering peacekeeping troops

Сообщение HainanWel.com(e)! » 22 июн 2014, 11:17

Leader of "New Russia" Gubarev Paul appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin

Brothers and sisters! Compatriots! On my own behalf and on behalf of the people of New Russia appeal to the leadership of the Russian Federation and personally to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Vladimir Vladimirovich! Throughout the long days and sleepless nights, the Ukrainian army, methodically and purposefully destroying civilians Donbass. Killed women, children and elderly. Destroyed homes and civilian infrastructure and livelihoods. Expression on the face of this genocide - the extermination of people based on ethnicity. Comes the destruction of the Russian people for what they want to be Russian. For what they want to be Russian and ready to fight for it.

We started our fight against peaceful civil protests: with rallies and marches. We wanted to Kiev junta heard our demands and adopted them. We wanted a peaceful civilized dialogue so that we can find a compromise and avoid spilling blood.

Instead Bandera authorities began hounding on all our public leaders and activists: the arrests, interrogations and harassment. But our people are not afraid of pressure and continued to fight for their rights. All this culminated in a national referendum, where civilized people, through democratic procedures, expressed their unanimous opinion on secession from Ukraine - from Ukraine, where Bandera power seeks to revive fascism in Europe.

During this Ukrainian Nazis promised us to wipe us off the face of the earth. And now we utyuzhat aircraft and artillery, mortars and harness "hail." Destroyed entire towns and villages. Destroyed the whole nation ...

In this regard, hundreds of thousands of people through social networks and personal communication tearfully ask me to, on behalf of the people appealed to the President of Russia to enter the Russian peacekeeping contingent to render harmless and disarm the Ukrainian army, leading the destruction of the civilian population.

Vladimir Vladimirovich! I, Paul Gubarev, named residents of Donbass people's governor, on its own behalf and on behalf of Novorossia ask you to save the people from destruction. I ask you to show political determination and firmness and give orders to the armed forces Russia to take the necessary measures for the protection of compatriots abroad. We understand the implications of this decision and the howling of the Western media and politicians who criticized crumble and dirty statements you personally and Russia. But we no longer have any hope of salvation, which we see in you and in the power of Russia.

Save the people from destruction Donbass! Save your countrymen! Today here the fate of Russian World. Today it decided the fate of our common homeland - Russia.
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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