Ukraine has already died as a state

Ukraine has already died as a state

Сообщение! » 22 июн 2014, 17:05

important question of terminology. Though I often refer to what is happening in Ukraine Nazism or fascism, in fact, I still understand that this is not so. Yes, a lot of coincidences. But there are significant differences. If they are not taken into account, the picture blurs. We find ourselves in exactly the same trap into which fall the people who think that fascism is just us. They begin to cling to different parts, like the Olympics. Called Anschluss annexation of the Crimea, etc. Without considering the differences, they are not able to build any evidence. And we all live here and we understand that no we did not fascism. Likewise svidomye Ukrainians can not understand why they are called fascists and Nazis. They are not at all.
Indeed, the ethnic component in an event not. You can be a Ukrainian or Russian, Jewish or Negro - and at the same time quietly become Svidomo. Movu learn enough (or at least understand it), shouting "Glory to the heroes of" hate mythical Muscovites with Colorado ribbons wearing embroidered shirt. In short, to be his in this huge polusekte - polutusovke. Separation occurs not by blood but by cultural and political identity, why it is not made less sharp. This is the first time.

The second point. No Fuhrer. That is, there is no single leader with charisma at least at the level of Zviad Gamsakhurdia time of its greatest popularity. Even Yushchenko not. Tymoshenko was blown away. Lyashko Tyahnibok, Yarosh - small fyurerochki, clowns and comedians. That does not stop them, of course, abundantly shed others' blood. The real leaders like finance or Poroshenko Kolomoyskogo not have the necessary characteristics. Yes, and do not seek to possess them.

Third. Despite the national humiliation experienced just svidomye, they have no coherent national ideas with the required historical base. Those heroes that they pick up on the board, from a historical perspective absolute pacifiers. This is especially true of Stepan Bandera. He's too small even as a villain, and it is absolutely of itself is not anything like a national leader. If Ukraine - not Russia and Russian part of the world, it is nothing at all. No past for quick jerk and some consolidation. All myths Ukrainians - myths of death, destruction myths, myths despondency. "Well I do not shmogla." With this you can not get up, you can jump a little bit, to lie down and die proudly.

Fourth. National revival, albeit short, which could be observed both in Italy and in Germany has always been associated with reliance on its own sovereignty. Current Ukraine refused it completely. That is completely installed in receivership. Both the president and the government completely controlled by the U.S. ambassador. Very similar picture is observed in Georgia under Saakashvili. But even there it was not so blatant. If in Georgia at least outwardly respect the principle of "why we've got," that Ukraine does not have that either. The shouts of "one Krajina" we are witnessing the ongoing collapse of the country. And we are talking not about the Donetsk and Lugansk (the Crimea, I did not even mention) - talking about Kolomoysky with Dnipropetrovsk and Odessa. It's about Transcarpathia. It's about Galicia, whose inhabitants are no longer eager to maintain the unity of the country at the cost of the death of their sons. You may recall that it was originally in Galicia strong same separatism. And thence to Kiev away. Residents of Galicia at some point can reasonably assume that they alone can Europe and pull. But the huge poverty-stricken country, certainly not pull.

In short, neither of which Ukraine rematch question. On the contrary, the movement towards Somalia ever faster. Makhnovshchina, Petliurism, Walk-field, whatever. But not strong revival, albeit a totalitarian state. You may recall that there were elements of Nazism in Ukraine and Petlyura. But Nazism in our view is always associated with a strong hand, and Petljura - with incredible weakness.

I'm not a political scientist. I find it difficult to identify some of the processes that go on our borders and can infect us. We have at hand the state of the dead, which had already begun to decompose. When the magnitude of the late sanitary-epidemiological threat is extremely high.!
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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