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08/21/14 10:44 MSK. Morning Summary and comments from volunteer Prokhorov

СообщениеДобавлено: 21 авг 2014, 19:37
"The fighting near Novosvetlovkoy and gravelly still going - ukram constantly being reinforced from the occupied Lugutino (near Luhansk.) Even more - they come out in different directions. Now fighting is near the villages Malonikolaevka - east of the city of Peter the Great, Illyria (west from Lugutino). Actually - you can see their desire to surround Stahan-ALCHEVSK militia group - the day before they came to a. Utkino (west of Petrovsky), but were repulsed.

In DNR ukrov Yasinovataya knocked out, but they continue to fire around villages Yasinovka and Dug (west of Yasinovataya).
There is a battle on the outskirts of the occupied Avdeyevka.
Militia continues to strike Amvrosievsky enemy force - in particular, covered ukry have to. Mirror (west Amvrosiivka)
Fighting continues in Zhdanovka and Lower Krynka.

Ukry yesterday confirmed the loss of the Su-25 and Mi-24 and Mi-8.

By Ilovaiskaya.
To unlock the main forces were deployed baht Dner, Azov and Shahtersk, as well as part of dogs. They tried three times to get into the city - and each time falling back in the shelling. During one of the attempts baht Azov, losing 1 killed and 6 wounded in a mortar attack in general began to leave on their own position in the city. They were joined by the Dnieper and Shahtersk.

And here is the proof of the enemy - in particular the "Miner".
Quote: "What happened under Ilovaiskaya. Today we are once again thrown into the inferno. Rushed to strengthen district-enemy in Ilovaiskaya they erected months. Strengthen this area is a chain of bunkers, poured out of reinforced concrete at a distance of 400-500 meters from each other, connected by underground passages. This is a barrier against which we stumble for a week.
Us together with subcontractors sent through a field of sunflowers right on the bunkers, in support given 2 infantry fighting vehicles, one of which died out, in the second jammed weapon. The terrorists were working sniper. And yes, we were lucky today that a professional among them there was only one, and only one he was serious weapon 12 +. The rest was a bad shot, which allowed our snipers and snipers subcontractors work.
During the fight, the terrorists decided to take us into the ring. Given our location, we have them all at once and clear their excellence in the art and armor, they have pulled together to brandishing a decision was made to retreat, leaving the environment. A group of 25 fighters made ​​a feint to distract the attention on himself. As a result, opened a window through which we were able to move with subcontractors.
Lucky if today is the day? No. We have lost the dead and we have wounded and bunkers still there. Without a serious fire support to storm Ilovajsk we long.
Let's all just start telling the truth. Ilovajsk this fortress, which take difficult. "

Yes, what a fortress there (gesture). Against reinforcements from several baht in the militia - a few companies. People - that's the secret resistance Ilovaysk.
And gunners in the 93rd and 51th - even those creatures. Beating up a lot and fucking good. But over all. Sometimes you want to have ordered the gunners to take no prisoners (for demolished houses with mirnyakom), sometimes - asked that awarded the George Cross - when the junta is served.

And about the fighting in the center of Lugansk.
Ukry write: "Called to Lugansk.'s Okay. Fighting in the city and there was not. Ours is not. Reaffirm a convoy of 40 pieces of equipment militias. NSDC is silent."

- So far, the stronger the feeling is growing that the DNI and LC are for independent war on the north and south and that Lutugino - Airport - gristly - Novosvetlova - headache one LC, which is dealing with this site solely on their own, without support from the DNR?

"Not exactly.
In the south - on the "road of friendship" fought alongside soldiers LC and the DNI, the detachment Bezlera generally near Krasnodona long fought. But the situation around Donetsk and Lugansk Airport - yes, this is a problem. But it is a problem like the DNI, and at LC.
For interaction - the same squad Brain "Ghosts" at all under the operational control of the DNI is and Bezler often LC operations conducted and LC units - in DNR (in Vol. H. During the first assault Ilovaysk), and the garrison of Motorola - in LC, so that - there is interaction. Forces all simply do not. "

- Who after the departure of his rifle team squad? Or detachment as such, but there is some constituent groups with their commanders, which still continue to work as well?

"Yes - and Slavic and Semenov baht. Operationally subordinate" Hold. "

To understand the level of loss in the material of the dill.
Ukry write: "engineer company 79 OAEMBr urgently needs help! Unfortunately, to ensure the entire team is not enough. Guys in the fighting had lost almost all the property. Aug. 27 they again go in ATO zone."
We are waiting for aeromogilnikov again for a visit. "