Germany refused to provide military assistance to Ukraine, and Finnish Prime Minister explained why it will not have NATO and the EU

Germany refused to provide military assistance to Ukraine, and Finnish Prime Minister explained why it will not have NATO and the EU

Сообщение DARPA » 22 авг 2014, 16:40

Germany is not going to give Ukraine any military equipment and weapons. This was stated by the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Martin Schaffer. Thus, Berlin rejected the request of the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine on Ensuring of Ukrainian military equipment and weapons.

Moreover, the German government currently does not even consider the possibility of supply of military equipment to the Ukraine. Later, Angela Merkel said the members of the Bundestag, that none of the military supplies, much less on the participation of German soldiers in the conflict in Ukraine, we can not go. She confirmed the intention of the German authorities found exclusively diplomatic means of resolving the Ukrainian crisis.

Out of politeness, and at the same time with a sneer, German officials noted that "understanding" refer to the request of the Ukrainian authorities because obviously heavy military situation in the Donbass.

Recall, August 17 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin appealed to the EU and NATO for military help.

However, almost immediately the Prime Minister of Finland Alexander Stubb said that it is impossible either from NATO because the alliance provides military assistance only to its members, or by the EU, which does not have such authority.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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