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Aggregate summary for August 21, the War in the Donbas

СообщениеДобавлено: 22 авг 2014, 16:53
"Yesterday continued street battles for Ilovajsk (DNI). Punitive battalions Dnieper, Azov, Donbass, continued attempts to attack and gain a foothold in the city, but had no success. Ilovajsk remains for militias.
Also, the Ukrainian army attacked and partially captured Malonikolavku and a section of road between the settlements of Red Ray and Lutugino. In turn, the militias have taken offensive action in the area of ​​the city Lutugino and Happiness. On the territory of the DNI militias went on the offensive, and took control of towns and Petrine Manuilovka southwest of Snow.


In Donetsk, as of August 21 16.00 372 transformer substations were without power.
The town center was de-energized.
In DNR without light are 94 settlements. Without electricity and now Enakievskiy metallurgical and coke-chemical plants, Yasinovka Coke, Zuevsky energy-mechanical plant.
In the Petrovsky district of Donetsk continued shelling residential neighborhoods Ukrainian punishers. About 21-30 (for MSK), the center of the Kiev region also came under fire.
Mobile no only in Mospino, as the city was shelled.
Gorlovka restore electricity. 85% of the city with light. Electricity received residential areas Novogorlovka, Sunny, Vorobevka, October, Kondratevka, towns Machine works, Mirny. The only de-energized until the settlement is Russian land. It is located outside of the city, close to the Uglegorskaya, where the company is actively fighting, so to carry out repair work is not possible.
Ministry of fuel and energy complex DNR reports that the gas supply situation in the republic remains tense. As a result of the fighting, many damaged natural gas pipelines. Without gas continue to be the city Shahtersk, Thorez, snowy village Dmitrovka and Petrovka villages Meshkovo, Artemivka, carp-Nadezhdenka. By Yasinovatskiy direction totally destroyed gas supplying infrastructure in settlements Sands, Spartacus, experienced and in the village of fun. In the city Yasinovataya of almost 17 000 customers without gas are 2,234 consumers, which is a little over 13% of the total. Repair work on these sites are not held in mind the fighting and the danger to the lives of employees of relevant agencies.
August 21, from Donetsk was exported to the territory of another Russian refugee column. In this time of war were rescued about a hundred and fifty civilians, including children, women and old people, the press office of the DNI
In Donetsk, militia forces were eliminated Ukrainian raiding mortars and snipers, who fired at the city center. They fired at the area of the building of the SBU.
During the day, Ukrainian troops focused their main efforts on holding foreign Petrine - Grigorovka at Donetsk direction.
The fighting took place in the suburbs and on the outskirts of Donetsk, in Ilovaiskaya and areas settlements Gorlivka, MAKEEVKA (DNI). The enemy carried out a massive artillery bombardment, including the use of multiple launch rocket systems. According to available information, in Donetsk from artillery shelling punitive killed 9 civilians.
Artillery militia inflicted fire strikes on the positions in the areas of punitive settlements Amvrosievka, Saurovka, Rams, Kuteynikova, Red Beam, Voykovsky, Semenov.
Militia artillery fire caused a blow to the self-propelled artillery battery near Amvrosiivka. Destroyed three ACS "ICCA" and vehicle "Ural" with ammunition.
Enemy losses are specified. During the fighting at the Tomb of the Saur-fallen column of the monument to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
Punitive battalion "Dnepr-1" tried to break into the Ilovajsk that would unlock there surrounded by a battalion of "Donbass" and 93 brigade APU, but the attempt failed, as a result, Ilovajsk controlled militia, and punitive battalions suffered serious losses.
Ukrainian party recognizes a loss of:
"Donbass" - eight killed and 12 wounded.
"Azov" - five killed and 11 wounded.
"Shahtersk" - four dead and 16 wounded, including two - hard.
"Dnepr" - two killed and seven wounded, "- said Gerashchenko.
How they lost really is anyone's guess.

August 21 militia counterattacked south west of Snow and took control of towns and Petrine Manuilovka. In the prisoner taken 13 Ukrainian military, three of them officers - Major, Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel.
Probably, the purpose of this counteroffensive militia is to return control of the Saur-graves in the east of the country, fighting for that has been underway for a few weeks, as well as the release of Amvrosiivka.
Militia artillery fire caused a blow to the self-propelled artillery battery near Amvrosiivka. Destroyed three ACS "ICCA" and vehicle "Ural" with ammunition.
Enemy losses are specified. During the fighting at the Tomb of the Saur-fallen column of the monument to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
The militia also report that continue to hold Yasinovataya, serious attack actions by the Ukrainian army had been taken.
Ukrainian punishers continue to use missiles Tochka-U on cities and infrastructure of New Russia. August 21 launch was made ​​in the afternoon by the Artemovska.

Militias continue to successfully block the Ukrainian part of the "South boiler 2.0".


Night continued shelling of Lugansk. The city was still disconnected from the power supply. People live without electricity and water does not work mobile and fixed communications. According to residents, due to the impact of projectiles fired administration building Lugansk Foundry and Mechanical Plant, damaged houses along the street Soviet, moreover, there is damage to other facilities in the city. Still remains an acute problem of the supply of food, medicine and fuel. However, the sale is most required products, including bread.
The bombardment of the enemy columns near Novoannovki were destroyed tank and vehicle with ammunition.
August 21, the militia LC, during fierce fighting near the village of Georgievka managed to destroy two helicopters the Army of Ukraine, said the militia headquarters. Militias claim that the loss of Ukrainian troops in the art, in addition to helicopters, also made ​​two tanks, five armored infantry fighting vehicles, as well as the GAZ-66 personnel and two trucks KRAZ ammunition. Loss of Ukrainian security forces in the area militia estimated at 60 people. By the end of the fighting on August 21 Georgievka controlled militia.

Militia reported that Ukrainian troops forces battalion tactical group supported by 24 tanks captured partially Malonikolaevka and took control of the stretch of road between the settlements of Red Ray and Lutugino.
During the day, the enemy has made a fierce attack on the outposts, providing the control sections of the highway Shallow Vergunka - Pioneer and Pioneer - Davidovo Nicholas. All the attacks were successfully, however, there were information unit nats.gvardii able to get into the southern portion of the page and grab the Luhansk hospital and ray.administratsiyu.
Also during the onset of the north side of Lugansk in g.Schaste militias released Krasny Yar.
Cartilaginous controlled militia. In Novsovetlovke fighting continued. In general, the militia has not yet been fully ensure the safety of the road connecting the Lugansk with PPC Izvarino (on the border with Russia).


ICRC jeeps crossed the border with Ukraine at a checkpoint "Donetsk"
All the equipment, which will take part in the parade to the Day of Independence of Ukraine (August 24), after the parade will go on Donbass.
Transnistria declared a partial mobilization. The leader of the Republic Yevgeny Shevchuk signed an order on August 21, which the army will call upon reservists and conscripts, according to the website of the President of Transnistria.
The Supreme Council of the People's Republic of Donetsk, said that the people of the republic will not accept Ukrainian humanitarian aid.
In three weeks, the Ukrainian army lost half of artillery and air force no longer exists.
The junta plans to compensate for the huge loss in New Russia, by cannon fodder entered in the third wave of mobilization.
Detachment of militia Bezlera captured 4 units of ACS "Peony".