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Chemical weapons Ukrainian army in the Donbas

СообщениеДобавлено: 22 авг 2014, 17:02
The remains of the border crossing "Marinovka" hit epic battle broke out here. Himself post Shred artillery. APU your technique spared militias - even more so. We are told that everything that could go amiss or for spare parts, long ago evacuated for repair. But what remains is sufficient for association with the Kursk arc.
Molten trucks, tanks and muddy every other small armored vehicles, in split into fragments.
Military equipment mixed with civilian cars. Buses, passenger cars, white "Gazelle" with red crosses. All machines in the bullet holes, shot sighting - preying on people fleeing in terror in Russia. And the sweet smell of corpses still has not disappeared - dead week lay in the cars, and not all collected. Shoulders are mined, and dozens of vehicles were shot with the dead drivers slid off the highway onto the mined field.

Left of the road, almost on the horizon, the monument Saur-Graves. Gnawed shells stele led as Leaning Tower of Pisa, and most likely, this monument to the past there is no point to restore. At this crucial point in the battle for the Donbass have to put a new monument - and grandparents and grandchildren.

Not reaching a dozen kilometers to the Snow, presses his shoulders - from plantation a few hundred meters from the highway has a battery militia "Grad". A minute of silence before we came the muffled explosions - detonation of results. There, where they beat "Grad", there remains a tiny pot in which perishes 24th mechanized brigade APU. Militia commander of the detachment with the callsign "The Poet" tells us that in the boiler, apparently, no one is left out of the able-bodied men.


Leave the former position of the Ukrainian quickly, attacking the village of all the remnants of his power. In the course are all calibers. In the gardens of the village we found the remains of Dmitrovka missiles salvo reactive systems "Smerch" and "Hurricane." Do not shun the gunners and illicit or "strange" ammunition. At one of the fields we find the remains of a huge cluster munition marked XS7. Militia explain to us that the filling in it was curious - flasks with some substance of the two components. Pen and black oily liquid. "The Poet" beckons fighter: "Lech, show me your tongue!" Lech, do not hesitate to show the language in boils!

- Did you see it? This they have it passed. It's strange after ammunition - language, larynx some boils obkladyvaet, with the nose easier, but also ... All diarrhea, water, sorry, go. And what is it - still do not know. Another curious detail - from tapes bombs exploded two days, one after another. Thought on the temperature difference, the heat ... No, the night also applauded. Now you guys will be taken, will be shown. Here at the local in the garden is not fully worked one cassette. Take a picture of the markings may in Russia disassemble. Generally, as there is Russia? Tell!

We talk and talk, "The Poet" is recognized to us:

- There are many reasons for people to fight. Against the Nazis, with the DNI, against Bandera. Already enough people who are taking revenge for relatives. And I've been fighting for Russia.

On the battered militia "UAZ" travel around the country, talking with residents, to be exact - question them. Trying out a variety of sources to lay down a picture of the use of "strange bombochek." Finally, we reach the outskirts of the village.
- All this time we did not get out of the cellar, - tells us 14-year-old Bogdan. Leads us to the garden, where the body was lying strange shell. Connectors on it Soviet-Russian, ebony in Dural, contacts are gold-plated, some rooms prescribed mascara. But here's the main body markings - Latin through a stencil. What's this? Nobody yet knows. Dark, it's time to leave in Donetsk, and part of the way have to do with the headlights off, on the road, dotted with craters.

According to preliminary estimates of physicians, we phoned, abrasions may be caused by the action of phosphorus chemical agents.

For drinking on the street - CORRECTIONAL WORK

Knocking the Ukrainian troops from Stepanivka and Dmitrovka militias actually provided a relatively safe passage from Donetsk in Russia, according to which now from the besieged city quietly selected refugees. In the capital of Donbass we entered already dark, past the city, which last week constantly mentioned in the military reports from New Russia: snowy, Thorez, Shahtersk, Makiyivka. Already working traffic lights, and somewhere rumbling explosions. In the center of Donetsk carelessly lit illumination. Creepy empty city with dark windows, taped crosses from the paper tape. With the militia posts on every corner and a rapid response team, drive around in vans.

On the way to the hotel did not encounter the typical picture of the day. Six young people are on the lighted garlands Lenin Street, sipping beer.

- Now patrol their priberet - says our driver. - For drinking now engineering laid. Go to the trenches.

In the courtyard unusually quiet and empty. No parked cars. But along the walks home mother with a stroller. Evening quiet and gentle - do not shoot. Cannonade began on the outskirts close to four in the morning. Donetsk drawn into the next day. According to the laws of war.