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25.08.14 LC declares death of another 15 natsgvardeytsev under Krasnodon

СообщениеДобавлено: 25 авг 2014, 16:25
Over the weekend in the LC militia managed to destroy another base Ukrainian armored vehicles and take the first steps to get out of a humanitarian catastrophe.

- Though the fights were sluggish and we have some success. Hit it Novosvetlovke under Krasnodona, there was a concentration of enemy armor and strength. Know exactly about the destruction of more than 15 personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, - said Igor LifeNews Prime LC Carpenter.

He also stressed that the official data and militia deaths recorded each opponent.

According to the expectations of carpentry in LC should stabilize the humanitarian situation. Even today, with the help of militia volunteers began handing out humanitarian aid to those in need. Currently, the country is open 26 points issuance things essential goods, but the authorities are considering to increase their number to 37.