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SUMMARY combat operations in the Donbas

СообщениеДобавлено: 27 авг 2014, 14:26
- Army DNR came close to Mariupol,
- Exemption Amvrosiivka,
- Details of the capture of a Ukrainian tank

On the so-called escape command "ATO" area of Starobeshevskiy our correspondents reported more August 25, but the grouping of the enemy continued to fiercely defend another day. August 26 settlement, after heavy fighting, came under the control of the DNI, told "Day-TV" the press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic.

Just the day August 25 occupying commandant Amvrosiivka on four trucks were hastily evacuated from the city. However, as reports from the scene, in the evening ukrovoennye returned to the city, which seems to have contributed to the detachments.
Morning Ukrainian gangs left Amvrosievka. In the best traditions of the fascist, retreating, they set fire to his former headquarters - the building of the commandant.
During the Great Patriotic War, the Nazis also held twice and left this locality, like our correspondent of.
Advanced part of the army DNR went into Amvrosievka detained two left in raiding punitive. One group resisted and was destroyed. Another group surrendered at saboteurs seized car loaded with explosives.

Fierce fighting took place near the walls of the Holy Dormition Monastery of St. Nicholas Basil (with. Nikolskoe Volnovakha district). Details are specified.

In Kiev there was a massive exodus of local residents. It is reported that local go mainly in Kiev and Moscow.

In Mariupol night of August 26 were heard shooting in the vicinity of the airport.
Punitive battalion "Dnepr-1" was shot by partisans of PTSD on the outskirts of Mariupol in Taganrog street.

By nightfall on August 27th Army liberated Novorossia Novoazovsk, Solncevo, Granite, and Telmanovo Uspenka.